Showing posts with label face of the God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label face of the God. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2016

When your college tour turns ugly.

Image result for Texas A&M images  Imagine, if you will, you are a hardworking high school senior, and you are looking forward to your college tour and possibly being admitted to the school of your dreams in the fall.

Imagine going to said school only to have the following happen to you:

"Texas A&M University officials are expressing the requisite shock and disappointment after a group of white students reportedly yelled racial slurs at a group of black high school students visiting from Dallas’ Uplift Hampton Preparatory. A woman wearing Confederate flag earrings also reportedly approached two high school girls on the tour to ask if they liked them.
About 60 Uplift students were touring A&M’s College Station campus, which in 2014 was 62 percent white among undergrads. One of the Uplift students, 16-year-old Terquarie Wilson, told CBS DFW the incident began with a stupid sports rivalry and escalated hideously: an A&M student spotted one of Wilson’s friends carrying a University of Texas-branded bag. They yelled “Go back where you came from!” The Uplift student responded something to the effect of, “You do realize we’re all black, right?” and walked away; faculty supervisors say they heard the A&M students use a racial slur as the group walked away. The woman with the Confederate flag earrings approached a few minutes later." [Source]

One of the scary things about this whole incident is that when it was reported to the proper authorities on campus, the students were told that the A&M kids were just exercising their First Amendment rights. 

I wonder if Kevin Sumlin, A&M's high profile African American football coach, will address this issue or speak openly about it.

It would be nice, but I won't hold my breath.

Finally, just when you thought that the GOP candidates for president couldn't be more bizarre, comes the following story.

"During a radio interview, Mrs. Cruz went all in when she promised that the Cruz campaign will show America “the face of God.”

Talking with South Carolina radio host Vince Coakley Wednesday, Cruz noted that even if she weren’t married to the man, his political and faith-based credentials would be reason enough for her to work for his campaign anyway:
“We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence.” [Source]
Heaven help us! If Ted Cruz is actually "the face of god", the reservations for hell just went way up. 

Anyway, I bet you all thought that I was referring to that crazy debate Saturday night , the one where Donald trump became totally unhinged and blew his cover with republicans by telling them how he really feels about them. (My man was right about W and 9/11.) And where the two Hispanics in the race continued with their attacks on each other. At one point they even went at each other in Spanish(Oh the irony.) Can you imagine Mr. and Mrs. Bubba watching the debate from their double- wide in Georgia?  "Honey, did dem two Heeespanic candidates just talk in Spanish? What da hell? This is America. Speak English, damn it! They just lost my vote."   

I hope that we can all get through this election cycle with our sanity intact. Lord knows it won't be easy. The candidates seem to have already lost their minds.