Image Map

May 4, 2016

We Have some BABIES!!

We candled our eggs this week to see if we had any LARGE, black eyes.  This shows us that an embryo is growing.

Out of 12 eggs we spied 11 eyes looking at us.  We have 13 more days.

This is always such an exciting time of the year for us and of course I'm a nervous wreck hoping they all hatch!

Mrs. Littlefield also came in to talk to first graders about farms and chickens.  She even brought some 3 week old chicks in to share with us.

She also taught us the parts of an egg.  

May 1, 2016

Newsletter for the Week of May 2nd

Come join us on May 25th, from 6-7, for our First Grade Celebration. Students can come into the classroom from 6-6:30 to show you some incredible work they have done.  From 6:30-7:00 we'll show a slideshow.

April 28, 2016

The Chick Eggs are Here

Here are ALL 12 eggs.  In 21 days we should have some adorable chicks.  Keep checking back for updates!!

Dinos, Dinos, and More Dinos

We have been consumed with dinos and have learned SO MUCH about prehistoric time.

Students have been working in a dino book and recording facts they have learned about each dino after finishing a dino map.

Here are some pics!!

Kolton came in wearing the most fitting shirt when we began learning about them.

We also learned about paleontologist and the work they do.  They completed the poster below by adding items Pete the Paleontologist would need in order to do his job.

April 10, 2016

Newsletter for the Week of April 11th

Here's our pup celebrating her first birthday today.  She has kept us quite entertained and on our toes the last 7 months!

April 7, 2016

What Do You Like Best About School?

Now, if you ask a teacher this question it might be a bathroom break, a moment to sit, or just calmness in the room as your students are focused on their work.

Well, 6 of my kiddos were asked this very question and here are their responses.  I must say, that I was excited to see my name and felt famous for a moment (well at least at school).  Was she trying to earn some brownie points?  I will say, she did!!

I know we're not often recognized for the hard work we put in, day in and day out, but this makes my heart sing.  To know that they love school, learning, and of course their teachers!!

Silas said, "Learning Math."
Marlee said, "Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Mayo and working hard."
Kolton said, "Running in gym."
Self said, "Writing."
Will said, "Reading."
Kaylee said, "Playing with my friends."

Adjectives and Compound Words

We finished up learning about adjectives by making rainbows and rain clouds.  They look amazing in our room and brighten it up!

This week we've worked with compound words.  After brainstorming a list students made some examples.  This activity has been added to word work!

In other news, Silas wanted me to take a picture of the tower he created.

National Poetry Month

We've spent this week reading and writing poetry.

Students completed a spring poem and have worked on poems about themselves.

Today, they wrote a Bio Poem.

Here are some examples.