Showing posts with label Fred Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fred Trump. Show all posts

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hating in America again, and sleeping while black.

Image result for alabama klan  images       The funniest part about the Donald trump David Duke flap is watching folks like Joe Scarborough act as if  him (trump) not quickly disavowing Duke and the Klan will actually hurt him in the South.

Scarborough and his co-host seemed shocked this morning when he talked about trump thinking that disavowing Duke would somehow hurt him among Southern white voters. Not.

He just got the endorsement of Jeff Sessions (Google this man when you get a chance) who is a known segregationist that called the  NAACP a "commie" organization for crying out loud.

Say what you will about trump, he knows where his bread is buttered, and he knows, like the rest of us who observe racial issues in America, that not disavowing Duke and the Klan will actually help him among white voters in the South.

Sorry Joe, this is what your political party has become.

Give credit to Jake Tapper (the man who initially lobbed what he thought was a softball question to trump about Duke, but got the non- answer which is causing this latest media flap) he knows that this will only help trump among GOP voters. The right- wing media is already jumping to trump's defense, and to them this as just another case of liberals going after a good man. Give me a break!

Anyway, trump is now blaming his actions this past Sunday on a bad television earpiece.

"I'm sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad earpiece that they gave me," Trump said on NBC's Today show regarding an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN's State of the Union. "And you can hardly hear what he was saying."

 (Yes, because it's so hard to understand the words Klu lux Klan) 

Maybe Mr. trump didn't want to disavow the Klan because he has deeper ties to that organization than we first thought.

If papa trump was still alive I suspect that he would have been mixing it up in Anaheim, California on Saturday. That is where a bunch of Klansmen and their supporters were mixing it up with some other folks.

I say that because it seems that papa Trump was brawling back in the day with some Klansmen and it got him in a bit of trouble.

"A newly surfaced report from a 1927 edition of the New York Times suggests Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's late father may have had a connection to the Ku Klux Klan.
A man named Fred Trump was among those arrested in a massive brawl between KKK members and police at a 1927 Memorial Day parade in New York City, according to a contemporaneous Times article surfaced Wednesday by the blog Boing Boing.

The Times article listed the arrestee's address as 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica Estates, Queens. Past local news reports noted that the Republican presidential frontrunner's father.....lived at that address. Donald Trump's German immigrant grandfather, who anglicized his own name to Fred Trump, died nine years before the incident occurred.

While six other men arrested in the brawl faced charges, the Times report noted that Fred Trump was discharged. All seven of the men who were arrested were represented by the same team of two lawyers, according to the Times report.

The Times reported that police said the brawl broke out because the Klan reneged on an agreement not to wear any of their symbols to the parade. The Klan members, for their part, accused the police of exceeding their authority in trying to keep them out of the parade, according to the report.
The elder Trump was born in 1905, which would put him in his early '20s when The New York Times covered the brawl. His wife, Mary Anne, didn't give birth to the couple's son Donald until 1946.

Donald Trump's presidential campaign did not immediately return Boing Boing's request for comment. Similarly, the campaign did not immediately return TPM's request for comment.
It's unclear to what extent, if any, Fred Trump was involved with the group, based on the New York Times report. As the incident happened nearly 20 years before Donald Trump was born, it's also unclear whether the real estate mogul knew anything of his father's youthful arrest.

As TPM has reported, many self-styled white nationalists have voiced their support in recents weeks for Donald Trump, particularly his hardline immigration platform. Their support does not make Trump himself a white supremacist. The billionaire's former adviser, Roger Stone, also told TPM in a recent interview that he would disavow the support of white supremacists." [Source]

Of course getting their support does not make trump himself a white supremacist, but not being clear about denouncing them sure makes him look like one. 

Finally, the next time someone tells you that the Black Lives Matter movement is a bunch of crap, tell them about the following story:

"A young black couple who were killed in a police shooting last week were reportedly “unconscious” inside a vehicle when officers first arrived.

Inglewood, California Mayor James Butts Jr. revealed these startling details at a press conference, to NBC Los Angeles. The mayor would not comment on what specific action triggered police to use deadly force.

The victims have been been identified as Kisha Michael, 31, a single mother of three sons, and Marquintan Sandlin, 32, a single father of four daughters.

Butts told NBC Los Angeles the police tried to “rouse” the couple for roughly 45 minutes, something he described as an attempt to ‘de-escalate’ the situation.

Officers first reported that the woman inside the vehicle had a gun in her hand, which caused officers to retreat and then engage the couple with their guns.

“Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened,” Butts said.

Friends and family of the two victims said they didn’t know why either would be in possession of a gun. The specific reason why deadly force was used is still unknown at this time." [Source]

So let me get this straight, they were actually sleeping while officers tried to wake them for 45 minutes and that caused for a "de-escalating " of the situation. 

My lord! What were they doing? Snoring too loud?

Now we can add sleeping while black to the list of practices that have become all too dangerous in our current American police state.

*Pic from