Showing posts with label al Qaida.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label al Qaida.. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sarah is not laughing, but Adam certainly is.

I saw a little of  president Obama channeling his inner Richard Pryor last night. His timing was good, and his joke writers, as they do with most presidents, gave him some good material to work with. Of course some would argue that this is no time for folks in Washington to be telling jokes and having a gala. There are people suffering out here. And, as we all know, if you are not an air traveler they are not going to do anything for you.

Still, jokes aside, it was interesting to see a skirt chasing blowhard and a member of the highest court in the land treating each other as if they were going to go home together.

I know one person who is not a fan. That would be one Sarah Palin. She thinks that they are all a bunch of "ass- clowns".

"Sarah Palin,never one to shy away from the use of unconventional words, has embraced a new one — “a--clowns.”

Just hours after the yearly White House Correspondents’ Dinner ended Saturday night, the former vice presidential candidate unloaded a scathing critique of the black-tie party on Twitter in characteristically unusual language.

“That #WHCD was pathetic,” Palin tweeted. “The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a #nerdprom.”

Palin has never attended the famous gathering herself, but she has partaken in the related festivities in recent years." [Source]

Of course this is not news. Sarah, like most people in her party, is somewhat of a hypocrite.

"Obama peppered his speech with pop-culture references, beginning by calling attention to his new entrance music: DJ Khaled's "All I Do Is Win." "Rush Limbaugh warned you about this – second term, baby?" he said. "We're changing things around here a little bit."

Now that might have been the funniest joke of the night. Because the last time I checked things in Washington were pretty much the same.

Finally, here is something for all of you pro gun nuts folks to consider:

"Even al-Qaida gloats about what's possible under U.S. gun laws. In June 2011, a senior al-Qaida operative, Adam Gadahn, released a video message rallying people to take advantage of opportunities those laws provide.

"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," Gadahn says, explaining that "you can go down to a gun show at the local convention center" and buy a gun without a background check.

Then a faint smile crosses Gadahn's face. "So what are you waiting for?" he asks.

Under current laws, if a background check reveals that your name is on the national terrorism watch list, you're still free to walk out of a gun dealership with a firearm in your hands — as long as you don't have a criminal or mental health record.

Data from the Government Accountability Office show that between 2004 and 2010, people on terrorism watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives more than 1,400 times. They succeeded in more than 90 percent of those cases, or 1,321 times.

"It's absurd that we allow people to buy unlimited AK-47s, AR-15s and Uzis, even if we feel they are too dangerous to be allowed on a plane, even after they've gone through a security check," says Jon Lowy, a lawyer for the Brady Campaign, a gun control group." [Source]

Come on now Mr. Lowy! There you people go again taking us down that "slippery slope".