Showing posts with label resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resources. Show all posts

Mar 20, 2008

Mike Walling - Workflow

Whenever I find myself on the net looking for animation "stuff"... I'm always looking for two things
  • Inspiration
  • workflow techniques
To be honest, its not hard to find inspiration on the web these days. There are so many amazing animators posting stuff up. Sometimes I see stuff that almost makes me shake in fear... how will I ever be that good?

On the other hand, its hard to find decent workflow explanations. I think this is mainly because of the following reasons
  • It takes time to document it well. Good animators usually don't have much of that.
  • Its hard to describe a workflow. much of it is almost cerebral, and difficult to fit into a structured system that can be written down. Its a very organic process that depends on a lot of varying factors.
  • The validity of the explanation depends on who looks at it. Everyone is looking for different answers.
Anyway... I just wanted to link up here to a great little page I found by Blue Sky animator Mike Walling. He has a nice page that describes very simply his approach to feature shots. I like his ideas. Blocking is my nemesis right now... and I'm looking for any good information on how animators who do this well... do it well!

Mike is obviously very talented, and you can tell by how he describes his technique. He doesn't sweat it or over complicate it. Its supposed to be fun after all! This is why I like his page.

If you know of any other good ones, please comment, and hopefully I can combine something together for all of us.

Mike's workflow