Showing posts with label guns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guns. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Guns everywhere, and Marco needs a lesson about "class".

Image result for guns image*As we keep seeing more sad and horrific stories like this ;and this ;and this; and this; and this; and.... ah you get the point. You have to wonder why this is happening in America.

I think it's time for that great Gyp Rosetti quote:

"I got a gun. He got a gun. He got gun...EVERYBODY GOT GUNS!"

Meanwhile, out in LA, they just found some poor stiff (literally) with an arsenal of over 1,200 guns.

I wonder how Wayne LaPierre sleeps at night.

Finally, Marco (I need water) Rubio says that the president doesn't have any "class".

Image result for rubio images   ** This is the same Marco Rubio who did all kinds of sleazy things while Speaker of the Florida House, and who spent big money on a speed boat and a luxury SUV even though he was deep in debt.

"Rubio's history of risky financial decisions has been well documented since he was a young Florida state assemblyman.
  • In 2006, the Tampa Bay Times described Rubio as "barely solvent." 
  • During his run for Senate several years later, the Florida senator was forced to defend his record after revelations that he put thousands of personal charges, including hair cuts, liquor-store runs, and a $10,000 family vacation on campaign and Florida Republican Party credit cards.
  • According to The Times, in the early 2000s, the now presidential candidate bought several homes, putting no money down.
  • On the eve of his presidential announcement, Rubio cashed out his $68,000 retirement savings to pay bills for a broken refrigerator, air-conditioning unit, and his kids' private-school tuition. The transaction incurs a significant tax penalty that could cost Rubio $24,000.
  • Last week, Rubio's camp announced that the senator finally sold a Tallahassee home that he'd bought with Florida state Rep. David Rivera. The house proved to be a bad investment — Rubio and Rivera sold the home for $18,000 less than they paid for it.
Rubio's troubling spending habits are well known within Republican political circles. According to The Times, when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's team vetted Rubio as a potential vice presidential candidate, they found that the Florida senator's financial decisions were bad enough that they could damage the campaign."

Marco, I think you might need a lifetime supply of   Windex®  for all the glass it took to build your house.

No wonder Sheldon wanted his money back.

*Pic from

**Pic from

Monday, July 06, 2015

Fireworks every weekend.

What will it take to make us realize that we have a crisis on our hands here in America?

Those were gunshots and not fireworks you heard exploding on the streets of places like Chicago and Philadelphia this past Fourth of July.

I wish I had an answer for why, every weekend, we hear about young black men killing each other in urban areas all over the country. Sadly, I have been to the funerals of the victims, and I have been in the homes of the loved ones of the accused. Trust me, there are no winners.

I am one of the people on the front line of this battle for our young people's survival, and I am here to tell you that we are losing. Most of you will never experience having to sit with young career criminals as they explain the difference between trapping for someone else or running their own block. Or how important it is to have good soldiers with the proper tools because, like any business, there is always a chance of a hostile takeover.

It's a shame, because some of these young men are the brightest that I ever encountered. You wonder what would have happened if they had put their talents to good use.

So what do we do?

I am going to start with the most important thing we can do: Doing everything we can to make sure that their families stay intact from the very start of their lives. And no, their parents don't have to be physically together, that is not always realistic, but they absolutely should co-parent. (Fellows, you know where I am going with this.) It's no secret that without proper role models and mentors it is easier for these youngsters out on the street to succumb to peer pressure.

We also need to work harder to get some of these guns off the streets as well. Yes Mr. 2nd Amendment, you can bare your arms until your heart's content. But work with me to cut back on the production of some of these automatic weapons, clamping down on straw purchasers, and better monitoring of trade shows where an unlimited amount of guns are sold.

And then there are the hard truths: We need to take a harder look at ourselves. Particularly those of us in the community who hold ourselves out as the gatekeepers.

The churches have to do a better job of forming partnerships in the community, and making sure that their members immerse themselves in various community programs and volunteer outreach.
I mean that's what JC would have done, right?

I read an excellent article by Will Bunch today which actually got me thinking about this subject, and he wrote about a wonderful program in Richmond, California that seems to be reaping positive benefits.

"The new folks might want to check out Richmond, Calif., a low-income, high-crime community on San Francisco Bay. When murders there spiked in the 2000s, some City Council members suggested calling in the National Guard, but the city went in the other direction. It created an Office of Neighborhood Safety to focus more on solutions around community engagement.

The program was described over the weekend in a New York Times op-ed by its founding director, Devone L. Boggan. He noted: "A police liaison officer told us this startling fact: An estimated 70 percent of shootings and homicides in Richmond in 2009 were caused by just 17 individuals, primarily African-American and Hispanic-American men between the ages of 16 and 25."

What happened next was even more astounding -- a community outreach program that did actual outreach. "Then came the big innovation of the Operation Peacemaker fellowship program," Boggan wrote. "We offered those young men a partnership deal: We would pay them — yes, pay them — not to pull the trigger." Some of the targeted young men were invited to meetings and, if they responded to mentoring, would be paid as much as $1,000 a month to participate in a non-violence program.
This goes against everything that people in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania have believed for the last 40 years. During that time, as our state's prison population increased six-fold, powerful lobbies like the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association and other police and victims-rights groups have pushed, always successfully,  for longer sentences and harder time. I'm sure there are people reading this who could never believe -- no matter what the empirical evidence shows -- that it would make more sense to pay a troublemaker than to lock him up and throw away.

But Boggan described remarkable success in the Northern California program, both in individual cases -- like a young man named Shyeed who renounced violence and became an ambassador for the mentoring program -- and in the numbers. His city saw an astonishing 76 percent drop in homicides, or nearly double the rate of decline in Philadelphia. It's not clear whether this program can be easily replicated in a much larger metropolis, but Richmond's success shows the possibilities of outside-the-box thinking." [Source]

"76 percent" is an amazing drop in the homicide rate for that city, and, to be honest, cities like Philadelphia (Chicago being the exception) have been experiencing a lower amount of homicides over the past few years as well. But even one homicide is too much, and  there is still a lot of work left to be done.

Mr. Bunch, I will give you the last word:

"On the other hand, four murders on the night of July 4 isn't something to shrug and accept. It seemed ironic that these street killings came on the same weekend when CNN wasted hours of air time on the foggy notion that terrorists -- presumably of the Arabic kind -- might hit America and ruin our Independence Day weekend, even though the network also acknowledged that authorities had no such credible threat. It seemed a sad, shameful ploy to rope in a few viewers on a weekend when there was virtually no real domestic news. But maybe that shone a light on our weird value system when it comes to violence.
Four people killed by the National Guard at Kent State, and Neil Young will write a song about it. Four people killed by Muslim fanatics in Boston, and we send armored personnel carriers into the streets with aircraft taking infrared pictures in the sky. Four dead in Philadelphia on the 4th of July, and we call it one more Saturday night."

*Pic from


Monday, October 28, 2013

The potato gun affair.

The latest piece of red meat for the black helicopter crowd was thrown by one Audrey Hudson. Audrey is a wingnut journalist (that's an oxymoron, I know, but play along with me) who peddles her craft to wingnut websites and newspapers.

Anyway, Audrey says that the feds raided her home on a flimsy warrant for a potato gun, and they took "sensitive documents" which could compromise her sources.

"...And Hudson didn’t even know they confiscated the files until a month later when whey called her to let her know she could pick them up.
Hudson told Carslon it was “clearly intimidation” and was worried about her sources and the kind of precedent this raid set.
“I needed to let my sources know they could have been compromised,” “I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to another reporter, because we can’t just have the government coming into your house on a minor warrant and walk out with whatever files they please from our work product.” [Source]
Now, as is to be expected, all of wingnutland is not pleased. "OBAMA GESTAPO RAIDS REPORTER'S HOME" they scream from the their blogs. And over at the television and online version of  Der Stürmer, they have given her an audience to talk about what the evil Socialist in chief and his regime are doing to this poor little reporter.

What happened to her reads like every god- fearing, gun loving, wingnuts, nightmare.

 "Audrey Hudson’s husband had just left for work on August 6 when suddenly, her dog began barking. The nationally-known journalist walked over to the curtains and peeked outside to discover her Chesapeake Bay home was surrounded by law enforcement officers wearing full body armor.
The phone rang. It was her husband.

“I’m in the driveway,” he said. “The police are here. Open the door.”

I need a break!

I did a little more digging, and this is what I found out about Audrey and her dear husband-- from a wingnut site no less.

"Flashback: Hudson’s husband was found guilty of “resisting arrest in 1986.” Yes, 1986! It is illegal for him to have a weapon in his home. The search warrant called for confiscation of all weapons and nothing else.
After the search began, Hudson said she was asked by an investigator with the Coast Guard Investigative Service if she was the same Audrey Hudson who had written a series of critical stories about air marshals for The Washington Times over the last decade. The Coast Guard operates under the Department of Homeland Security.
Hudson said that investigator, Miguel Bosch, identified himself as a former air marshal official.
There is more about Hudson’s husband, Paul Flanagan and guns and a fearsome Swedish “potato launcher” (he owns a golf ball launcher) in the three-page piece at Daily Caller.  SWAT walked out of the house with weapons belonging to and legally registered to Hudson. I find nothing saying Flanagan is under arrest for illegal possession of firearms, but Hudson has lost her Second Amendment rights via her marriage.
They did, however, confiscate small arms belonging to Mrs. Hudson that she had legally registered with the Maryland State Police as far back as 2005.
 The search warrant allowed for the weapons to be confiscated, and Mrs. Hudson says the agents told her that because her husband had pled guilty to a resisting arrest charge nearly 30 years ago, she was not allowed to possess the guns under state law. The guns she owned were for recreational shooting, she says, as well as for security concerns resulting from many of her investigations. Source: Washington Times" [Source]

It's funny when you read behind the lines and get around all the wingnut spin how easy it is to find the truth.

 Audrey Hudson did have those guns illegally in the state of Maryland, and so it seems that those agents had every right to search her home.

And let's not forget another little thing:

"Agents took Hudson’s records during a search for guns and related items owned by her husband, a civilian Coast Guard employee. They also confiscated her legally registered firearms.."

Yes, that's right, Audrey's husband is a civilian Coast Guard employee, and the story says that the matter was being investigated by the Coast Guard Investigative Service. It looks to me like my man has been running off at the mouth to his co-workers.

 “This really can’t stand,...... You cannot come into a journalist’s home under false pretenses with a bogus warrant and just waltz out with confidential files.” 

Oh please! It stands every day in cities all around you. Average citizens get their co called Constitutional rights trampled on every day for activities that are way less suspicious. Why should you be any different?

"Come one Field, because she is a journalist"

No she isn't. She is a wingnut propagandist.

Anyway, maybe now she will dedicate her writing skills to focus on the injustice those people I mentioned feel at the hands of their government.

Oh wait....that will never happen; she is a wingnut. If the anger and consternation isn't focused on Obama there really is nothing to write about.

Got it.    


Friday, January 11, 2013

He thinks that the "tree of liberty" needs watering.

Wingnuts love the latest essay from FOX NEWS legal analyst, Andrew Napolitano. Mr. Napolitano wrote a passionate plea for the right to bear arms in the Washington Times.

The gist of his rant was that automatic weapons are needed to shoot tyrants and not just game. To Napoliatano, and others like him, the right to keep and bear arms "is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty." He goes on to write the following: "it is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny." That all sounds great, but I have a question for Mr. Napoliatano and the rest of his gun loving friends: Who, exactly, are these tyrants? Is it the government of the democratic party with whose policies they disagree? Is it their fellow citizens who they perceive as different?     

This is the danger extremist like Napolitano present. When you start throwing around words like tyrants when referring to a democratically elected government, the slope down to anarchy starts looking steeper and a little more slippery. You get guys like Gregory Gawrysiak who no doubt (assuming he knows how to read) would praise Napolitano's article.

Would Mr. Napolitano have written such a passionate defense of his right to bear arms if a republican government was in power? Somehow I doubt it. I know that poor Fred Hampton and the Panthers who armed themselves after his assassination would not have gotten his support.

"The principal reason the colonists won the American Revolution is that they possessed weapons equivalent in power and precision to those of the British government. If the colonists had been limited to crossbows that they had registered with the king's government in London, while the British troops used gunpowder when they fought us here, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have been captured and hanged.
The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, with the same instruments they would use upon us. If the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto had had the firepower and ammunition that the Nazis had, some of Poland might have stayed free and more persons would have survived the Holocaust."

There is an anti aircraft missile and drone detection radar coming to a trailer park near you. (Psst, wingnut, the government will not attack you with a gun.)  

 "As we have been created in the image and likeness of God the Father, we are perfectly free just as He is. Thus, the natural law teaches that our freedoms are pre-political and come from our humanity and not from the government. As our humanity is ultimately divine in origin, the government, even by majority vote, cannot morally take natural rights away from us..." [Article]

Yes, for Jesus loved his Uzi.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thou shalt have no other guns before me.

Here in America we are still trying to come to grips with how one of our own could be so evil. Adam Lanza was not some "crazed" Arab terrorist or one of those young threatening urban males we associate with violence and depravity. He lived in a 4,000 square foot suburban home in a neighborhood that most Americans could only dream of living in. And yet, he was the manifestation of evil.

We are learning that he wasn't even as crazy as many folks would have us believe. (Now, all of a sudden, everyone is Adam Lanza's mother) Now it seems that he "meticulously" planned his killing spree for maximum effect.

So what does this say about us? That, as James Dobson suggests, we need God? Or have we just become a society that celebrates madness and mayhem? And, if this is the case, is this really something new? (Let's not forget how this country was built)Would God really approve of all these guns and the way we celebrate and embrace them?

I read a great essay by Garry Wills, and I would like to share some of it. (h/t to Greg Fuller)

"Few crimes are more harshly forbidden in the Old Testament than sacrifice to the god Moloch (for which see Leviticus 18.21, 20.1-5). The sacrifice referred to was of living children consumed in the fires of offering to Moloch. Ever since then, worship of Moloch has been the sign of a deeply degraded culture. Ancient Romans justified the destruction of Carthage by noting that children were sacrificed to Moloch there. Milton represented Moloch as the first pagan god who joined Satan’s war on humankind:
First Moloch, horrid king, besmear’d with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents’ tears,
Though for the noise of Drums and Timbrels loud
Their children’s cries unheard, that pass’d through fire
To his grim idol. (Paradise Lost 1.392-96)

Read again those lines, with recent images seared into our brains—“besmeared with blood” and “parents’ tears.” They give the real meaning of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School Friday morning. That horror cannot be blamed just on one unhinged person. It was the sacrifice we as a culture made, and continually make, to our demonic god. We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our god. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily—sometimes, as at Sandy Hook, by directly throwing them into the fire-hose of bullets from our protected private killing machines, sometimes by blighting our children’s lives by the death of a parent, a schoolmate, a teacher, a protector. Sometimes this is done by mass killings (eight this year), sometimes by private offerings to the god (thousands this year).
The gun is not a mere tool, a bit of technology, a political issue, a point of debate. It is an object of reverence. Devotion to it precludes interruption with the sacrifices it entails. Like most gods, it does what it will, and cannot be questioned. Its acolytes think it is capable only of good things. It guarantees life and safety and freedom. It even guarantees law. Law grows from it. Then how can law question it?

Its power to do good is matched by its incapacity to do anything wrong. It cannot kill. Thwarting the god is what kills. If it seems to kill, that is only because the god’s bottomless appetite for death has not been adequately fed. The answer to problems caused by guns is more guns, millions of guns, guns everywhere, carried openly, carried secretly, in bars, in churches, in offices, in government buildings. Only the lack of guns can be a curse, not their beneficent omnipresence.

Adoration of Moloch permeates the country, imposing a hushed silence as he works his will. One cannot question his rites, even as the blood is gushing through the idol’s teeth. The White House spokesman invokes the silence of traditional in religious ceremony. “It is not the time” to question Moloch. No time is right for showing disrespect for Moloch.

The fact that the gun is a reverenced god can be seen in its manifold and apparently resistless powers. How do we worship it? Let us count the ways:
1. It has the power to destroy the reasoning process. It forbids making logical connections. We are required to deny that there is any connection between the fact that we have the greatest number of guns in private hands and the greatest number of deaths from them. Denial on this scale always comes from or is protected by religious fundamentalism. Thus do we deny global warming, or evolution, or biblical errancy. Reason is helpless before such abject faith....
It has the power to distort our constitutional thinking. It says that the right to “bear arms,” a military term, gives anyone, anywhere in our country, the power to mow down civilians with military weapons. Even the Supreme Court has been cowed, reversing its own long history of recognizing that the Second Amendment applied to militias. Now the court feels bound to guarantee that any every madman can indulge his “religion” of slaughter. Moloch brooks no dissent, even from the highest court in the land.

Though LaPierre is the pope of this religion, its most successful Peter the Hermit, preaching the crusade for Moloch, was Charlton Heston, a symbol of the Americanism of loving guns. I have often thought that we should raise a statue of Heston at each of the many sites of multiple murders around our land. We would soon have armies of statues, whole droves of Heston acolytes standing sentry at the shrines of Moloch dotting the landscape. Molochism is the one religion that can never be separated from the state. The state itself bows down to Moloch, and protects the sacrifices made to him. So let us celebrate the falling bodies and rising statues as a demonstration of our fealty, our bondage, to the great god Gun." [Source]

So Americans know but one "god". And I have some bad news for Pastor Dobson; it isn't the one he is worshiping.   

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A culture of madness.

"We challenge the culture of violence when we ourselves act in the certainty that violence is no longer acceptable, that it's tired and outdated no matter how many cling to it in the stubborn belief that it still works and that it's still valid." ~Gerard Vanderhaar~
What on earth would possess someone to shoot a six year old eleven times??!!

We always think that the human soul can't get any darker, but, sadly, somehow it always does. We thought Columbine was as bad as it could get, but here in America alone there has been 31 deadly  school shootings since Columbine, and we are all left wondering when the madness will end.

Maybe this tragedy in Connecticut will be a tipping point in this ongoing debate about where we should stand with guns in our culture. There is no doubt that we live in a violent society. Guns (and the glorification of them) are everywhere. They are in our games, our movies, and in our art. We embrace guns and we celebrate the fact that it is in our Constitution. Now, astonishingly, pro gun advocates are saying that if the kindergarten teachers were armed this tragedy would not have happened. (Yeah, that's the ticket, arm kindergarten teachers in every school in America.)

Now we are learning that the animal who slaughtered these children in Connecticut was raised by a mother who embraced the gun culture.

"Nancy Lanza took her son, Adam, to a shooting range and taught him how to use a firearm before he turned a gun on her and shot her dead, then executed more than two dozen terrified children and teachers at an elementary school.
Fifty-two-year-old Nancy Lanza was an avid gun collector who had legally purchased five firearms, all registered in Connecticut, according to police records.
'She said she would often go target shooting with her kids,' Dan Holmes, owner of the landscaping firm Holmes Fine Gardens, told Reuters.

He recalled that she once showed him a 'high-end rifle' that she had purchased.

'She was very proud of it,' he told the New York Daily News. 'She loved her guns.'"

Unfortunately, so did her son.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Guns and cookies.

I know that guns and cookies are a strange combination, but both have been on my mind given the words and actions of two of my republican friends, lately.

 Let me start with the cookies, because more and more Flipper is showing the rest of us who live in the real world, why he shouldn’t be our leader.

So anyway, Flipper goes to Western Pistolvania and is offered some of the best cookies this state has to offer. What do you think he did? Yep, typical of the out of touch snob that he is, he turned his nose up at then. Then, to make matters worse, he took a shot at 7- Eleven. Now that, my friends, is flat out un- American!  

“I’m not sure about these cookies. Did you make those cookies?” he asked the women around him. “You didn’t, did you? No. No. They came from the local 7-Eleven bakery or wherever.”
Romney was not serious. But some of the folks at Bethel Bakery, which baked the cookies, didn’t find Romney’s remarks humorous.

“We wanted him to be welcomed with the best in the burg, and he had no idea, this guy has no idea how beloved this institution is that provided these cookies,” Bethel Bakery owner John Walsh said in an interview with ABC affiliate WTAE-TV out of Pittsburgh.
“It seemed like maybe he should have tasted them first before making the assumption,” Julie Lytle, who handles marketing for Bethel Bakery, said".

So Obama eats dog meat as a child. Flipper refuses to eat cookies as an adult. Which is worse? You be the judge. Does it say something about a man's character if he is prepared a meal by folks who admire him, and rather than take a bite -and at least pretend to show some appreciation for what they did- he makes jokes about the fruits of their labor? I think that it does.

Now on to the subject of guns.

Ann Coulter, as republicans love to do, is trying to rewrite history without a major chapter again.

This time she is trying to paint the democratic party of early American history as the party we know today.  It is not. That party started changing in 1948. Ann, does the word Dixiecrats mean anything to you? How about the words, Southern Strategy? I hope, for your sake, that it does not. Because if you do know the history of the movement away from the democratic party to the republican party by Southern whites; you are an incredibly shameless liar.  

Ms. Coulter, in a preposterous and absurd attempt to support the NRA; tries to make the argument that African Americans should support the NRA , and that they should  arm themselves with more guns. She argues that it was the democratic party who tried to keep guns out of our hands so that the kkk could have their way with us after the Civil War. This is laughable. Any person reading this with anything above a fourth grade education knows that supporting African Americans is the furthest thing from the minds of people supporting the NRA, today.  In fact, part of the reason they are such strong supporters of the NRA is because of their irrational fears of people of color. It is not because of their love of hunting.

Guns are destroying inner city neighborhoods because they are so easily available to the wrong people. Yet Ms. Coulter, in order to score cheap political points, says that what we need in certain neighborhoods is more guns, not less. (Besides, when it comes to guns, black folks don't get the benefit of the doubt like those other folks.)

That is a sad commentary on just how far some folks will go to support their political gang, and their perverse ideology. And it speaks volumes to where we are heading as a nation: More guns, less thinking. Shoot first, and talk later. I am not surprised that Ms. Coulter chose to go this route; she has been shooting from the hip for a very long time.

Finally, it looks like the you know who case has inspired  some copy cats. I swear "color arousal" is rampant in A-merry-ca.



Friday, April 13, 2012

The "varmint" hunter speaks.

I hope that the manufactured controversy about Ann Romney and her working woman cred is finally coming to an end. In my humble opinion Hilary Rosen was right. But what do I know? I am not a gazillionaire and I don't have kids. Wingnuts, this is not how you stop your war on women. Creating a false controversy and feigning outrage over this issue will not hide the facts

Anyway, tonight I want to talk about some much more important things that have been happening in our country while the mainstream media and the chattering class focused on mommygate.

In case you haven't noticed, A-merry-cans have been slaughtering each other at an alarming rate. Take your pick: New Hampshire, New Jersey, California, and Ohio, (In a Cracker Barrel restaurant of all places.) Sanford, Florida....I could go on, but if you go into every one of those links that I have provided you will have more than enough material to keep you busy for awhile. Tragically, in two of those cases, men whose job it is to protect us lost their lives as well.

Ironically, the NRA is having their annual meeting in St. Louis, and Flipper actually addressed his so called gun loving friends and hunting buddies today. (Even though he only mentioned guns once. It's general election time. Let the flipping begin.) Of course Ann was by his side. It's the female vote stupid. Flipper told the crowd that Obama would restrain their Second Amendment freedoms, and (I am paraphrasing here) that he would take their god given rights to their guns from their praying hands. I am sure that this went over well with these geniuses. From what I have been reading they don't seem to be too bright.

The thing is, much to my dismay, Obama is actually more pro gun than Flipper.
Unfortunately for you gun loving winguts, -like everything else with Flipper- when it comes to this subject he is a fraud.

Finally, speaking of guns; according to some influential republican money people Obama should be speaking from behind bulletproof teleprompters.

"During an appearance on Fox Business Network Wednesday, Foster Friess--the billionaire backer of former Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum--said he hopes President Obama's "teleprompters are bulletproof."

"There are a lot of things that haven't been hammered at because Rick and Mitt have been going at each other," the retired mutual fund manager said before he made his comment directed at the president. He later told ABC News that he regretted his words immediately after he said them." [Source]

Sure he did. * side eye*

"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon."

O, you might end up like Trayvon of some of these folks have their way.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Guns don't have children.

Negroes who are not responsible enough to have children should not be allowed to own handguns.

"A 4-year-old boy fatally shot a 3-year-old girl at a home on Indianapolis' west side Thursday, leading police to arrest the girl's mother on child neglect and drug charges in what officers termed a very tragic incident.

Fiona Lee.... 26, faces one count of felony child neglect, along with charges of possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana, after police were called to the home in the 200 block of North Sheffield Avenue just before 1 p.m.

Investigators found that the child, Aunesti Lee Allen, had been shot in the head.

Don't let that pic that goes along with this post fool you, this isn't one of my typical bash NRA posts; because, honestly, this one is all on Fiona Lee.

"Indianapolis police Lt. Jeff Duhamell said that Lee was upstairs and that four children were downstairs -- three of them hers, along with her boyfriend's 4-year-old son.

"She heard a shot, and she ran downstairs, and … the 4-year-old … had picked up the gun and pointed it at the 3-year-old, pulling the trigger," Duhamell said.

The gun had been left unattended on a kitchen counter, investigators said.

"(The gun) was easily accessible to the children," Duhamell said. "The mother had walked by it several times, however did not secure it."

Neighbors told police that Lee came out of the house yelling for help, saying that the girl had been shot.

"She was screaming. She was out of her mind crying," said neighbor Robert Tremblay. "She was losing it."' [Article]

Sorry, she was "out of her mind" when she failed to secure that gun in a safe place with young children in the house.

*Pic courtesy of

Saturday, July 17, 2010

"Tonz O Gunz"

I was walking to the gym in Center City, Philadelphia a couple of days ago, and I saw something that actually made me feel good: It was two young brothers boxing in the street. As it turns out, they weren't serious with each other, and they were only working on their pugilistic skills.
"But field, why did that make you feel good to see young brothers fighting?"
Because they weren't out and about in the neighborhood trying to pop some other dudes top with an assault rifle. They were learning to use their fists instead of their fingers to settle a score, that's why.

Here in Philly we have a serious gun problem. Damn near all the young bucks are packing or could be packing easier than they can get a bicycle. Getting a hammer is not a problem here in Philly. It's what these young ones do. And the more lethal the weapon the more street cred it gives them. We even try to get folks to turn in their guns with PlayStations here in Philly, but thanks to folks like this:

"For example, among those arrested and charged was Akiem Smith, 19, of the 1300 block of South Fourth Street. Smith, who was too young to buy a firearm legally, is accused of trying to use a "straw" purchaser to buy a gun, officials said.

When the attempt failed, Smith reportedly had his mother, whose name was not disclosed, buy a .45-caliber handgun for him, officials said. Officers recovered the gun, which had an obliterated serial number."

(You read that right; his mama tried to get her baby "a .45- caliber handgun." Ahh I tell you, there is nothing like a mother's love.) It won't work.

But the beat goes on. A couple of days ago a bunch of thugs fired on the po po from a van, and they were not shooting at the boys in blue with your standard garden variety guns. No sir, these criminals were loaded for bare with some very sophisticated assault weapons.

"The shooting Thursday night of a police officer in Kensington reverberated with some frightening similarities to the 2008 shooting of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski.
Three men in a vehicle. A powerful weapon - more than one, in this case. A cop shot.

Luckily, in this instance, Officer Kevin Livewell, 30, is doing well and is expected to recover from the wound to his right leg.
*[ l-i-ve-w-e-l-l-?]*

Police yesterday displayed the types of deadly, "state-of-the-art" weapons - four assault-type rifles and four handguns - found in a white van and in the streets in the area of Water Street near Indiana Avenue, where Livewell was shot about 8:30 p.m.

They also asked for the public's help in finding the two men who fled the van. One was wearing a dark blue shirt and dark shorts, and the other a white tank top, said Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross. Both were described as Hispanic. Livewell's partner tackled a third man, the van's driver, who was being questioned yesterday by detectives. His identity has not yet been released.

Found in the van were two Bushmaster AR-15 .223-caliber rifles; a Taurus PT 24 .40-caliber pistol; a TEC-9 semiautomatic pistol; and a Glock 9mm pistol."

Now I am no gun expert, but I am smart enough to know that a "Bushmaster" is no joke. And these clowns didn't have one but two of those bad boys. That's the kind of fire power that these thugs run around with on the streets of "Killadelphia". And we are supposed to be intimidated or afraid of two clowns in faux military gear with night sticks? Come on now. Let's keep it real.

If folks on the right in this country were more concerned about sensible gun laws than they were a manufactured and imagined threat from an insignificant group of publicity hounds, they would get back a percentage ( a very small one) of the respect that I have lost for them.

But it won't happen. The NRA has too much money and folks have to get elected. Oh well, I hope they will at least spring for flowers for the next police officer's funeral.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"They shoot people, don't they?"

The crimson running through a rural stretch in Southern Alabama had nothing to do with the beloved "Crimson Tide" associated with the states famous football team. No, the crimson that flowed yesterday was from the blood of ten people, thanks to the latest in a long line of A-merry-can lunatics living among us.

I heard the first apologist for Michael McLendon last night on Anderson Cooper 's show. "Oh he was a good kid, he grew up with my kids, I used to be his T-ball coach". You would think the guy was recommending the shooter for one of those Hero episodes on CNN. No sir, Michael was a fucking lunatic ,who slaughtered 10 people before cowardly taking his own life. It's that simple. But just like the mothers and grandmothers who swear little Pookie couldn't hurt a fly, --the same Pookie who was pulling stick ups and shooting rival drug dealers on the corner since he was old enough to drive-- these folks make excuses for the inexcusable.

"The community's just in disbelief, just how this could happen in our small town," said state Sen. Harri Anne Smith, from the nearby town of Slocomb. "

Of course every time some lunatic decides that the way of the gun is best, we try to figure out why. (Oh ohhh here comes field with the gun control speech again) How could this happen in our neighborhoods, our schools, and in our nice quiet community? Only those uncivilized blacks in those urban areas should be killing each other. This doesn't happen to us, does it? Yes it does happen to you, and it will continue to happen until we get some sensible gun legislation in this country.

Already the gun rights wackos are coming out of the woodwork to wonder if this will be the catalyst for his O ness taking away their semi-automatic weapons. "..President's family is protected with fully automatic weapons yet he would deny protection with semi-automatics to yours" Call me crazy, but I kind of want my president to be protected from loons like you guys. But I don't want you, or the thugs on the streets of Philly, armed with any damn weapon, let alone a semi-automatic. Now I ask you folks, what the hell was this genius doing with a Bushmaster AR-15 and a SKS assault rifle? What is any civilian doing with these types of weapons? Which are, by the way, being mass produced for the market place as I write this.

I didn't check this, but I am willing to bet my original Al Kaline baseball card that this wacko had a license to carry, and if there was a background check, there would be nothing in his past to prevent him from owning a weapon. I am guessing that being a good ole boy from Alabama, Michael was quite handy with the steel, and was quite comfortable with his toys of death and destruction.

"Alabama has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the nation -- more than 57 percent of the state's households have guns -- and some of the weakest gun laws in the country. At the same time, its overall gun death rate for 2005 (16.18 per 100,000) ranks it fifth in the nation. "

And the beat goes on. Of course, not to be outdone, Germany had their own version of Culumbine, today. Those damn Germans, they want to be the best at everything. Tim Kretschmer killed 15 people before his 17 years on earth ended.

"Kretschmer did not shoot wildly, Rech said, contradicting earlier police statements, but hit most of his victims in the head."

Wow, a lunatic with good aim. Too bad there weren't some NRA people around.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Guns again!

"Thank goodness you have no power over my three guns"

That's a regular *commentator on this site, "constructive feedback", giving me the business about my gun control position.

Really "constructive feedback"? "Three guns"? Wow! Sorry, but I bet my dick is still bigger than yours. That is what this is all about right? I mean doesn't having three guns make your dick feel bigger? Because unless you are a fucking Mexican policeman or you own a pawn shop, I really don't see the point. But that's just me.

Sorry about that folks, I just got a little side tracked.

May 5, 2008 was not a good day in Philly. Three men dressed in Muslim garb robbed a supermarket and in their attempt to escape shot a Philadelphia police officer to death one day shy of his 40th birthday.

"I am going to let him have it", is what one of the robbers told his accomplices before he took aim with his SKS carbine and ended the officer's life. "Tell my wife I love her" is what the dying officer told the people on the street who had rushed to his side in a futile attempt to stop the blood gushing from his wounds.

An SKS carbine can be bought legally for less than $200. It weights about eight pounds and is considered "idiot proof" by most folks in law enforcement. This particular type of gun was made for the Soviet infantry (How is that for irony? Did you right wingnuts read that? They are Soviet made) before they were replaced by the Russians for the more chic and sexy AK-47. They flooded the surplus market in the mid eighties, and you can buy a round of bullets for them on the Internet for less than a hundred bucks. According to the ATF they are "very deadly and pretty intimidating". Oh, did I mention that they can penetrate bullet proof vests? Officer Stephen Liczbinski was wearing a bullet proof vest, but it didn't help him.

There were other guns found on the bad guys later on too. One of them was actually registered to a god fearing man from the burbs. Unfortunately, his grandson had a crack habit, and the young man stole the gun from his family and traded it for crack. The poor boy's mama reported the theft, but nothing more was made of it until her poor grandson found himself in a shit load of trouble.

Boy those guns sure have a way of traveling don't they? You think they are tucked and hidden away safely in your home, and here comes your crack addict grandson to steal it and turn it over to those savages in Philly.

“People need to look in their hearts and minds about what happened,....That’s the kind of firepower our officers are up against.”

Ahhh sorry Mr. Mayor, too many people like my friend "constructive..." are trying to make their dicks grow.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

People kill people, and guns make it easier for them.

"Do you feel safer with a gun in the house? When you bring a gun into your home, you dramatically increase the risk of someone you love being injured by that gun. Research has shown that with each 1,000 gunshot victims that come to our hospitals, less than two victims are actually using a gun for self-defense at the time.(5) The majority of gunshots are due to suicide, homicide (due to escalated arguments between loved ones), and accidental firings than to self defense. In fact, more guns are fired in the United States in the act of suicide than for any other reason.(6) To put simply: suicides, homicides (due to arguments), and accidental firings would be much less likely if the gun were not in the house in the first place."

~~Physicians For Social Responsibility-Los Angeles~~

I honestly think the pro gun folks in the ongoing gun debate in A-merry-ca watch too many movies. This moronic idea that if I have a gun in my home I will be able to protect my family from those evil intruders coming to get me, is a result of one "Death Wish" flick too many.

I mean honestly, how many of you on that side of the debate have ever had to shoot or shoot at an intruder coming into your home? Please tell me, and give me the particulars. And like my man Kat Williams says; "don't worry, I will wait"............yeah I didn't think so. Look, here in Killadelph we have home invasions all the time, and guess whose homes are getting invaded? Yep, you guessed it, other bad guys. Do you know why their homes are always getting invaded? Because they have guns,cash, and drugs in their homes, that's why. And you don't think those clowns doing the invading don't know that the person they are attacking owns a hammer? Do you think that's stopping them? If you do, I have a nice little antique bell with a slight crack in it to sell you.

Over at the very nice but misguided site, "Mirror On America, my man A.I. is basically calling me out on this gun debate by citing the case of poor Eve Carson. You remember her don't you folks? The cute blond coed who was brutally murdered by a bunch of animals recently in North Carolina. Yes that Eve. Oh, did I mention that she was a "star" student? I guess that made her life more valuable. Anyhoo, my man implies that if she had a gun she would be alive today, because she would have been able to go Charles Bronson or Jody Foster on her attackers. Not! The case file says that she was kidnapped from her home while studying. Now unless girlfriend used a handgun for a study aid I am not sure how having a gun in her apartment on that faithful day would have saved her.

But let me play along with this flawed logic a little: Let's just say for argument sake say that Eve did have a gun, and she did use it to fend off her attackers. Would that and other similar cases offset the hundreds of children who are killed in their homes every year because of accidental shootings? Or the crack pot who decides to take out his boss, his wife, or himself when he gets pissed off, because his gun is easier to get to than his fucking car keys? I don't think so.

But field what about the Second Amendment? What about it? Are you a fucking militia, or are you an individual? What fucking government do you think a 380 sitting in your dresser is going to protect you from? I mean honestly, how dumb is that shit? Citizens need their guns in case their government gets out of control. But field what about the folks who love to hunt? Fair point, (My father in law is one of them) and they can hunt Bambi until their hearts content as far as I am concerned. But do they need a M-4 Colt 6933 to do it? Do they really need a Bushmaster 450 or an AK 47 to hunt a fucking deer? Ask law enforcement officers how they feel about these Second Amendment wack jobs, and you will be surprised at their answers.

But let's keep having this debate. I welcome it, and I am glad I am on the right side. Those murdering leeches over at the NRA and the politicians that they buy off every year can kiss my black ass.

I have been to too many funerals, and seen too many lives destroyed to be apathetic about this subject.

So bring it on, I welcome it, and I hope your guns are loaded. Ah, that was meant to be a metaphor...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Small town doesn't have to equal small mind. But if you are a politician you hope it does.

"Well I was born in a small town And I live in a small town Prob'ly die in a small town Oh, those small communities"

~~John Cougar Mellencamp~~

I keep going back to those statements by the "O" man, the ones about folks in small town A-merry-ca. And here is the thing; no matter how hard I try I can't find a problem with what he said. But sadly, as I said in my last post, no matter how much you Obamaholics accuse me of being fickle, and no matter how much you say this little dust up won't hurt the "O" man, it will.

Mrs. Field is from a very small town in Louisiana (population one stop light), and she agrees with the "O" man 110%. She thinks that the folks in her town love god, guns, and every thing red white and blue in between. When I first met Mrs. Field's folks they couldn't get over the fact that I was from Jamaica. They had never met anyone outside of Louisiana let alone the country before. Nothing against my sweet in laws and their neighbors, but folks from small towns just don't see too much outside of their world. Which is why polittricksters tend to take advantage of them so much.

The "O" man was speaking to something that has become so much a part of A--merry-can life and politics that it has become the way we as A-merry-cans see ourselves. It 's the way that the repukes kept on to power for so long: Reach out to the people in small towns. Focus on issues like gays, guns, and god, and keep the electorate divided along racial and class lines. Racial lines when the folks are poor, and class lines when the folks you are trying to reach are rich. Find something to unify your base around like hating the gays and immigrants.---- Like one single gay person ever came to your small town and prevented you from getting your high school diploma, going to college, or learning a skill. Like that job the poor immigrant is doing picking mushrooms or cutting your lawn is keeping food off your family's table. But this is the brilliance of the A-merry-can "three card monty". Fool people into thinking that they all can be rich, and that the only reason that they are not is because of the other guy, and not the elected government officials and their corporate welfare kings.

It's why people like "constructive feedback" (whose comments have become more prevalent on this site, and who probably doesn't employ a single person, in spite of all his capitalist rhetoric--- I employ two by the way) probably has a six figure job, and is giving it all back in taxes and to different entities to keep up with his bougie lifestyle, and thinks he will be Donald Trump one day. He won't. When he dies, ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years from now, his obituary will read just like the millions of A-merry-cans who died before him. No foundations, no large University named after him, no trust fund to set up his great grandchildren for life, and no lasting contribution to society or to mankind. Just another dumb ass selfish A-merry-can who pursued happiness until his miserable life ended.

So "O" man, I hope you survive this latest media frenzy. But good luck. Knowing A-merry-cans like I do, your former pastor, Reverend Wright, better have god on speed dial.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Guns, religion, and a vote for Hillary.

I honestly was not going to blog about the "O" man until after the debates next Tuesday, but apparently the "O" man went and put his foot in his mouth while talking to a bunch of fundraisers. So here we go again. Just when it seemed like white A-merry-cans were ready to forget his preacher, he goes out and tell a bunch of fat cat fundraisers that small town A-merry-cans are bitter, and ( I am paraprhasing here) that they are preoccupied with things like guns and religion. Well, forget paraphrasing, here is the quote: (Which, by the way, happens to be a true statement)

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
“And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Well Obamaholics, I don't know what to tell you this time, except that your boy is making it very tough for himself. Mrs. Field (a confirmed Obamaholic) was watching CNN tonight and I couldn't tell if she was madder at the anchor for continually playing the audio or the "O" man for being dumb enough to put himself in that position. The irony is that it was a Huf Post reporter who broke the story. ----Apparently this reporter never leaves home without their trusty tape recorder.

Poor "O" man, I understand his frustrations with small town Pennsylvanians and small town A-merry-ca. But "O'"man it's not bitterness why some of them will never vote for your black ass, it's something else. And failing to call out the elephant in the room is fine. But if you are going to do that, you should just not say anything at all. People are questioning your political skills for a reason. A real politician would not have said what you did in public. I don't care if those big wigs in California were giving you a million a pop. Just shut up. Don't give the Ice Queen and Mr. Morton bulletin board material. Now they are all over you for this latest little misstep, and once again, you gave the Ice Queen new life.

Now some clown on CNN is saying that this is a watershed moment for your campaign and that on a scale from 1-10 this is an 11 in terms of damage. Well I don't think it's quite that bad, but it ain't good. I had you losing Pennsylvania by about five percentage points, which would have been a victory for you. Now, I don't know, I am thinking you lose by at least 13 percentage points, and maybe more. This could have bad implications for you at the convention as well. Now all of the Ice Queen's Super Delegates are going to be telling the other Super Delegates to switch to the dark side, and your little California comments might just have given them a reason to do that.

So Obamaholics, I sure hope your boy survives this latest mess he put himself in. But if he doesn't, today will go down as "Black Friday" for everybody who ever jumped on the good ship "O".

Monday, April 16, 2007

"There was blood everywhere"

Those tragic words came from the lips of a Virginia Tech student, after a campus massacre in the rolling mountains of Western Virginia took the lives of thirty two of his fellow students. Hey, all I know about Virginia Tech is that Michael Vick played some serious football there, and it's in a beautiful part of the country. But today I also learned this: That Virginia Tech was the scene of the largest single day killing spree in American History. In one day, some animal managed to do- what is for us here in Philly, a months worth of killings.

This was horrible, and it seems like every time we think that these unspeakable acts can't get any worse, they do. From the former Marine who took out sixteen people from a tower on the University of Texas. To the depraved animal who bound and executed five little Amish girls in Lancaster Pennsylvania, because of his sick delusions. Somehow it just seems that these types of tragedies keep happening over and over again, and unfortunately, we can't figure out what is in the American psyche that causes it.

And before I write one more word, let me say this right now: I feel for those victims and their loved ones, and I would never minimize what they are experiencing, or what they had to go through today.

Now here comes my rant: We as Americans like to think that we are above harboring pure evil in our hearts. We like to think of ourselves as morally superior to other people in the world, because, this is, after all, America. It's hard for us to fathom one of our own committing these horrific acts against a fellow American. Yet time and time again, it happens, and these acts are not only committed by adults, but by children as well.

So what is it that's driving those of us in our society to commit these acts, and why does it keep- happening? Isn't it funny how conservatives spend all their time trying to scare us into being afraid of the Muslim bogeymen and terrorist who would bring harm to us, yet our own children have shown that they are capable of acts that are just as heinous and despicable? Maybe we should focus more of our war on terror right here at home.

I know that in the neighborhoods of our inner cities people live with terrorist every day. Try telling a retired grandmother who just cashed her social security check, that the ignorant ass young buck waiting to jack her isn't more dangerous than Osama bin Laden. I see where the President and members of congress came out and spoke about this tragedy today, and they tried to offer comfort and words of encouragement to an uneasy nation. "Schools should be places of sanctuary and safety and learning." Yeah I hear you Mr. President, but it sure would be nice to hear you make a statement to all the poor people in inner cities all over our country. People who have to listen to gun shots night after night, and who see the blood of their children in the streets when they wake in the morning. It's nice that you have offered federal aid to the people of Virginia to help them cope with this tragedy, but what the f**k? There have been over one hundred and twelve murders in my hometown alone this year, and I guarantee you there ain't no federal aid on the way. Again, I feel for those who lost loves ones today, but you know what, I feel for all the people who have lost loved ones here in my city so far this year as well.

Now you will hear all the NRA apologist say; (they come out of their holes every time there is a mass killing now) "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". Yes that may be right, but I guarantee you that it wouldn't be so easy for "people to kill people" if they didn't have such easy access to guns. Or how about this one: "Well if one of those students were packing heat they would have been able to stop the gunman before he could have killed more people." Yeah right, like a mother f****r wants to be packing his Glock along with his organic chemistry book in his book bag every fu****g day.

But hey, such is life in this John Wayne culture of ours in America. We have to be free to keep purchasing our guns and killing each other at will. You never know when an unjust government might want to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. Or God forbid, a liberal might get out of line.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Time To Infringe!

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Today I walked past by the fountain at City Hall here in Philly, and the water in the
fountain was blood red. The irony was not lost on me. Here I was on a beautiful fall day, the start of yet another work week, and the weekend before, three more human beings were slaughtered by the animals who live among us. And as I looked at the strange looking red water in the fountain, all I could think of was the blood being spilled in our streets. Now I know that to most people, this is sadly business as usual in the "city of brotherly love". But frankly, it's really starting to piss off the field. We are on a steady pace to top last year's murder rate of 380, and as of today,-10/02/06- we are at over 280 and counting.

Now there are many different factors that we can blame for this epidemic of crime and violence, particularly among young black males. And I have blogged about some of the factors before. From too many guns on the street, to failing schools, to poor policing, a lack of jobs, poor parenting and discipline in the homes, and a drug culture that promises too much too fast. Heck it's still easier for some of these kids to pull trigger than flip a burger. They have grown up idolizing gangsters, and career criminals, so to them, jail and the threat of it, means nothing but a badge of honor.

Now of course, as most of you might already know, our police chief here in Philly is a joke, - a poster boy for the anti affirmative action crowd if I have ever seen one- and the sooner this man takes his early retirement and rolls, the better off this city will be. But he isn't alone. Our politicians here in Philly and as well as the state, have no back bone or political will. Just imagine, the Black Caucus in Harrisburg is still coming out against legislation that can help to stop crime and criminals in the hood. But of course they won't, because they think it supports the po po-that's police for you white readers- and the man in the street just won't like that. I mean how dumb can you get? If that's not "cutting off your nose to spite your face", then I don't know what is. Here we are in the middle of a serious urban crisis, and these clowns only care about getting reelected, or scoring cheep political points.

Now I know, I know; the NRA and the hicks in Harrisburg from the Western part of the state are to blame too. But you know what, this isn't even about those hicks. Because at the end of the day, they are going to look out for each other, and try to score political points with their base. And guess what; their base ain't with us. These people are hunters, who take the second amendment to its literal extreme. And they could care less about a bunch of niggers in Philly killing each other on a daily basis. -Don't be upset at that word, that's what they call us, so I might as well say it here so you can get used to it- I heard a startling statistic today from a friend of mine who is pretty plugged in to all this stuff. He also knows first hand what the state legislators are trying to do to tackle this crime problem back in Harrisburg. He told me that about 80% of the people committing murders in Philly are out on parole or probation, and almost the same number of people killed fit that same profile. So is it any wonder that these killings haven't struck home with most people, or that they merely get a mention in the local paper? I think not. After all, who cares if a bunch of criminals kill each other? You reap what you sow. This is the law of the jungle, predators preying on each other, and doing the dirty work that society is glad it doesn't have to. But every now and then, an innocent child is caught in the cross fire, and that's when we have a hard time living with ourselves, and coming to grips with what we have created. By the way, this same friend is the one that told me about the black caucus voting down measures that would have put cameras in certain high crime neighborhoods, and give the po po more crime fighting powers. Measures, by the way, which the field supports. Now before you get fired up with the field, and start talking about the constitutional rights of these individuals, let me stop you right there. Yes I know that it's a fine line between law enforcement, and individual liberties, but you know what, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I am just sick of young men who look like me killing each other on a daily basis.

Now speaking of killing, and getting guns off the street. The entire nation is aware by now of yet another school shooting that took place about an hour from here . This is the third such shooting in a little over a week.-Innocent children or officials attacked at school- Now I don't know much about the Amish, other that I like their baked goods, and I think their life style is somewhat fascinating. But if those monsters at the NRA don't feel for those little girls who were executed by that animal today, then they deserve no lesser a fate. The sad thing is, the coward took his own life before justice could be served. (How long do you think he would have lasted in one of our fine SCI facilities?) Now all of this of course, ties in with my Philly problem. Because as the random violence and unspeakable crimes being committed with handguns continue, I am hoping that it will be a wake up call for the elected officials in the rural part of our fine state as well. They too, liker our Philly pols, need to take limiting the availability and sales of handguns more seriously. Now of course they won't, not unless something tragic touches them in a personal way, or there is an outcry from their constituents to do something about the madness. Unless this is done, I am afraid we will continue to see more breaking news coverage of the type of carnage that we saw today in Amish country, or read about three, four, and even five murders, in a typical Philly weekend.

Imagine the frustration people like Kenneth Trump, President of the National School Safety & Services organization feels when he says:

"When you go to rural or private schools, the first obstacle you run into is the 'it can't happen here' mentally, people have the perception of we are not like whatever big city they're near"

Whether its little Amish girls, or young black males; bullets are snuffing out lives, and leaving loved ones behind and communities to mourn and march and pray.

I won't be praying, I am too pissed to pray, and I don't think the big guy will listen anyway. He already has a plan for all of us, and somehow I don't think it includes shutting down the NRA anytime soon. You know what I am going to do? I am going to vote, and I am going to encourage every one I meet or know to vote as well. And I will continue to write, yell, and scream for justice for all of those who have been victimized by the animals who the NRA has given the power to decide whether someone lives or dies. Or the politicians with the spines of jelly fish, deep pockets, and outstretched hands.