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Showing posts with label Word Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word Work. Show all posts

April 7, 2016

Adjectives and Compound Words

We finished up learning about adjectives by making rainbows and rain clouds.  They look amazing in our room and brighten it up!

This week we've worked with compound words.  After brainstorming a list students made some examples.  This activity has been added to word work!

In other news, Silas wanted me to take a picture of the tower he created.

February 27, 2016

Noun Town

Last week we learned about nouns.  Students went on a noun hunt around school and then created Noun Town.

Click to Enlarge

September 3, 2015

A Look at Our Week

This week we've listened to many books about names and then have looked more closely at our names.

Students made self portraits and practiced writing their name.  We put them in ABC order.

We also talked about vowels, consonants, and syllables.  Working with the letters in their name, they created a flower.  Here are a few examples.

We began Special Person of the Day this week.  This is where we interview a student and learn more about him/her.  Of course I do all the writing and I joke around with them about how I'm done for the day because I wrote so much.  First grade can be so hard!!  It always gets them laughing.

After we're done writing (I mean, I'm done writing) we reread, talk about how many sentences I wrote, and that they need to be complete thoughts.  Here's Marlee!

And of course, there are times I take a random picture.  Silas wore this hat the other day and asked if I'd take a picture.

Tomorrow's Friday and we have a long weekend!!  

April 15, 2015

Awesome Adjectives about US

Last week we learned about nouns, went on a Noun Hunt around school, and made Noun Town.

Next up, adjectives.  We created a list of adjectives that described us and then they created the work below.

Art has always been a huge part of my life and I incorporate it ANY way I can into my classroom.  It's amazing to see how much they progress as the year moves along.  I've never been into directed drawings or having their work all look the same.  Instead I teach them tips and tricks on how to create their piece.  I often say, "Think of shapes when you draw."

After they drew themselves I gave them mailing labels (talk about exciting) and they had to write 5 adjectives.

Here's their work!  I love how unique and individual each one is (the big eyes, pony tails, frilled skirt, huge smiles).

September 6, 2014

A Quick Look at Our Week

I don't have many pictures to share because it was just too busy to stop and take them.

We worked with our name A LOT  last week!  After reading Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan was Her Name we graphed how many letters were in our names.

Students also practiced Read to Self.  We're building stamina and were able to read for 10 minutes.

We also began learning about students in our classroom.  Each day we have a Special Person.  Students interview him/her and I write the sentences on posters I made for each of them this summer.  We learned more about Austin and Olivia this week!!

April 28, 2014

Awesome Adjectives

Last week we completed some work with adjectives.  Students had to describe themselves.  Here are some examples.  After looking them over, MOST students thought they were silly.  I'm sure you'd agree.

April 13, 2014

Good Readers Visualize

Last week our Mini Lesson was, "Good readers visualize."

I also complete this unit with poetry.  We highlight important words that help to paint a picture in our mind.  Then the kids illustrate.

Last week, students worked with the poem, "Bod, My Fat Cat."

I also introduced Homophones.  We brainstormed a list so during Daily 5 they can write and illustrate homophones on pears.

April 4, 2014

Noun Town

This week we've focused on nouns.  We even went on a noun hunt around our school listing people, places, and things.

Today we brainstormed what we wanted to add to our Noun Town. Every year I'm ALWAYS added to this lovely town!

Click on pic to enlarge.
I was laughing out loud as I watched some of the kiddos adding their pics to the mural.  We have Taylor Swift next to me and Justin Bieber. If you look closely he's holding a mic and what's that?  A donut?  Yes indeed, for when he gets hungry on stage.  Maybe in-between songs.

New to our town this year.  Abe Lincoln!!  I love the bubble speech Abbie added to her picture ("I'M ON A PENNY!!).  It appears he's holding a boombox too.  I wonder what type of music he listened to? Maybe he'd listen to Justin Bieber if he were alive today!

All I did was glue the roads to large green paper and the kids did the rest.  As the kids added their illustrations I added white stickers so they could label.

I love how Noun Town turns out each year.  The kids are so creative and take ownership of their work.  Throughout the day I found them gazing at and reading the labels on their newly created town!

May 17, 2013

Rainbow and Rain Cloud Adjective Work

We did some adjective work with rainbows and rain clouds.  Students brainstormed a list of adjectives for each one and then decided which one they wanted to make.  

They came out great and they add LOTS of color to our room!

May 5, 2013

Adjective Work

Here's some of the adjective work we did last week.

I have SO many little artists in my room!!  I LOVE seeing how they grow and progress.  I mean more arms and legs attached to their heads.

We work all year on drawing and I even tell them at the beginning of the year that stick figures aren't allowed!  Of course it's said with a grin and they're eager to learn.

I HAVE to incorporate art into the lessons I create and teach.  If not, this would be one dull teacher!  At times it might look chaotic in my room with all the cutting, gluing, and sticky fingers but I LOVE seeing their creations.

Anyway...back to adjectives.  Kiddos created a self-portrait and then labeled adjectives around it.  Of course they had NO problem coming up with describing words.

We also did  some Popcorn Adjective work.  The kids ate some popcorn on Friday and we brainstormed a list of describing words.  Then they created their own popcorn boxes. 

April 10, 2013

Compound Words

I've slowly introduced compound words and have pointed them out when reading or completing word work.

Today, we did a quick mini lesson with them, which will be added to word work.

The kids helped to brainstorm a list of compound words they knew.  Then they completed small flip books.  Here are a few examples.

April 7, 2013

We went on a Noun Hunt last week around our school.  The kids looked so "official" with their clipboards, papers, and pencils.  As we walked around, kiddos listed the nouns they saw.

On Friday we made Noun Town!  We brainstormed what we'd want to included in our town.  This year we had Justin Bieber, Superman, and Batman to name a few.

They had A LOT of fun completing this and were amazed at how it all came together!!

March 30, 2012


This week we've been learning about homophones.  I was hoping to come up with a more creative way to teach this.  I have large cards that have homophones on them but wanted it to be more interactive.

I found a cute idea at First Grader at Last.  She used a "pair of pears" chart and had the kids write and illustrate homophones.

The kids each picked a pair to write and illustrate on pears.  Next week for Daily 5 they'll have the option of trying to use them in sentences.  Here's the worksheet I'll be using.

Homophone Sentences

February 16, 2012

Silent E Work

We've been working with Silent E.  Today,  I had the kids break up into teams and write as many words as they could with Silent E.

They worked well in teams and both were really close.  One team had 14 and the other had 16.

Here they are at work!

January 30, 2012

Word Work

Here are few activities we'll be completing this week.

We've worked with adjectives for a couple of weeks now so the kiddos will have independent practice during Daily 5 time.  They'll add their Post-Its to the chart while reading to self or with a buddy.  I'm sure they'll find many adjectives in their books.

Today I introduced compound words.  They work on their wipe off boards and I added their words to the chart.  During Daily 5, they'll have the opportunity to make these flip open books.  Here are a couple that were completed today.