Showing posts with label Cornerstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cornerstone. Show all posts

Friday, February 29, 2008

Straight Talk & The Preacher

If you watched the FAKE NEWS channel recently or listened to conservative talk radio you would think that the "O" man and Louis Farakhan had a secret plot to take over A-merry-ca. Tim (my head is too big for my body) Russert practically told the "O" man that he was lying when he said he denounced Louis Farakhan, and he kept bringing up Farakhan over and over again.

Over at FIX NEWS (FIX NEWS, FAKE NEWS, FUCK NEWS, what's the difference?)the fat guy with the droopy eyes and the ugly ass hair cut has been foaming at the mouth to get at the "O" man's minister, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. "He preaches black separatism, he preaches black self empowerment, and about empowering the black family" (like that's a bad thing) . "Obama's church is exclusionary" (You mean like Mitt Romney's, and damn near all of the so called christian conservatives who hate gays and blacks, and us secular progressives?).

So anyway, let's cut to the chase scene. Let's see what FAKE NEWS is going to do now that their candidate has been publicly endorsed by some right wing nut job and so called preacher who leads a flock of 16,000. Yes, this phony ass preacher who hates anyone who is not white, or Southern, or christian, is openly endorsing Mr. Morton (because he is always salty). Bill Donohue, who is somewhat of a nut job himself, and the head of the Catholic League, says that the man has "waged an unrelenting war against the Catholic Church". And Mr. Donohue has a point: He called the Catholic church "the great whore", he called it "an apostate church", he called it"a false cult system", and he openly endorses an accepting John McCain.

So if this guy feels this way about Catholics, can you imagine how he feels about us black folks? Here is a hint; he had a "slave sale" to raise funds for his church, Cornerstone, with this heading:"Slavery In America Returning To Cornerstone." Wow!

John Hagee, I know you are a so called man of god. But may I tell you something that Mr. McCain should have told you instead of accepting your endorsement? Please go fuck yourself!