Showing posts with label Byron Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Byron Thomas. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The chase continues. Because the Big R doesn't know what "post- racial" means.

I see that the Big R has been in training while I was paying attention to other things. Now he has me chasing his ass all the way to upstate New York:

"One of the most hated racial slurs that an African-American can hear is bringing attention to the Kenmore East High School girls varsity basketball team of Tonawanda, NY near Buffalo. More than a dozen girls from the high school team have been suspended and face other sanctions for chanting the n-word in a regular pregame locker room chant.

Sophomore Tyra Batts recently told The Buffalo News that her teammates would hold hands before the game, say a prayer and then shout "One, two, three ni**ers!"

According to The Buffalo News, the use of the word came to light after Batts was suspended for getting into a fight about the use of racial slur during practice.

Although Batts was alarmed by the chant, she told The Buffalo News that she was outnumbered and that the use of the slur had been justified as a team tradition.

"I said, 'You're not allowed to say that word because I don't like that word,' and they said, 'You know we're not racist, Tyra. It's just a word, not a label,'" she told the paper. "I was outnumbered."

The 15-year-old eventually exploded after a practice when a teammate called her a "black piece of (expletive)." She says she got into a fight with the girl later in school.

"It was a buildup of anger and frustration at being singled out of the whole team," she further explained.

Batts then erupted and started fighting with one of the team members. Both girls were immediately given out of school suspensions for the physical altercation, but after district administrators began to speak to each member of the team -- individually and in groups -- they discovered Batts struck her teammate in response to a racial slur. Following this revelation the entire team was suspended but Batts was allowed to return to school, according to a statement released by the school district..." [Source]

The Big R is very slick; he has actually gotten to an entire basketball team of young impressionable lily white girls, and they probably don't even realize it. (Or, maybe they do. Who knows?) I wonder what in the word Nigger made these youngsters think that they could play better just by saying it? I am guessing that that they have spent a tad bit more time listening to gangster rap than learning their play book.

So using the "n- word" is a tradition with the basketball team.Nice. What's their nick name, the Fighting Niggers? What a country.

"In fact, in regards to the explanation of current team members that using the n-world [sic] is a tradition, some of the team's former players who took to Twitter to deny that any "tradition" of racial chants exists."You (racist) b*tch," a 2010 graduate tweeted. "Glad I'm out of there."

Don't be so glad just yet Ms. 2010 graduate; the Big R can get to you wherever you go.

Consider another case down in South Carolina. This time the Big R actually got to a Negro down there and has him hating himself. Now that takes some doing, but he did it.

"Byron Thomas is a 19-year-old student at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. He had a Confederate battle flag hanging in the window of his dormitory room on campus where it could be seen by people walking through campus. Just before Thanksgiving, university officials told him to remove the flag. After he posted a video online at CNN explaining his views, officials relented and told him he could display the flag.

In an email to the campus community, a university spokesperson stated that officials had asked Thomas to remove the flag “out of respect for his fellow students’ concerns.” But the email went on to state that the university had a firm regard for the First Amendment right of free speech and that “the university cannot and will not prohibit these flags or other symbols that our students choose to display.”

By the way, Thomas is an African American." [Source]

 h/t to David for sending me the link to this story.

Poor Byron says that when he sees the flag he doesn't see racism; he sees southern pride. And he does not see the big deal with proudly displaying it in his dorm room, window. Byron sees the flag as a symbol, and as a sign of respect. Check out the link and click on Byron's video to see more of where Byron is coming from.

I actually considered giving up blogging a few months ago, but now I know that I have to hang in there a little longer; you Negroes need me. The Big R is way too powerful for you. He can get into your minds and do crazy things to your psyche.

But hang on Byron, it's not too late. If any of you reading this post know Byron Thomas please tell him to holla at the field. I will be waiting for him, and I have some brand new track shoes that I think might be just his size.

Sometimes it's not enough to chase the Big R, sometimes you have to run away from him as well. Clearly Byron hasn't been running fast enough.