Showing posts with label Interacial relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interacial relationships. Show all posts

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Why I was curious.

This post is a follow up to my previous one. And let me say right off the top that I got some interesting comments from folks who questioned the importance of calling out the blogger who runs the interracial site, and my need to see her actual picture.

For the record, some of you raised some good points. And I totally get how some sisters could see a double standard, especially when they claim that they have gone to sites run by brothers only to see sista bashing on a regular basis.

But here is the deal. (And I am going to my house Negro field Negro analogy again so stay with me) The house Negroes among us tend to be more caught up on physical appearances and looks. You all know it, and so do I. I don't know, maybe it's because there are so many mirrors in the house. But these individuals are obsessed with the European concept of beauty and how it relates to the American experience. Usually, it manifests itself in two ways. One is the I don't fit into the Euro centric standards of beauty so I hate myself. (See Clarence Thomas) The other is the I fit perfectly into the Euro centric standards of beauty and I don't like people in my race, because they don't fit in like I do. (See Angela McGlowan) Both of these types of house Negroes are victims of their own devices and both are equally flawed.

I have said it here before, and it's worth repeating: I really don't care if two people of different races genuinely fall in love with each other and decide to hook up. They are human beings, and their race will sometimes take a secondary role to their basic human instincts. But when a person feels that they can only hook up with a person who looks like the other people in the majority population because of their own lack of self worth, or self hatred, well then we have a problem. And for the record, this standard applies to both black men and women. (O.J. Charles, and all you other black athletes with the white women just for having a white womans's sake, this means you)

This is why I wanted to see what this individual looked like. I wanted to get a better idea of what camp she falls in. Not because I wanted to judge her based on her looks. (That would be rather shallow of the field don't you think kitty?) Or, for that matter, because I thought the individual might be white. Frankly, I suspected it was a black female all along. And for the record, if you have what basically is a dating site with pictures of all different types of couples (celebrity and otherwise) and you purport to be living the lifestyle that you are promoting; well then, yeah, you should have your damn picture or likeness on the site. It's just that simple.

So girlfriend, (If you are a female) you are a house Negro. And if there are brothers out there with sites bashing black women; well, then, they are house Negroes too. Promoting openness and tolerance is one thing, bashing your own race because of your own fucked up pathologies is quite another.

I hope I clarified why I posted what seemed to some of you to be a petty post earlier. There is nothing petty about the house Negroes running around among us and undermining our race. They must be called out at every turn. I don't care if they are celebrities, wanna be celebrities, or just some sista on the Net looking for "Mr Goodbar". Or, in this case, a vanilla flavored "Mr. Goodbar". If you are house Negro who prefers the comforts of the house, that's fine. But please don't try to spread that shit among other Negroes. Lord knows we have enough problems as it is.

***DISCLAIMER. None of the pictures posted above were meant to be (or have) the likeness of the individual who happens to be the subject of this post. If it just so happens that there is a true likeness of her (or him) in one of the pictures posted above, it is purely coincidental. ***

Friday, October 12, 2007


This post is going to be...well, interesting. You see I was having lunch with a very nice sister the other day, and we got to talking about inter racial relationships. This eventually led to talk about a certain web site, [No direct links for you. You can link the site through one of the links below] and the interesting twist she puts on the whole interracial dating thing.

Said web site is run by a black female who promotes interracial relationships and encourages sisters to date outside of their race. OK, so far so good, because, hey, this is A-merry-ca, and to each his (or her) own as far as I am concerned. True love can be color blind, so that is not my issue.

But then I remembered, this is the same sista that was the cause of an e-fight between two talented black brothers, a fight which I think has caused an ongoing strain in their relationship. Hell, I think I even got between the tit for tat with a post or two, because I thought the entire issue with this blogger was undermining the true spirit of the Afrospear movement.

Anyway, I went to the site, of one of the brothers involved and my suspicions were confirmed. This was the same site run by the same female blogger who somehow had managed to become the object of all this discussion. Now I have no problems with this sista wanting to date outside of her race; but bashing brothers while she goes "Monsters Ball" on us is quite a different story.

So the purpose of this post is to ask this simple question: (Because I have some strong suspicions about this sista) Has anyone ever seen a picture of this blogger? If you have, could you please send me a link? Or, if the blogger herself happens to be reading this and has a photo of herself, the field would appreciate a link. **WARNING** if you send me your picture I will post it.

Maybe later I will get into why this is important; but for now, ---I am sorry to be so cryptic -- that is all I have to say :)

Peace. (I think)