Showing posts with label US Navy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Navy. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2008

What goes up.....

It sounds like something right out of a sci fi movie, but this is real life.

It seems that a satellite the size of a school bus is about to come crashing down on us any day now. Oh, and let's not forget to throw in some shit called toxic hydrazine which this bad boy happens to be carrying a full tank of for good measure.

Add these things all together and it makes for one dangerous reentry. The scary thing is that our government has no idea where this little piece of monstrosity will land. Oh, did I mention that it's a spy satellite? Yep, it seems this bad boy was sent up by good old Uncle Sam to spy on our enemies. It's called US 193 and they sent it up there back in 2006. Unfortunately, it was acting up from the jump, and we never really got anything out of it. Now I am not as pissed off about it as this blogger, but I do think someone has some "splaining" to do.

This bad boy has folks so worried, that at the urging of the Pentagon, the frat boy has actually ordered the U.S. Navy to blow that sucker right out of space. Three Naval warships will shoot S- M-3 ballistic missile defence interceptor rockets (whatever the hell that is) right at it. Not since parts of the "Sky Lab" fell in the Indian Ocean and parts of Australia, have we had this kind of close encounters with our man made objects that we send to space.

Now the frat boy and the folks at Homeland Security swear up and down that the reason they are doing this is to protect us from the school bus falling to earth, and the deadly fuel that it's carrying. Don't believe it. The real reason they are willing to shoot it down is because it is carrying some secret technology that they are afraid will fall into the wrong hands. It has nothing to do with protecting us. If it did, it would be a first. "Our assessment is that [the satellite] wouldn't be high intel value..the hydrazine is the only reason we are taking extraordinary measures." Yeah right General. And I have an antique bell with slight a crack in it right here in Philly that I would like to sell you. Give me a break!

But you want to know what's really scary? Guess who would be cleaning up if the satellite hits us here in A-merry-ca? If you guessed FEMA please move to the head of the class.

FEMA. I feel better already.