Showing posts with label Bristol Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bristol Palin. Show all posts

Friday, October 10, 2014

America dodged a bullet, and Rand reaches out.

Now that we have confirmed that there wasPalin family brawl in Alaska back in early September, and that the Palins acted like a bunch of drunken rednecks, maybe the Palin supporters can apologize to the blogger who broke the story.
"The report corroborates the stories told by eyewitnesses — that the Palins appeared at a birthday party in Wasilla, that they all seemed moderately-to-heavily intoxicated, and that some of the family members ended up punching people — but added a new detail: there were apparently two separate fights, one in which daughter Bristol Palin repeatedly punched the party’s host in the face.

The first incident also involved Bristol: according to the report, Track, his father Todd, and his friend Steven Lebida had decided to leave the party after “some guys were talking rudely to his sisters, making them cry,” when someone sucker-punched Lebida in the back of the head. As Todd helped Lebida up, four men allegedly descended upon Todd, causing Track to throw himself in the brawl to defend his dad. (Other witnesses said that Track was the one who attempted to start a fight.)

People alerted the host, Corey Klingenmeyer, that there was a fight going on outside his garage, and he attempted to break up the fight, when an incredibly drunk Bristol Palin approached him, furious that an unnamed woman had hit her little sister Willow. According to one witness, Bristol asked him “Who the fuck are you?” and when Klingenmeyer told her that he was the homeowner and didn’t want any trouble at his son’s birthday party, the following exchange happened:
She then told him he doesn’t own this place and that she will kick his ass. He says then that she hits him in the face.  
He says he then tells her to hit him again if it makes her feel better and she does. He says he lets her hit him 5-6 times in the face and that she was hitting pretty hard. After about the sixth punch he grabbed her fist as she punched again and he pushed back and she falls down. He says she gets up and tries to punch him again and he grabs her fist again and pushes her away and she falls down again." [Source]

And to think, they almost became the second family of the United States.  

Finally, I swear this Rand Paul guy is making a very confused person out of me. I honestly don't know what to think of the guy.

On one hand he is the only high profile member of the republican party who seems to be making a concerted effort to reach out to people of color, and on the other hand he is been known to put confirmed racists in positions of power within his inner circle.

He also criticized the 1964 Civil Rights Act, while suggesting that property rights trumps civil rights. Not good.

But now the man is going to Ferguson, Missouri for crying out loud. And recently he has criticized his fellow GOP pals for doing a terrible job of reaching out to minorities. This is something that he seems to be taking it upon himself to do.

"..Paul said. “I think in the Republican Party, the biggest mistake we’ve made in the last several decades is we haven’t gone into the African American community, into the NAACP and say you know what, we are concerned about what’s going on in your cities and we have plans. They may be different than the Democrats, but we do have plans and we do want to help.”

Well I will be.... A republican politician actually sat down with black people to see if there can be a meeting of the minds, and to see if republican policies can help the black community.  

I know that there was a "blood" moon, recently. Maybe there is a blue one tonight.