Showing posts with label Fool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fool. Show all posts

Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Search of Folly

Struggled for wisdom,
Have poured over many books
-they say I'm a fool.

Copyright 2010

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Playing The Fool

Photo: Edward S. Gault
Pictured: Karen A. Gault

For One Single Impression Prompt: Folly

1.He was the town fool
xx Then he went on a journey
xx -returned a hero.

2. Other kids teased her,
xxShe was always the last picked
xx-later, got Nobel.

3. He stole millions,
xxBankrupted the company
xx-got "Man of the Year"

4. On Stage he told truth
xxAs people split sides laughing
xxx-many words bleeped out!
xxxx(for George Carlin R.I.P)

5. Once upon a time,
x x A kingdom lacked wisdom-O!
xx -made the fool their king.

6. The Professor said:
xxx"Foolish Civilizations
xxxxlive like kings, die fast".

Copyright 2008