Showing posts with label feedback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feedback. Show all posts

Apr 13, 2011

Flip Review no. 2

This review discusses a shot close to the final stages of production. Thanks to Mohammad Sadeh for submitting the animation for review, he can be reached at

Apr 5, 2011

Flip Review no.1

So I finally got around to doing the first video review. It was very interesting for me to do this, and it served as a good test to prove that I can easily do more of these in the future and hope to make it a regular part of the blog.

Remember that this is funded 100% by love and rainbows, and these reviews will be free if you're interested in sending something in to me. Click here to find out more, and to see the guidelines for submitting an animation for review.

My thinking about all this is that watching a video review of an artists work is a very efficient way to learn about animation. As usual, I would appreciate any comments, particularly those that suggest ways I could improve upon this idea.

The animation discussed in the video is in the "stepped" blocking stage, and was kindly provided by Asemta Bhattad who can be reached at

Feb 18, 2011

Looking For Help with Something...

I have been thinking for a long time now about doing a regular post to Flip of recorded feedback of individual animated shots. So simply put, somebody who might want the chance to get input on their work from an industry professional, could, in theory, send me a link to their video and I could post back a video review session here on Flip, for the animator and other visitors to watch.

I'm imagining short animation tests, could be just blocking or final animation, but something I can discuss in about 10 or 20 minutes.

I want to do this for a few reasons:
  • I want a bit more 'regularity' to the site, one or two of these a week could be cool.
  • This kind of thing helps me filter all the crap that spins around in my head constantly.
  • There is an army of animators who would destroy me in a talent fight, but I reckon I`ve worked pretty hard and my opinion is valid.
  • It seems like people who are teaching themselves (like I did) could benefit from it especially.
The thing is... I think I have the setup to make this work on my laptop, but I could do with someone sending me a test so I could do a sample review and just see if it will actually work how I imagine it to. It would be good to use that as the example when I officially start this idea.

If you like this idea, drop a quick comment so I can gauge this a bit, and if you think you have something I could do the test run with, send me an email with a link to a .mov file.

Update: Thanks so much to everyone that expressed interest and took the time to send me a shot for the test run. I really appreciate that. Due to a somewhat overwhelming amount of requests, I would like to kindly ask people to no longer send clips for the test run. If I can get this going as I plan, I will setup a proper way for you to submit a shot for review through the blog.

Apr 14, 2004

Flip Review Request

Thanks for your interest in the Flip Review. Right now, the reviews are on hold until I can get a new computer that is not crappy. This will happen, I`m just not sure when exactly.

The `Flip Review` is way for me to keep my blog going, at the same time as providing a means for people learning animation to get specific suggestions on their work from an industry professional. There is no charge for this.

Some guidelines for requesting a review:
  • Standard definition or smaller Quicktime files are best. A Vimeo link to your video works well for me.
  • Any kind of animation is ok. An acting test, a physicality test, a game animation etc...
  • Any stage of animation is ok. Blocking through to lit and rendered. I will review the work and give suggestions appropriate to the stage of completion.
  • Short tests are preferred. I don't have the time to review short films. I will not exclude demo reels, but I will choose these for review much less frequently.
  • I will give preference to people not already participating in any online courses such as Animation Mentor, but will consider all requests.
If I am able to review your work, you have the choice to include your name and contact information at the head of the video, or remain anonymous if you wish.

Note: I can't guarantee a review just because you request it, but I will do my best to accomodate all requests I receive.