Showing posts with label Warrick Dunn profiled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warrick Dunn profiled. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2011

Profiling and smear jobs.


I am trying to wind down from my Memorial Day activities and get back into work mode.

I just got home and already my inbox is blowing up with folks behaving badly.

First, a SWAT team in Arizona shoots and kills a decorated Marine because they thought that he was a drug dealer. The man was unarmed.

And then, just to show that Northern states aren't immune from this type of ignorance; the po po in Massachusetts shoots and kills an unarmed 68 year old grandfather in a drug raid. He was not a target of the investigation. (This happened awhile ago, I swear I can't keep up)

Finally, (and this one pisses me off) former NFL star,Warrick Dunn, was profiled and stopped by the po po in Hotlanta because they thought he had the "characteristics of people transporting guns and drugs."

This story pisses me off because-for those of you who don't know- Warrick Dunn's mother was a police officer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and she lost her life in the line of duty while trying to protect and serve her community. Warrick Dunn has done tremendous work in the community while carrying on his mother's legacy, he did not deserve this. Actually, I take that back; no one deserves to be profiled.

Anyway, I am out, I have some work to do around the house. I am going to read more about this latest Andrew Breitbart smear job . If Anthony Weiner is innocent of what he is being accused of (sending a pic of his johnson -via twitter- while it is at full attention to an unsuspecting young lady* ) he better come up with a really good lawyer, pronto.