Showing posts with label craziness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craziness. Show all posts

Thursday, January 07, 2016

"It's gotta be da shoes", Marco.

Image result for marco rubio shoes images"Is it the shoes? ... ITS GOTTA BE DA SHOES"

 I can hear my man Mars Blackmon hollering at Marco Rubio now: It's gotta be da shoes, Marco! 

What a crazy political season. Poor Marco Rubio could find his campaign going down the tubes because of a pair of shoes.

Marco must have thought that no one would notice his boots with the high heels. Shame on him. He should know by now that running for president would put him under a serious microscope.

Everything he does and says is scrutinized to the tenth degree.

The guy just wanted to seem a couple of inches taller. He knows that Americans prefer their presidents tall.   Marco is 5' 10" which isn't bad if you want to be the leader of say, Japan, but it isn't cutting it if you want to be the leader of the free world.

"Let me get this right,” ..... ISIS is cutting people’s heads off, setting people on fire in cages, Saudi Arabia and Iran are on the verge of a war, the Chinese are landing airplanes on islands that they built and say belong to them in what are international waters and somewhat territorial waters. Our economy is flat-lined, the stock market is falling apart, but boy are we getting a lot of coverage about a pair of boots. This is craziness, people.”

No it's not Marco, it's America. We tend to be superficial like that. And we prefer to see our presidents wearing wingtips than some Maison  Margiela knockoffs.  
But Marco shouldn't be mad at the public, he should be mad at his presidential rivals. They are the ones making all kinds of jokes and mocking him about his footwear. Rand Paul (who himself looks more like a jockey than presidential candidate) couldn't contain himself and made all kinds of jokes about Marco before going on The View 

Personally, I thought that they looked alright. The snug fitting Polo fleece he was rocking, on the other hand, not so much.

Finally, if you don't think it can be hard being black in America, after watching and reading about the following two incidents you just might change your mind. 

One man was jogging while black,  and the other one was simply shopping at Wal Mart while black.

I swear, to get that kind of unwanted scrutiny as a white man, you would have to be a presidential candidate with a fancy pair of shoes.

*Pic from