Title: 17 & Gone (Link to Goodreads)
Author: Nova Ren Suma
Released: 21st March 2013 (US)
Seventeen-year-old Lauren is having visions of girls who have gone missing. And all these girls have just one thing in common—they are 17 and gone without a trace. As Lauren struggles to shake these waking nightmares, impossible questions demand urgent answers: Why are the girls speaking to Lauren? How can she help them? And . . . is she next? As Lauren searches for clues, everything begins to unravel, and when a brush with death lands her in the hospital, a shocking truth emerges, changing everything.
(From Goodreads)
I'm looking forward to this because I haven't read many mysteries, and I think that combined with the supernatural element makes for a potentially interesting read. I've yet to read Imaginary Girls as well, but I've heard that it's very good!
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