Showing posts with label Politico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politico. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Don't say it quite so, Joe.

Did you hear the one about the brotha who works for "the man" and got suspended from his job for stating the obvious about "the man"?

Williams, who is African-American, made the comments during a Thursday appearance on Martin Bashir's MSNBC program. During the appearance, Williams discussed how he believes Romney appears more "comfortable" appearing on Fox News Channel, as opposed to other outlets, and implied that race is a factor:
"Romney is very, very comfortable, it seems, with people who are like him. That's one of the reasons why he seems so stiff and awkward in town hall settings, why he can't relate to people other than that," Williams said during the appearance. "But when he comes on 'Fox and Friends,' they're like him. They're white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company."
In the announcement on Williams' suspension, Politico writes:
"Regrettably, an unacceptable number of Joe Williams's public statements on cable and Twitter have called into question his commitment to this responsibility," POLITICO's founding editors John Harris and Jim VandeHei wrote in a memo to the staff. "His comment about Governor Romney earlier today on MSNBC fell short of our standards for fairness and judgment in an especially unfortunate way." [Source]
Sorry Joe, we all know that what you said is true, but you work for "the man", and you just can't go stating uncomfortable truths on national television. 

Just curious, did Glenn Beck get suspended for saying that Obama doesn't like white people and has a "deep seated hatred" for them? I know that he took some heat, but did his employer suspend him? "Field, Beck is not a journalist, Joe Williams works for a real news organization."  Oh yea, that's right Beck worked for FOX at the time.

Beck's statement was way more outrageous because Obama is half white. And, trust me; he is very comfortable around white people. You don't get to be president of these divided states of America if you are not. The flip side is, of course, that you can become president if you are not comfortable around Negroes. And if Romney wins he won't be the first; "color arousal" is something that has plagued American presidents throughout history.   

Joe, hopefully you will get your job back real soon. There is a recession going on and no one can afford to be without work. Just be careful next time. Remember who you work for.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Those dangerous super soakers and wingnut propagandist.

I know that folks think that I go out and look for stuff to use in order to pick on my wingnut friends, but I really don't. Sometimes this stuff just comes to me. All I have to do is pick up the paper and read.

"In the politically-charged and likely protest-filled streets of Tampa, Fla., during the Republican National Convention in August, water guns will be strictly prohibited. Concealed handguns, on the other hand, will be perfectly legal.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott said this week that banning handguns from downtown Tampa during the convention, as the city's Mayor Bob Buckhorn requested, "would surely violate the Second Amendment."

"It is unclear how disarming law-abiding citizens would better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who would flout the law," Scott said in a letter to Buckhorn Tuesday, emphasizing the words "law-abiding." "It is at just such times that the constitutional right of self defense is most precious and must be protected from government overreach."

Buckhorn said today that he was "disappointed" by Scott's decision, but that the city will "plan and train accordingly."

Tampa officials are expecting thousands of protesters to descend on the Florida metropolis for the GOP convention. While no handguns will be allowed inside the convention, which is being protected by the Secret Service, concealed carry license-holders will be able to carry their weapons in the streets surrounding the convention.

They will not, however, be able to have "super soaker" water guns, sticks, poles, portable shields or glass bottles.

Buckhorn said last month that the state law, which prohibits the city from temporarily banning handguns, makes the city "look silly" because officials can prohibit water guns but not real ones.." [Source]

I guess that to my wingnuts friends, a little water can be a dangerous thing.

Finally, you can thank a wingnut blogger named Matt Drudge for the non- stories you will be hearing about O over the next few months leading up to the 2012 elections. (Dude looks like he should be registered as a sex offender. Don't sue me Matt. You will lose.) In case you were wondering, Mr. Drudge is a hack for the Romney campaign and he feeds FOX NEWS and the rest of the GOP their talking points every day. The sad thing is that Mr. Drudge has a knack for making a mountain out of a molehill. And, in some cases, creating the illusion of a mountain where there really is none.

This latest story is a perfect example:

"Above is a screen-shot of earlier today, *see insert* linking to a story about President Obama’s past. Pretty exciting stuff: “Obama Admits Fabricating Girlfriend in Memoir.”

Those who jumped on that link reached a Politico story with this headline: “Obama: ‘New York girlfriend’ was composite.” That piece was a work of aggregation, based on the new Vanity Fair book excerpt of David Maraniss’s “Barack Obama: The Story.”

The excerpt plumbs Obama’s romance with Genevieve Cook, a woman he’d met at a party in 1983. Maraniss goes deep into the relationship, with some able assistance from Cook’s journal entries. One of them reads:

Today, for the first time, Barack sat on the edge of the bed — dressed — blue jeans and luscious ladies on his chest [a comfy T-shirt depicting buxom women], the end of the front section of the Sunday Times in his hand, looking out the window, and the quality of light reflected from his eyes, windows of the soul, heart, and mind, was so clear, so unmasked, his eyes narrower than he usually holds them looking out the window, usually too aware of me.

Though Obama references this relationship in his memoir “Dreams From My Father,” he doesn’t name Cook. Maraniss addresses this omission in the Vanity Fair excerpt:
Decades later, during an interview in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that, while Genevieve was his New York girlfriend, the description in his memoir was a “compression” of girlfriends, including one who followed Genevieve when he lived in Chicago.
Politico hopped on the matter, with media reporter Dylan Byers writing, in part: “But Obama has now told biographer David Maraniss that the ‘New York girlfriend’ was actually a composite character, based off of multiple girlfriends he had both in New York City and in Chicago.”

Keep reading.

"Okay, but way back Obama told the whole world that characters in that book were composites. From the introduction to “Dreams From My Father”: “For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology. With the exception of my family and a handful of public figures, the names of most characters have been changed for the sake of privacy.”

In other words, there’s nothing at all surprising about this composite thing.
Byers defends the value of his post: “The news that the ‘New York girlfriend’ is a composite character is new. Though Obama acknowledges the use of composite characters in his introduction, he does not specify which characters he is referring to. It thus seemed like a relevant item.” An update and correction to the post clarify that it initially overplayed the story by leaving out a critical detail:
UPDATE: In the reissue of “Dreams from My Father,” Obama writes in the introduction that “some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known.”
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this blog post stated that Obama had acknowledged using composite characters in the reissue. In fact, Obama acknowledged the use of composite characters in the first edition of the book...
Obama’s shortcut of constructing composites was a lame and lazy way to put together a memoir. But if you signal to the reader that it’s the route you’re taking, it’s no lie. If recent history is any guide, however, we’ll be hearing the echo from this Politico-to-Drudge handoff for years to come." [Source]

You forgot one Mr. Wemple: "Politico-to- Drudge"-to Fox News.

Now that's more like it.


Thursday, March 04, 2010


Like we didn't know it all along. Seems the folks over at the RNC have been organizing a fear campaign to paint his O ness as a Socialist. (As if that's a bad thing.) Nice folks those republicans. Instead of trying to come up with ideas to make our country better, they are trying to find ways to take back power from the beige man in the people's house.

"National GOP leaders are doing damage control today after a Politico scoop lifted the curtain on the party's plan to tap voters' "fear" in the coming campaign season. The PR problem started when an absent-minded attendee at the Republican National Committee (RNC) confab on February 18 in Boca Grande, Florida, left a 72-page document from its 2010 strategizing session in a hotel room. Today, Politico reporter Ben Smith's expose is making headlines.
The memo tracks the fundraising presentation that RNC Finance Director Rob Bickhart delivered to the RNC's $2,500-a-head annual retreat. The best path to victory in 2010, the document advises, is for Republican candidates to depict themselves as the best hope for resisting the "trending toward socialism" taking shape in a Democrat-dominated Washington.
And the document doesn't shy from making its points graphically. MSNBC showed the images this morning on "Morning Joe":"

[That's the image you are seeing with this post]

Hip Hop Mike sure knows how to disappoint a brother. Just when I was starting to think that there might be hope for him- not to mention trying to talk other Negroes out of calling the "Drop Squad" on his ass- he pulls a stunt like this. Shame!

Oh well, I guess his O ness wasn't being paranoid when he said that the rethugs are trying to scare the A-merry-can people by calling him a Socialist and a Manchurian president. O Man, for every little doubt I had about how nefarious these people truly are; let me be the first to say that I am sorry.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Home is where the heart is.

Damn it Mr. Morton, just when I was about to go ahead and vote for you because of your position on the draft, you go out and do some dumb crap like this. Did you really tell "politico" that you don't know how many homes you own? My god man, talk about out of touch.

To be fair; the average A-merry-can is used to his or her politician running for president being wealthy and somewhat privileged. But honestly Mr. Morton, you don't have to rub it in our faces. $500 loafers? Wealth starts at five million? Not knowing how many homes you own? WTF? Now you have me flip flopping again......geez!

And hey, I know that your wife, Cindy, is filthy rich, and that those homes (How many are there? Four? Six? Seven? Only his realtor knows for sure.) are probably all hers. But you might just want to lose that populous, everyman message. No matter how much you try to be one of us regular folks, you come up a little short. Because, let's face it, not too many of us have a hundred million collecting interest in the bank. Message to Morton: If you want to appeal to "middle class" A-merry-cans, it might help to know how many fucking homes you own. Just a thought. Because I guarantee you that the average A-merry-can knows how many homes he/she owns, what the mortgage is, and the exact date that it's due.

"Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people 'cling' to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans?

Ouch! That was Mr. Morton's mouthpiece, Brian Rogers, coming down on his "O" ness for his own little, ahem, house issues. That's it Brian, "stand by your man." Still, I bet if you ask his "O" ness how many homes he owns, he would know. Even if it is a hook up from Tony Rezko.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Can I get an amen?

"Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in"

~~Michael Corleone-The Godfather~~

I bet the "O" man is feeling like Michael Corleone right about now. Of course some of us knew all along that A-merry-ca wouldn't let the "O" man forget who he is. The most famous face in A-merry-ca right now belongs to my homie, Pastor Jeremiah Wright, who supposedly made some inflammatory statements about these Divided States of A-merry-ca. The guy is everywhere. FAKE NEWS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, You get the picture. FAKE NEWS has been riding this story for a year now, and praying that it would get picked up. Well, they finally got their wish, and it could sink the "O" man big time. But to quote someone a read recently; "since when is it a crime to be angry?" Shit, if it was, I would be doing life right about now. "Politico" calls the good Reverend's rhetoric "deeply racially confrontational." Translated; it makes white folks uncomfortable.

But I honestly have to shake my head at the irony. This little dust up would not have happened if the "O" man was not a church going man in the first place. But here he is on the verge of losing a dream of a life time because of the words of his pastor. They are uncomfortable words, and they are the last thing A-merry-cans want to hear. Black folks we recognize those words don't we? We have heard sermons like this many times before. When our preachers preach to us, they talk to us as if they are sitting around out dinner table. They try to shock us to make a point, and they don't mince words. They always try to hit us in the gut and appeal to our raw emotions to make a point. "Ahh field how do you know? You are a god hating gnostic, who hasn't stepped foot in a church since his baptism..." Yeah but my daddy was a preacher, and a damn good one. My daddy actually taught preachers how to preach, (Theology and Homiletics) so I think I know a thing or two about this subject, preachers.

But sadly for the "O" man, a vast amount of A-merry-cans will never understand his preacher. They will never understand him because they have never stepped foot in a black church. They will hear the good Reverend ranting against A-merry-ca and all of its ills, and implying that 911 was an example of A-merry-ca's "chickens coming home to roost ", and they will be furious. They will want to know how he can say that "rich white people run the country" (So where is the false statement there?). They will want to know how the "O" man could have sat in this man's church for 20 years and not be influenced by him. They will say that it's the "O" man's true feelings, and that his wife is a closet militant who puts her black race first. They will say that the "O" man will get into power and push only issues that effect black people. Issues like poverty, crime, unfair sentencing, and failing schools. They will say it, and I for one hope that they will be right.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday night in Cleveland, and a little rant. (Just a small one)

That debate tonight was what we call in gambling circles, a push. OK I will give a slight edge to the "O" man.

But as usual, I have a few things on my mind: First, is that Louis Farrakhan I see peeping out from under that bus? I wonder if he got the license plate of the bus that hit him? I think that plate starts with an O Minister.

And congrats to Mr. Straight Talk for denouncing that Nazi right wing nut job who introduced him today (Talk about one flew over the cuckoos nest). Bill Cunningham kept referring to the "O" man as Hussein (his middle name) and watching him you just kept thinking that he was going to drop the "n" word at any minute. And who was that house Negro in the ugly ass suit behind him? If someone can get me that Negro's name and his picture I will make him HN of the day for a month.

"I take responsibility and I repudiate what he said." Anything else Mr. Morton (That's because he is always salty) "I will not tolerate anything in this campaign that denigrates either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton." Wow! The high road huh? Let's hope you can stay up there Mr. Morton.

Finally, I would like to thank "admiral komack" for making me think of something today. His comments from the Politico article after my last post made me wonder: Why is it that republicans have to actually have polling groups to learn how to speak to black sensibilities? I mean seriously, they are actually sending out talking points and secretly planning how to attack the "O" man without coming off as racist. Hmmmm, let me see now; so you can't say what you really feel because you are afraid you might be perceived as racist? Instead, you unite around talking points on how to attack your African American opponent without appearing to be racist? Does anyone else see anything wrong with that picture? Or is it just me?

Here is a suggestion: Why don't you just treat the "O" man like any other candidate and attack him on the issues like you would a white candidate? I know I know, you can't do that because you just can't get past the fact that he is black. Geez!

And republicans wonder why they can't get more than 15% of the African American vote.