Showing posts with label book review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book review. Show all posts

August 28, 2020

Review: Start With Me by Kara Isaac

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Where does one begin with describing a Kara Isaac novel? The smiles that are guaranteed to come? The swooniness of the hero? The female protagonist who always seems to find her way into our hearts?  Or! What about the raw emotions which resonate with our own? Truly it's a combination of all of the above, isn't it? 

I should confess that I wasn't sure how I would feel about Victor himself. It's not that I doubted Ms. Isaac's skills, but I wasn't yet convinced that I could believe his redemption. Even though I'm almost always a fan of that storyline! I wasn't too doubtful though, because it didn't take him as long as I first imagined to convince me. (And I'm a sucker for a great redemption arc, did I mention? :) Victor began to tug at my heartstrings and that's not even counting what all Lacey did to my heart! Watching these two slowly figure out their attraction, the growth they both needed, and just what sort of future they each truly wanted was such a wonderful ride. Their story isn't perfect, but that's why I loved them. I could understand their uncertainties and flaws, even as I was pushing for them to reach beyond them into their truer selves.

The lives of these characters are messy, yet beautiful. It was a joy to walk beside them, witnessing their hilarious banter, their frustrations with their current lives, even their frustrations with themselves. The point of it all is to walk the journey, the destination (i.e. their happy ever after) is just the bonus! So do I think you should read it? If any of the above intrigued you, then I say yes! One rarely goes wrong with a Kara Isaac novel, trust me on that. :)

**I received a complimentary copy via JustRead Tours. All opinions are my own.

July 15, 2020

Review: The Lost Lieutenant by Erica Vetsch

In the midst of all the crazy of the world, I wanted something lighthearted and fun to read. This arrived perfectly timed on my kindle! :) It made me laugh a few places, swoon quite a few others, and left me with a smile by the time I finished the final pages. Kudos to Ms. Vetsch!

Now I should clarify that the plot isn’t all happiness and rainbows, there are mysteries upon mysteries to solve amongst all the sweetness. I could never quite put my finger on exactly what would happen to whom although I surely spent quite a bit of time trying to figure it all out. I got close, but still had a few surprises left for me to discover at the climax. And at the heart of all the goings on is the super adorable (and sometimes frustrating) marriage of convenience! That, naturally, was my favorite bit of them all. :D Evan and Diana have splendid chemistry together, their scenes were always snapping with energy. Even as they frustrated me with their inability to just be honest with each other already, I could still appreciate their reasons why they each held things so close. And! The fact that they completely acknowledge the ridiculousness of their refusal to communicate towards the end redeemed all that for me.

The added detail of having the Prince Regent play such a large role in the story was unexpected but I actually rather enjoyed his outrageous way of going about things. (Not so sure I’d enjoy it in real life, but in fiction? Absolutely! :) Combine that with all the swooniness of the romance and the utter sweetness of Cian and you simply have the makings of a wonderful few hours of reading. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and if you like a bit of mystery with your romance then you just might do the same.

**I received a complimentary copy via JustRead Tours. All opinions are my own.

June 1, 2020

Review: Of Literature & Lattes by Katherine Reay

Yay for a new Katherine Reay story! I anticipate the next one just as soon as I finish the last one and this time was no different. I love all the literary references she casually (and not so casually) weaves into her plot. I love how her writing flows along and draws me in immediately (especially when I’m “only going to read a couple chapters right now” and suddenly two hours have flown by ;). I love how her characters are always complex and real, they feel like friends by the end. In short? I just really love Katherine Reay books!

This one drew me in like her previous ones. I was intrigued by Alyssa’s problems and wanting so badly to make her relationship with her mother all better. After growing to know and love Janet dearly in The Printed Letter Bookshop, I was hoping for everyone else around her to be witness to her awesomeness and growth. However, it is perfectly understandable that a fraught relationship is rarely healed overnight. Thus no matter my impatience at times, I truly appreciated the nuanced and natural feel of how they began to slowly understand one another again. I do think their relationship was my favorite among all the possibilities within the story! I also rather enjoyed Jeremy’s relationship with his daughter, Becca. I was not expecting things to end up the way they did and my heart ached for all the emotions he had to process through. But what a beautiful lesson that came out of it! Seriously. Like I said, I love how Ms. Reay so skillfully handles complex characters and gives their story arcs such depth and feeling.

I will have to confess to feeling some slight disappointment, however. As much as I have adored all of Ms. Reay’s books thus far, this is the first one which I closed with a tinge of bittersweetness. This has nothing to do with her writing, more it has to do with where a couple plots ended up going. Ms. Reay has beautifully written a story in which choices were made which I did not enjoy as much as I wanted. Also, while I liked getting several different perspectives on scenes, the multiple points of view got a tad overwhelming at times, since I never knew when I'd jump into someone else's head suddenly. However! These choices are not enough to make me wish I hadn’t read it. To the contrary, I especially loved a certain conversation between Luke and Chris which just made me grin. The fact that they had this same basic conversation again at the end of the book only made my grin bigger! (On that note, Ms. Reay. I’d REALLY love to see the results of those convos played out in an epilogue of sorts! Pretty please? ;)

So! The bottom line? Katherine Reay is quite skilled with the pen and I think you should absolutely read her books! Though this one isn’t perfect, it still has some good lessons to be learned and imperfect characters with whom to fall in love. And! Did I mention all the literary references? You should be intrigued for those alone. What are you waiting for? Go read her books and be entranced as much as I!

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

May 25, 2020

Review: The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner

Naturally, any book to do with Jane Austen catches my eye, so I was intrigued when I saw the synopsis for this one. There is so much to love about this story, friends. I mean, the fictionalization of how the Jane Austen Society began? And such a mix of characters! Ms. Jenner is quite talented at bringing all her different storylines together into one cohesive big tapestry.

Okay, so I admit that I didn’t love every character. Certainly I didn’t start out loving all of them! A few are easier to love, a few make choices that I didn’t like, still others made me smile every time their point of view appeared again. Yet it was their genuine love of Jane Austen which endeared even the unlikeable ones to me.

My absolute favorite bits of all? Were the moments when they began to come together and each discovered the genuine joy of discussing and analyzing books with likeminded friends!! I get that, I understand that, I LOVED that! Whether it’s Jane Austen or whatever other books we love or hate, discussing the whys and wherefores with someone else who loves to read….there’s just nothing like that feeling. It brings people of all kinds together. And these characters are all so very different! Which is why I loved it when they found they had so many more things in common through discussion of Jane Austen. Jane is so good at bringing people together, don’t you think?

The other thing about this story that kept me turning the pages is how each character, so very different from the others, interprets Austen. How each one reads her stories and sees different things. Which is true of all of us today, just as much as it would’ve been true in the 1940s when this takes place. We all read her books from our own perspective, with our own biases and backgrounds and history playing a part in how we interpret what we read. (This is true of any story we read.) Yet the focus of all these different perspectives coming together and how they learn from each other, how they fall in love, how they grow, how they make choices, both good and bad…it’s all intricately and beautifully woven together.

This isn’t a perfectly written story, as any book isn’t. There were parts that I skimmed over due to not particularly enjoying them, I cannot deny this. Yet watching these characters stumble their way through life and find joyous reason to keep going through Austen’s stories and each other, I could reread those bits without any problem! And will do so, let me tell you. Even just writing this review makes me want to go back and reread the book! I loved all the introspective analysis the characters did which caused me to do the same. They opened my eyes to new perspectives and made me want to reread Austen herself! So I would absolutely recommend this one to all Austen lovers out there. Perfect or not, it is a wonderful homage to the timelessness and beauty of her stories and how she brings so many of us onto common ground together.

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

"He was becoming quite worried for Mr. Darcy. It seemed to Adam that once a man notices a woman's eyes to be fine, and tries to eavesdrop on her conversations, and finds himself overly affected by her bad opinion of him, then such a man is on the path to something uncharted, whether he admits it to himself or not."

May 13, 2020

Review: The Joy of Falling by Lindsay Harrel

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I admit that what pursued me throughout this story was the grief journey. What is it about experiencing such a significant life situation such as losing a loved one that draws us to the stories which speak about such? Is it not wanting to know we’re alone? Is it the hope that often infuses them? Is it just the connection, of knowing someone else clearly gets it? Whatever the reasons (probably it’s a lot of all of them, right? :), I was totally down for reading this one. And Ms. Harrel did not disappoint me!

Grief is such a personal, crazy, upside down, twisty, hopeful, and piercing sort of journey to experience. It truly is one of those things that one must experience in order to “get it”. Well, Ms. Harrel clearly gets it. Her story is absolutely full of all the chaoticness that grief brings a person. Yet its hope grounds these characters and this story, the hope that entwines every single chapter, that dances along all the heartbreak and confusion, that wondrous Hope which never gives up! That hope kept me turning the pages during paragraphs when Angela or Eva frustrated me. I confess that there were several moments in the first half of the book that I didn’t really like them. They were both so caught up in their un-processed grief that I struggled to connect with them. But that’s also what worked! Because real life, real people, we’re like that. Losing a loved one is HARD, and you don’t just “get over it”, nor is it pretty because we humans can behave pretty harshly to each other sometimes, especially when we’re hurting. So even while I was frustrated, I trusted Ms. Harrel to take both of them (as well as me! :) into beautiful new places if I only had the patience. And I was rewarded!

Both Angela and Eva have a lot of growing to do over the course of their journey. And I rather enjoyed watching them grow weaker in order to realize the strength that was already hovering within them, waiting to be noticed. This story is about more than just them. Angela’s children, both of the gentlemen that wreak havoc on said women’s emotions, and of course Sherry (I LOVED Sherry and her words of wisdom at just the right moments!), all the secondary characters took on life around our two main ladies and brought so many different dynamics into play. Certainly they were proof that our personal grieving affects all those in close proximity to us, especially those we love.

Oh, I could go on, there are so many thoughts about grieving and loving and life after that are spinning through my mind! But I think I ought to let you discover this gem of a story for yourself. It’s not an easy journey to make, grief never is. But the end result? Is a beautiful tapestry of wonder, delight, and HOPE. So I think you should totally find a copy real soon for yourself. :)

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

"But what if the ultimate muse is really God, and he's got this amazingly full and creative life waiting for you, if only you'll step back into it? Is it possible to allow all the pain and the beauty of life to inspire you? To allow God to inspire you--not to creative, but to live?"

"Stability is overrated. Trusting God to catch you...that's what life was really about."

April 14, 2020

Review: Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese

Ah, this book is like an overflowing cup of happiness! I was totally committed to Lauren’s journey right from the start. And then Joshua walked onto the page and….well, the rest is history as they say. :) Knowing that Ms. Deese pulled from bits of her own personal journey with adoption while writing this only made me more excited to read it! Then once I was started there was no putting it down until the final pages.

I loved Lauren. Her heart and her clear calling to adopt were beautifully portrayed. I was right there with her during every uncertainty, fear, joy and all the emotional upheaval of her current life. She hasn’t taken lightly any of the decisions she’s made and I loved her clear certainty of what God was telling her to do. Even during her doubtful times she could always come back to that confidence as a reminder to keep moving forward. Watching her maneuver through each step in front of her so carefully, prayerfully, yet each one feeling like a giant leap of faith…oh I got it. I have been in such a place myself, not with adoption but I still got it. I loved Jenna, Lauren’s bestie so, SO much for this very reason. Having people behind you, supporting you every step of the way? It’s a wonderful and necessary part of doing this life we’re given! Oh, and Joshua? Swoon. I could totally see why Lauren was such a goner for him! :D Their chemistry is felt in practically every scene they have. They are made for each other, they simply didn’t expect to find each other right now in the messy middle!

Ms. Deese’s heart shines through her writing in this story. It is so wonderfully obvious that she understands the heartache and beauty to be found in adoption, for she treats it with respect and love, acknowledging the hard that comes right along with the joy. All the while interweaving hope and pain and happiness into a delightful picture that makes sense only at the end, not always so much during the process. Which is simply true to life.

There are many words that could be said, but I think I’ll leave you with these. It’s a heart-full, big-smile, happy-sigh kind of story! And I totally think you should read it. So why don’t you? :)

**I received a complimentary copy via Bethany House. All opinions expressed are my own.

"I don't think it's possible for us to measure the impact one person can have on another, but I do believe that offering hope to someone without it is invaluable."

"God's best for us rarely comes without the stretching, and it's in that stretching season, those periods of complete and utter dependence on God's faithfulness, that He holds our hearts and molds them into a shape that only He can fill."

March 19, 2020

Blog Tour :: Review :: Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge by Ruth Logan Herne

Finding Love in Wishing Bridge JustRead Blog Tour 
Welcome to the Blog Tour & Giveaway for Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge by Ruth Logan Herne, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


I read book two of this series for the first time just a couple months back and have been itching for Jazz’s story ever since! The little taste of the people circling around her and all the heartache she was going through gave me just enough of a glimpse to whet my appetite. This book was as delightful as I hoped. :) Plus I loved getting caught up in the general awesomeness of the town of Wishing Bridge as a whole. I love these people, I truly do.

Jazz’s journey is far from easy, but her determination to push through, not to mention the amazing friendships she has with Thea and Kelsey, simply endeared her to me from our first “meeting”. She is ever so much stronger than she imagines herself and with God on her side and the love from everyone that surrounds her, she begins to slowly figure this out. I loved watching her grow, especially as she conquered fears and doubt. I will admit that the fact she gets in the middle of a bit of a love triangle disappointed me, as I dislike that particular trope. Yet it’s once again the three women at the core of this series which gives it so much heart and keeps bringing me back to reread my favorite bits. These ladies simply love each other so well, even amidst mistakes made and forgiveness needed. (But especially when one is struggling, for the others encourage and cheer her on!) They understand one another and it seeps through every interaction. I want to be friends with them!

Ms. Herne proves yet again her ability to jump from heart-pounding tense moments to the sweetest adorableness all the while never losing a moment of momentum. Every interaction motivates the next and the next, and the threads of hope and joy in spite of uncertainty are beautifully done. Somehow all these different elements weave together to create a smooth and intriguing picture by the end. One which I thoroughly enjoyed! (In case you can’t tell. ;) From edge of your seat, to slow and romantic, to laughter and fun, this book is a keeper, my friends. Don’t miss out! Get yourself a copy and try it for yourself.

**I received a complimentary copy via JustRead Tours. All opinions expressed are my own.


Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge by Ruth Logan Herne
Title: Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge
Series: Wishing Bridge #3
Author: Ruth Logan Herne
Release Date: March 2, 2020
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Being a supermodel isn't just hard.

It can be a killer, so when international sensation Jazz Monroe answered a friend's call for help, she'd just taken a hiatus from the job that made her a very rich woman and almost took her life. Outwardly Jazz was everything anyone would want to be. Beautiful, confident, rich and famous, and often seen on the arm of some of the world's most eligible bachelors, Jazz knows the truth she hides. Her self-confidence is an act and the eating disorder that plagues her refuses to let her rest.

But then she and her old friend Thea are called to help a friend and fulfill a pledge they'd made a dozen years before as high school seniors. If any one of the three ever needed help, the others would come running. Last December, Kelsey made that call and her two old friends, the other members of the "Soul Sisterhood", responded. They're here now. Thea is practicing medicine, Kelsey has married the hero deputy that saved her life and Jazz is finding the hints of peace that have eluded her for nearly two decades. She settles into the little town, helping out at a local diner, waiting for the sky to fall.

It doesn't. Instead, the sun begins to shine, winter fades to spring, and surrounded by new and old friends, Jazz begins to believe in herself. She loves the small town, the kindness of the locals, the warmth of the family diner and the special attention from two very different and distinct men makes her think new thoughts. Thoughts of family and picket fences and settling down.

But an unexpected attack on a wood-edged path reignites her fears and insecurities. Now she's looking in shadows again, doubting herself and others. In Manhattan, locked elevators and a staffed entrance desk kept her safe from intruders.

Wishing Bridge has nothing like that. Here, she lives life at ground level, with no bodyguards watching out for her. But when a local contingent makes it their job to keep her safe, Jazz learns not to sell the small town short. Folks here mean what they say because that's the kind of town Wishing Bridge is.

As Jazz rediscovers the most important things in life, she realizes that happiness isn't about where you are: it's about who you're with. And who you love.

Join Jazz, Kelsey, Thea and the rest of the Wishing Bridge cast as they band together to help the town and one another because together-- in Wishing Bridge-- they can make anything happen.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon


Ruth Logan Herne

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Ruth Logan Herne is living her dream of writing sweet stories, full of unforgettable characters in pastoral small towns and the occasional big city. With over 50 books published to date, and more to come, Ruthy loves to pen stories in the middle of the night when it bothers no one… and, in return, they don’t bother her! J Married with six children and a daughter of her heart, Ruthy has fourteen grandkids who all love her and think she’s the coolest thing on the planet. Except for Star Wars & Harry Potter, puppies, baseball, Nerd ropes…. Okay, you get the picture. She loves chatting with readers. Email Ruthy at, ask to be put on her newsletter list or visit her website

CONNECT WITH RUTH: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


(1) winner will receive a print copy of Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge and an assortment of candies!

Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule shown below. Giveaway will begin at midnight March 16, 2020 and last through 11:59 PM EST on March 23, 2020. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US mailing addresses only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

February 11, 2020

Review: If For Any Reason by Courtney Walsh

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This one is a super sweet and emotional read! Ms. Walsh is so good at that combination. It's been a little while since I read one of her stories, so this was like renewing an old friendship. :)

One of the highlights for me was the details on the theatre. Knowing that Ms. Walsh has a great deal of personal experience in that area, her wealth of knowledge and the joy it brings her shown through her descriptions. I connected with that part of Emily's life, even though I have zero experience and know nothing about it myself. I love when that happens in a story.

Another of my favorite things was Hollis' family. They are so loving and caring for each other! And since Emily is in desperate need of such in her life, I loved seeing how they swept her up into being part of them and made her comfortable. Plus they helped provide a safe place for Hollis to figure out his relationship with his daughter. They truly are one of my favorite fictional families now. They're not perfect, none of the characters are, but the flaws only endear them further.

The romance bits were adorable, of course. (Which was only to be expected! This is a Courtney Walsh novel after all.) I appreciated that they were friends first, a good friends-to-lovers romance is one of my favorite tropes and Ms. Walsh handles the transition really well. Because goodness the chemistry between these two! Yet both Emily and Hollis have a lot of growing to do, so I especially appreciated the slow way the romance heated up, giving both time to process through all the stuff they needed to.

Overall, I really enjoyed the emotions I connected with while reading. The grief, the uncertainty, the fear, the familial love, and most of all the hope that threaded everything together from beginning to end. Several moments brought smiles, while others made me turn the next page as quick as I could to find out how a character would respond. Beautifully written, Ms. Walsh continues to solidify her spot on my list of awesome writers!

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

It was funny how you could miss something so much and not know you missed it until it was back in your life again.

February 10, 2020

Bite-Sized Reviews :: Edition Fifty-Four {the Ruth Logan Herne edition}

So back a few months ago I was having a lazy Sunday afternoon. While trying to decide what book(s) I should read, I somehow ended up on a Ruth Logan Herne kick! And ended up devouring four books of hers all in one day. (Why yes, I did stay up quite late that night, why do you ask? ;) To be fair, most of them are stories on the fairly short side. So that's how such a feat was possible.

Anyhoo! Ms. Herne is definitely an author worth reading and, having met her in real life, I can add that she's just an awesome person all the way around! :) So you should definitely check her books out if you haven't read anything by her before now...

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At Home in Wishing Bridge
You'll probably think I'm crazy for starting a series with book two, but something about the synopsis for this one convinced me to pick it up first. And it was oh so delightful! I loved all the characters and goings on in this little town. And I, especially, LOVED the friendships at the core of the series. Thea, Kelsey, and Jazz have such a wonderfully solid reliance upon one another, where they can bolster the others in one conversation and speak hard truths in another. Their friendship feels real and true, which gives a firm foundation for the rest of the cast of characters circling around them. And Thea and Ethan? Oh my heart, they are so good for each other! Only it takes a bit for them to truly realize this. Which makes for a fun journey! And now I'm all excited for Jazz's story next. Cannot wait! :)

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Her Secret Daughter
Ah the complications that begin this little story! They are difficult and uncertain, and significant enough to have a huge impact on everyone involved. And beautifully set up the adorable romance that kept me turning the pages. Josie and Jacob are super sweet together, add in the cuteness that is Addie and we have the makings of a complicated, adorable mess of emotion. Watching Josie deal with her conflicted emotions and attempt to do the right thing at every new turn was heartbreaking, yet hopefilled. I think that's what I loved best about this romance, the hope that permeates their interactions. (Plus the chemistry between them. ;) This story made me smile a lot and that's precisely what I liked about it.

Yuletide Hearts & Mended Hearts
Two stories in one! And what fun stories they are. A redeemed bad boy who makes a tomboy swoon (Matt and Callie) was my fave romance between the two. But don't get me wrong! Jeff and Hannah are super adorable too! Both of these guys are pretty much goners from their first meetings with their respective ladies and watching as they swept each lady off her feet was just...ah, there are no words. I wanted adorable romance and I got precisely that! Plus a little character growth, which was the icing on the proverbial cake. :)

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Christmas at Star Inn 
by Margaret Brownley, Mary Connealy, and Ruth Logan Herne
So I picked this one because of Ms. Herne, but thoroughly enjoyed all the stories found therein! The Star Inn features prominently, of course, and it was fun to see how each couple ended up there and what staying at the inn did for them. Sweet romances, strong character growth, and simply loads of fun makes this anthology a wonderful addition to my Christmastime reading!

February 5, 2020

Bite-Sized Reviews :: Edition Fifty-Three

The Words Between Us By Erin Bartels
This is very much a gripping read! I was pulled into Robin's world from the first few paragraphs and stayed glued to the pages. As her past is slowly revealed and we discover just what has made her into the person she is today, I was thoroughly intrigued. However, I have to say that while I was very much invested in where her journey would take her, there were several moments that jarred me out of the story. The overall flow just wasn't as smooth as I wanted. And the ending...well, it simply fell a little flat for me. I was expecting more of something during the final pages and never found it. Things finished up a little too cleanly and quickly for me. So while I was captivated by the storyline, I closed the book feeling disappointed. But overall, still a wonderfully told story!

Letters From Paris by Juliet Blackwell
The idea of death masks fascinates me! I'd never heard of them until reading this story. Clair's journey to discover the history behind a particular death mask and the slow unfolding of what really happened years ago kept me turning page after page. Plus the romance bits were pretty cute. :) Overall an intriguing story that I'm glad I read.

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by Lily Anderson
When a favorite reviewer highly recommended this teenage take on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, I knew I'd have to try it. And I wasn't disappointed! It translated into modern times very well (as I figured) and was just a whole lot of fun. Mostly the bits between Trixie and Ben. Those two characters never failed to make me laugh and shake my head at their determination to not admit their feelings and then be unable to deny them. :D Super fun with adorable romantic bits, if you like Much Ado, I think you'd enjoy this one.

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The Last Drop by Erynn Mangum
I love Erynn Mangum stories, especially her Maya Davis series. This is a wonderful continuation of them! Presley is so much fun, Maya is as awesome as always, and the romance...well! I loved every cute and adorable moment! Definitely you should start with book one of the series if you haven't read it yet, but each successive book is loads of fun and this one is a perfect ending. (Only I wouldn't be opposed to more Maya books! Just saying. :)

February 4, 2020

Bite-Sized Reviews :: Edition Fifty-Two

And here we have another Christmas edition! I must have been in the mood for Christmas stories this past December because as I went back over my list there were a whole lot more on there than I'd realized. A good problem to have, though, right? :) Some were good and some a bit forgettable...

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
I decided this was the year I'd finally read this little volume and I'm so pleased that I did! I may have thought I knew this story, but it still surprised me in parts. Which is a good thing. :) For being a "ghost story", it has a whole lot of light and hope within it. I can see why so many have loved it for so many years. A particularly good quote: "The Spirit dropped beneath it, so that the extinguisher covered its whole form; but, though Scrooge pressed it down with all his force, he could not hide the light, which streamed from under it in an unbroken flood upon the ground." (emphasis mine, obviously)

Now I want to try another Dickens novel... :)

The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens
It started out super fun and then went in a completely unexpected direction. But this shouldn't surprise me coming from Dickens, right? :) I did enjoy the story overall, though, I just wasn't prepared for some harsh realities that hit. Yet there is hope threaded throughout the story, so that helped tremendously. Still, the first several paragraphs are perfectly described and woven that I was invested within the story before I knew it. I loved those bits particularly!

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Christmas at the Circus by Joanne Bischof
A sweet and wonderful return to Charlie and Ella Lionheart's world! Entirely too short for my liking (a good problem, yes :), I loved getting a small glimpse into their married life. It reminded me it's been far too long since I last read The Lady and the Lionheart!

The Christmas Train by David Baldacci
Having watched the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie based on this book a couple years ago, I was intrigued to try this. Of course, books and movies always differ, so I had a few disappointments. But overall this was an intriguing story, very Christmasy and enjoyable (mostly). There were parts I particularly liked better than others and I won't say that I will ever pick it up again, but I'm not sad I tried it. (Plus, does it ever make you feel like patting yourself on the back when you try a popular and well-known author even if you didn't love their story? Perhaps I'm the only one... ;)

Snowflakes at the Little Christmas Tree Farm 
by Jaimie Admans
Ms. Admans certainly has a way of writing addicting stories! Because somehow she got me to finish this one when I felt like the beginning wasn't truly hitting all the right buttons for me yet. As I pushed on farther, though, my interest picked up by about midway through. Having now finished it, I can say that it's cute overall. Perhaps not one that I loved, but still enjoyable. The romance was adorably fluffy. If you're interested in a quick, Christmasy and wintery story, then try it! You may just love it more than I. :)

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Christmas Every Day By Beth Moran
I loved Jenny! In spite of her current awful circumstances, she forges a path through all the yuck and discovers life again. Her fabulous personality gets her through just about anything. There were bits about this story that disappointed me, but I stuck around for Jenny. And Mack! Because having a neighbor who does good deeds (while grumbling) makes for hilarious interactions between them. I laughed several times during their conversations. I also love the friendships that spring up around Jenny, through hardly any effort of her own. She is simply just that awesome and easy to love. Bits I loved and bits I didn't made an interesting combination but overall a sweet story.

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Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses by Jenny Hale
This had it's cute and sweet moments. Particularly when Nick interacts with Max, Abbey's son. Their scenes always made me smile. And the romance was fun, mostly. There were bits that just didn't work for me, but overall an enjoyable read. Very Christmasy and romantic, which was all I was in the mood for, so it worked!

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A Bramble House Christmas by CJ Carmichael
Hallmark movies are terribly addicting and when they are based upon books, I tend to want to try them. Turns out that can mean good things or forgettable things. Unfortunately I would label this story as one of the ones that was just intriguing enough to make me finish it, yet there was much that wasn't flowing so smoothly for me. That's not to say it's a terrible book! Just not for me, sadly.

Christmas Joy by Nancy Naigle
This reads exactly like a Hallmark Christmas movie, which is precisely what I wanted. A little bit cheesy, a little bit predictable, a whole lot Christmasy, and quite an adorable romance. It was the perfect way to while away a sick day spent in bed. It made me smile through the misery! :)

February 3, 2020

Bite-Sized Reviews :: Edition Fifty-One

Well, here we are again. More reviews! These are focused on stories that particularly filled me with delight when I read them. Each of these books cause me to smile inside and out when I think of them... :)

Miss Buncle's Book by DE Stevenson
Oh my goodness, I LOVED this one! Miss Buncle and her neighbors are a hoot and a half. The pickle she finds herself in and the delightful way she worries and processes through it just warmed my heart with every chapter. I really knew next to nothing about this book when I found my first copy a few years back, but the premise intrigued me so I bought it. Then I found a second copy with a gorgeous cover that made me decide it was time to actually read it and I am ever so happy I did. I smiled throughout pretty much every single chapter and now I want to find copies of the next books in the series... If you haven't tried this one yet, friends, then I highly recommend you do so!! Miss Buncle is worth spending time with, trust me. :)

Parnasus on Wheels by Christopher Morley
An unexpected delight of a story, this went very differently than I'd imagined. But that did not take away from its charms whatsoever! I saw a description of it on goodreads that called it an "unforgettably weird classic" and I'd have to agree. I mean that in the best ways possible! Because I truly enjoyed Helen's adventures. And Roger Mifflin...ah what a character he is as well. These two people are so very different, yet find much in common once their journey gets going. A super fun little story that's definitely getting added to my reread pile!

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The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 1 
by Beth Brower
I've been a fan of Ms. Brower's for some time now, but this new series truly solidifies my awe at her skill with a pen. She is incredibly talented at writing in so many different genres. This (not nearly long enough) little book was wonderful from start to finish. I was relieved, however, when I neared the end and realized there was at least one more book waiting because my investment in Emma's life needed many more pages and chapters than would fit in this one single volume. Emma's adventures in St. Crispian's and the intriguing folk who inhabit it were a lot of fun to discover. I don't quite know how to describe the pure delight found within these pages, so I will tell you this one thing: read it for yourself! I find Emma very much worth getting to know, see if you might feel the same. :)

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The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 2 
by Beth Brower
Yay for more Emma! So many more escapades and possibilities of romance...maybe, perhaps, we shall see? Whatever the future yet holds for Emma, I am so here for it. Please write more, Ms. Brower! I loved this second little peek into Emma's inner musings and it was as delightful as the first. Emma is awesome, the end. (As are quite a few of her neighbors and townspeople. Their quirkiness adds so much to Emma's own quirks and perspective on life.) Such a wonderful little book! (But seriously. I truly hope more volumes are yet to come!)

February 1, 2020

Bite-Sized Reviews :: Edition Fifty

And here it is, friends! The first of many afore-mentioned review posts. *sigh* I had really gotten behind on those! This first set of books are all nonfiction and thought-provoking reads, as you will see...

Onward to the gushing! ;)

Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
This wonderful little book had barely been on my radar when I spotted a copy at a used bookshop I frequent occasionally. Perfect timing! I loved the way her thoughts flowed and followed so much of my own pondering and wonderings. Recognizing a lot of my own uncertainties and joys caused me to write down so many awesome little quotes to remember later. A quick read that proved the well-used phrase 'short and sweet'. So much sweetness! Definitely will reread it again. It feels like the type to refresh you every year as time and perspective changes... :)

Sense and Sensuality: Jesus Talks to Oscar Wilde on the Pursuit of Pleasure by Ravi Zacharias
I confess this one wasn't anywhere on my radar until it popped up on a deal of the day email several months ago. As I have enjoyed Mr. Zacharias' writing before, I decided to try it. It is an intriguing little conversation! I didn't remember much about Oscar Wilde's life, but I went and researched what I could find, which helped me understand just what is going on in this "conversation". It provides great food for thought and response when faced with so much of the sensuality in culture around us...

84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff
I cannot believe I'd never heard of this little gem until fairly recently! This was, quite simply, a delight from start to finish. I laughed at several places, shook my head in others, got a bit teary at the end, and absolutely adored these letters between two people who connected over love of story. For any booklover, this is a must read. (And probably everyone else but me has read it already. But I am finally part of the gushing reviews! :)

"Please write and tell me about London, I live for the day when I step off the boat-train and feel its dirty sidewalks under my feet. I want to walk up Berkeley Square and down Wimpole Street and stand in St. Paul's where John Donne preached and sit on the step Elizabeth sat on when she refused to enter the Tower, and like that. A newspaper man I know, who was stationed in London during the war, says tourists go to England with preconceived notions, so they always find exactly what they go looking for. I told him I'd go looking for the England of English literature, and he said:
"Then it's there."

Surprised By Joy by CS Lewis
So much of Mr. Lewis' writing challenges my brain to work hard to understand what he's saying (this doesn't stop me from trying to understand him though!), so I was surprised by the more accessible flow of thought when I started this one. Lewis' intelligence does make it itself known, of course, but this is a fascinating look at his journey to Christianity. I admit that maybe I skimmed a slight bit when he got a little detailed on some of his school days, but overall this gave me a deeper perspective on him and what joy can be and look like. Definitely recommend it!


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