Showing posts with label Dick Morris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dick Morris. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2008

Will he turn the other cheek?

“Over the years you’ve heard plenty of promises from plenty of people and plenty of speeches. And some of those speeches were probably pretty good. But speeches don’t put food on the table. Speeches don’t fill up your tank. Speeches don’t fill your prescriptions,”.... My opponent makes speeches. I offer solutions. It’s one thing to get people excited. I want to empower you.”

Tough talk like that from the ice queen, and the fired up won't take no more speeches girlfriend has been giving lately is fine as far as I am concerned. Hey, this is politics, and Hillary is supposed to give tough speeches when she is attacking her opponent. Sorry Obamaholics, shit happens when you are running for the highest office in the land.

But that picture your campaign floated out there today Hillary was over the top, even for you. I mean I know that you are facing--- to steal a quote from Dick Morris, "political extinction" but my god woman have you no shame? Showing the "O" man in that outfit from Somali in a turban (nothing scares white folks more than a black man in a turban) to remind A-merry-cans that he is black like any other field Negro was low. Hell, I am typing with one hand while I hold my family jewels in the another. Why? Because I am feeling that shot you gave the "O" man, that's why. "Oh come on field, you are from a country where they kill their political opponents in record numbers. How dare you question our democratic process here in A-merry-ca? Yes, maybe I should find some context . I suppose in the big scheme of things smearing someone by floating a picture of him out there to create a black Bogey Man isn't the same as killing him. But geez. If you do this and he looses, you sure will be killing the "hopes" of millions of people Hillary. Oh, and one of your supporters did actually try to kill his in law over this shit. See what firing up your supporters can do Hillary? Hey, maybe we are closer to the politics of my homeland here in A-merry-ca than we think.

For the next couple of days I will see if the "O" man turns the other cheek, and if his campaign fires back. Think a picture of Monica Lewinski making goo goo eyes at Bubba while she was in that receiving line. Floating some pics out there of that shit again would be a start "O" man. And see what a nice field Negro I am? I have decided to give your campaign a head start by putting a picture of girlfriend on my blog. I think Monica looks good in black don't you?