Showing posts with label Ted Turner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ted Turner. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I know he doesn't care about black people, but does he care about children?

"The Human situation overall is in the seventh inning, and humanity is down by two runs"

~~~Ted Turner~~

If humanity is down by two runs, to stay with Mr. Turner's baseball analogy, it's because people like George Bush are managing the team.

Now comes the latest from the man "who doesn't care about black people". It seems our President and great decider has decided that he will veto the CHIP bill because it's "too risky". Now in case you didn't know; CHIP stands for Children's Health Insurance Program. Right now, as it stands, states get federal subsidies for insuring the children of low income families. The families that fit into this program are the ones who make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private medical care. In other words, the hard working people who work nine to five and pay taxes on their hard earned money.

But what does our great leader and his rethugilican cabal decide to do? Veto the bill because it would add an additional 4 million people to the 6.6 million that are already in it. But alas, in the world of the frat boy, this is unacceptable, because it would mean raising taxes on a box of cigarettes by 61 cents to one dollar a pack. The frat boy also said that expanding the program that actually helps our children smacks of a move towards federalized health care. God forbid we actually do something to help the least among us. After all, don't we need all the money available to nation build in Iraq? The frat boy's claim is, of course, false. Because the bill actually gives states the flexibility to expand the eligibility of the program if they so choose. Now tell me, what governor in his right mind would blow his budget by offering health coverage to families who can afford private providers?

So the beat goes on, and the clowns in Washington, led by the the clown in chief, will not come to an agreement on this important piece of legislation. The frat boy will veto the bill, and thousands of uninsured children will suffer as a result. If that sounds a little melodramatic, it's because it was meant to be. Here in A-merry-ca, the welfare of our children is not as important as scoring political points with 28 percent of the people in this country.

Sorry Mr. Turner, we are in the bottom of the ninth, and unless this team makes some changes soon, this game is lost.