Showing posts with label Harvard Law Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvard Law Review. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Higher Learning?

One reason I love blogging is because of all the wonderful e-mails I get from people all over the country. People send me stories all the time about shit that I still can't believe goes on.

I recently got the following story from an e-mailer named Aaisha. ( I promised I wouldn't reveal her full name) The shit happened months ago, but I just had to post this story.

I mean it's HAAAVARD for crying out loud! This is where we cultivate our brightest and our best to go out into the world and represent. (Although I am reading a very wonderful book now that says otherwise) If these brilliant and enlightened students have a fear of a potential brown planet; just what the hell do you think "Joe six pack" in Huntsville, Alabama will be thinking? Here is a hint; it ain't let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

So here is the paste job:

"Last weekend, on the bucolic Quad at Harvard University—typically, the site of a casual game of Ultimate, or perhaps an afternoon reading of some Shakespearean sonnets before English class—an unusual and, to some, frightening scene was played out. There were people throwing things! And running! And jumping! And most scary of all, every single one of them was black. So the Harvard students watching from their dormitory windows, growing increasingly agitated at the sights below, did what any normal, white Harvard student would do when they saw a large, seemingly unruly group of black people: They called the cops!
Except, well, oops—turns out it was just the Harvard Black Men's Forum and Association of Black Harvard Women:

As members of the groups played games of dodgeball and capture-the-flag in the Quad as part of the annual "BMF-ABHW Challenge," Cabot House residents fired off a string of impassioned e-mails questioning students' presence on the public lawn—and whether they were students at all. Eventually, the Harvard University Police Department was called about the commotion, and officers asked the students to "keep the noise down," according to police spokesman Steven G. Catalano. Perhaps croquet would have been more appropriate? "

I swear, we can't put those rowdy and loud black people anywhere. You would think that since they all are at Harvard they would know better and would at least try to avoid getting their asses Rodney Kinged. They all better watch it; I bet those night sticks hurt just as much in Cambridge as they do in L.A.

Monday, March 19, 2007

All Four Are White Males

Seems a couple of the Supremes, Uncle Clarence Thomas, and Anthony Kennedy, had to go before a house sub committee down in Washington and face some tough questions recently. Why you say? Well apparently, even the Supreme Court needs money, and in order to justify their $66.5 million budget, they have to face the music once in awhile too. Thank God for Subcommittee Chairman Jose Serrano (D) New York, who asked this tough question: "How is the court doing in recruiting minority law clerks, and are they looking beyond the ranks of Harvard, Yale, and Stanford law grads?" Which led to this little gem from the slimy, self hating, slave catcher, Thomas. " I don't think all intelligence resides in the Ivy League" Thomas went on to say that only one of his four law clerks were Ivy League grads, but he added, "all four are white males".

Yes you read that correctly, ALL FOUR ARE WHITE MALES. Gee, thanks Clarence, you are really helping to advance your race, and mentor , as well as uplift black people. ALL FOUR ARE WHITE MALES. If there is a bigger self hater in America than Clarence Thomas I have yet to meet him or her. Folks, you have to understand, that a clerkship for a Supreme Court Justice guarantees the clerk great things, and a great future. It would be analogous to a young aspiring movie director fresh out of film school, getting to be an assistant for Stephen Spielberg. Or, a young entrepreneur out of B school, getting a chance to be an apprentice for Donald Trump. And of the thousands of minorities graduating from very fine law schools all over the country every year, Clarence Thomas chooses to give his clerkship hook ups to FOUR WHITE MALES. (Ahhh field you are just jealous. Damn right I am) But why should Clarence help anybody? If you hear him tell it, he didn't get any special treatment, he didn't benefit from affirmative action. Why should he help any minority law school graduate, no one helped him. Or so his ignorant black ass thinks. Clarence, you had plenty of help, and you stood on the shoulders, and you were the beneficiary of the blood sweat and tears of many honorable and brave people. Brave souls who sacrificed to get you where your ignorant self hating ass is today.

This type pf mentality really pisses me off given the type of people that I was fortunate to hang around with this past weekend. People who are the very antithesis of what this loof (That's a backwards fool in case you were wondering) represents. People who really care about young black people and advancing our race. People who are putting their money and their time where their mouth is. Unlike Clarence who puts his mouth.....ah never mind, some of you reading this might be eating.

And don't ask my why, but I really got pissed at Clarence after almost being confronted by a little thug in South West Philly today. There I was skipping the man's job a little early, and heading to the "hood" to meet with a potential witness in one of my own cases. I visited the lady and was walking back to my car, and there is this young brother sitting on one of the steps and giving me the fuzzy eyeball. I am thinking it's one o'clock in the afternoon, and why isn't this little mother f****r in school? He has on a black hoody not going anywhere in particular, and he is just watching the block. I am guessing he is just a lookout for a drug house. Still, the little mother f****r won't stop eye balling me. ~~~Don't let this suit fool you fam I will go Kingston 12 on your ass~ I am a little annoyed, so I stare back at his little ass. (An act that can get you killed very easily here in killadelphia) In retrospect, I don't know what the f**k I was thinking? Dude could have shot me. As it turns out though, he knew the field; I had helped his older brother with a gun case about a year ago and he remembered me. "Yo what's up lawyer man" I must admit, I felt relief. "Hey, what's up young buck, why aren't you in school?" "Ahhh just chillin, I already been to that jawn" (jawn is a noun for anything you want it to be in Philly. Me and my jawn going to the movies, I am going to the jawn tomorrow, have you seen my jawn) "Early dismissal huh" He laughed, I laughed back with him, but the sh** wasn't funny. He really should have been at school instead of watching a notorious drug corner in the middle of the day. The sad thing is, he doesn't realizes that he has less of a chance to make it out of this very neighborhood alive than a U.S. soldier does in Baghdad. As I get into my car I ask him how his brother is doing. He tells me that he just got locked up on a robbery charge, but his spirits are up "cause his shorty just had a baby".

"ALL FOUR ARE WHITE MALES" I swear I hate Clarence Thomas.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Barack's "Cultural Learning Of America"

Barack Obama's new book is titled the "Audacity of Hope", and you have got to respect a guy who at only 44 years old is the only African American in that exclusive club of 100 known as the United States Senate. And who has declared himself ready to run and be elected to the most powerful position on earth. That's a man who dares to hope, and who obviously worked hard to get where he is and live out his dream. Now I have never lived in Illinois, and I am not familiar with Illinois politics, so until Obama burst on the national scene in his run for the U.S. Senate, I knew nothing about the man or his politics. What little I know about him now I like. Because, after all, he did and still does, oppose the use of force in Iraq. And I know that he has to be pretty smart, because he edited the Harvard Law Review which is no easy feat.

But this is not so much about Obama and his politics; no, it's more about America and hers. First, if I were advising Obama, I would strongly advise him to understand the political reality he faces, and not to get drunk off the rock star treatment certain segments of white America have been showering on him. In other words, as my man Chuck D used to say: "don't believe the hype". I know all about the sold out tour in New Hampshire, and all the favorable press he has been getting; with Oprah, of all people, leading the charge. But he better be careful, because this is still America. And trust me, as I heard one journalist say: "America ain't ready to play 'jungle fever' with it's Presidency". Colin thought about it for a minute, but where is he now? He aint running for President that's for sure. Colin knew the polls weren't a true reflection of how white Americans felt.

I am no big fan of Juan Williams, but he made a very good point when asked on the Fake News Network if Obama had a better chance than Hillary to be elected President. His answer was an honest one, which impressed me. He told the moderator, Chris Wallace, that Hillary had a better chance because America is more ready for a white female being its leader than an African American. Another member of the discussion panel, Brit Hume, quickly jumped in and said that Obama has a chance of winning because he is black. That the only reason he is getting this star treatment is because he is a black man, and if he were white he would be just another Senator running for President. Folks, it's exactly because most white men in this country think like Mr. Hume that Obama won't win. Brit, here is a news flash for you: of course the guy is different, his mother is white and his father is African-not African American, but African- for crying out loud! I think that makes him a little different than most Americans. So his story is an unusual one. But Brit, typical of the white male anger always brewing under the surface, chooses not to see it that way. No, he prefers to compare Obama to another white male, as if there can ever be a fair comparison between the two races at this point in our history.

But this is what Obama will face, and in Brit Hume's case it was subtle, but as his campaign heats up, the subtleties will leave, and true feelings will start to come out. Its already started on the FAKE NEWS NETWORK, and it will only get worse. Now I know Obama might be looking at things like the one recent Newsweek poll which said that 93% of white Americans would support a black President. Well Barack, I have one name for you: Tom Bradley. Yes folks, in the 1982 Governor's race in California, whites told pollsters they were voting for Bradley, but when they got in the voting booth, they couldn't do it. Happened to Doug Wilder in Virginia too. He thought he had a double digit lead going into election day but in the end he barely won. Why, because again, white folks just couldn't pull the trigger. And that was for Governor, not President.

Then of course, there is the other no slavery in his background issue which liberal and conservative whites have been putting out there. Apparently this makes him attractive to whites because they have no guilt when dealing with him, so as a result, he transcends race. Huh? That has got to be the most disingenuous and most intellectually lazy argument of all. And I have heard many whites make this point as if it has some merit. It has none. For the record, Obama's fathers ancestors might not have been enslaved in America, but trust me, I am guessing that as an African, his ancestors and his country were effected by the slave trade just like any descendant of slaves who were born in America. And Obama, by living in America, suffered and continues to suffer from the same stigma from slavery that all other black people in this country suffer from. This attempt to separate him from other black people whose ancestors can trace their roots to the North American slave trade is ludicrous, and it's something I hope that the good Senator does not fall for.

Barack, a little word to the wise from the field: It's good to be a unifier and try to transcend the racial issues that divides us. But don't get it twisted and lose sight of the realities in modern day America, cause we ain't there yet. You still have lots of unifying to do.

But still, I respect you, and I would never discourage a person of color for aspiring to hold the highest office in the land. Hey, even if you lose, you might bolster voter registration among minorities and young people, and that's always a good thing.

So good luck Barack, as you continue your tour of America, and your quest for the White House. I think you will find your experience very interesting, and you will learn so much along the way about your fellow Americans. When you do start learning some ugly truths though, don't say I didn't try to warn you.