Showing posts with label cafe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cafe. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Hour?

Cafe patrons debate,
Shouting and interupting
-next: the jugular.

Copyright 2oo8

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Look Up From Your Coffee And See The Art!

Here is a haiku for all you artists who display your works in cafes, and keep on doing so even when nobody buys your work.

Row of framed photos.
Folks drink coffee and read news,
-cafe gallery.

Copyright 2008

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Still In The Cafe

In addition to sneaking off for a forbidden read, I also enjoy writing forbidden things as well,
it's only fun though as long as someone disapproves. And of course, that certain someone helps.

At corner cafe
Looking out for you in crowd,
Writing out haiku.

Copyright 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007

Vacation's Past Time

One of the things that I've always enjoyed doing with vacation time is to read. This scares the living bejabbers out of some people, I guess because reading is the mark of an independent mind. Independent minds make people nervous. So when more conservative relatives come to visit I sneak out when I can to get just a few more pages of delicious thoughtcrime read. Here is a haiku for all you independent minds out there.

Man reads in cafe
Evening light takes its flight
A moonlit walk home

Copyright 2007