Showing posts with label Karen Peconi.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karen Peconi.. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

First, ban all the Muslims.

TWEET MEWhat a  day in America. She is a country that is looking more like Germany circa 1933 than the "shining city on a hill" that Reagan liked to talk about. It is a country now being controlled by a right-wing and racist cabal that is hell- bent on taking us to a darker time in our history. 

The Supremes  gave the president a win with his Muslim ban, the vote was close (5-4), but close only counts in horseshoes.

Just remember this day the next time someone tells you that elections don't matter. It was trump's pick , Neil Gorsuch, who had the deciding vote. Gorsuch, thanks to Mitch McConnell, was able to hijack the Supreme Court pick of Barack Obama and put the right-wingnut jurist on the court. 

Justice Sotomayor's dissent in the case was on point. Unfortunately she was in the minority.

"Ultimately, what began as a policy explicitly 'calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States' has since morphed into a 'Proclamation' putatively based on national-security concerns," ....But this new window dressing cannot conceal an unassailable fact: the words of the President and his advisers create the strong perception that the Proclamation is contaminated by impermissible discriminatory animus against Islam and its followers." 

This is a slippery slope, but Americans will support it, because it has a negative effect on Muslims and not Christians. In their minds, it will only effect the lives of those other people. 

Enjoy this all for now trumpbots, today it's the other guy, tomorrow it will be you.

Anyway, given the current climate in our country, stories like the following does not surprise me.

" The mayor of a western Pennsylvania town called for black protesters to be “destroyed” by a water cannon in a misspelled Facebook post.

Karen Peconi, the mayor of the Pittsburgh suburb Arnold, shared a Viral Leaks video on her account that showed black “rioters” being sprayed with water hoses and a photo of teenage civil rights demonstrators being hosed by firefighters 55 years ago in Birmingham, Alabama, reported WTAE-TV.
The Facebook posts were made in response to ongoing protests of the police shooting death of 17-year-old Antwon Rose Jr., who was killed June 19 by police officer Michael Rosfeld while fleeing a traffic stop.

“I’m posting this so the authorities everywhere sees (sic) this … bring the hoses,” wrote Peconi. “They don’t care about jobs for PGH … none of them work now. That’s how they can do this at 7 a.m. Very sad.”

She called on law enforcement to blast protesters with a “water canon,” misspelling “cannon.”'. [Source]

Bring on the German Shepherds. This is trump's America, and this is his kind of Mayor. Right down to the misspelled tweet.