It has been one of the BEST and one of the WORST years of my to sum it up....
The Young Family
Top Things of 2011
1. We got a new black 2011 Honda Pilot
2. We moved into a brand new house that we are buying!
3. We started doing foster care for teens!
4. Crystal moved in
5. We took a week long family vacation to California with beach trips and Disneyland and more!
6. Went on lots of Family Hikes...not as many as I would have liked but still some!
7. Foster Girl #2 moved OUT (what a blessing that was)
8. Riley (our new foster son) moved in....boys are so much easier!!!
9. Alexia started dance at the vault! (Cheer, Jazz/Lyrical, and Hip Hop)
10. We got to go on a Free couple's overnight trip up north for my birthday (thanks Sunroc)
11. I got to be R.S. Secretary and serve with and get to know some really amazing women!
12. We moved to a really nice neighborhood
13. We LOVE living in Hurricane town!
14. We have a great new ward
15. Foster Girl #2 moved OUT :) (oh wait...did I already say that...well it was a really great part of my year!)
16. We met Angelica when she did respite with us and have been able to spend lots of time with her!
17. We moved next door to a really nice guy that likes to mow our lawn for us and is a really great neighbor!
18. We've been able to spend lots of time with our best friends! So grateful to have such an amazing family in our lives that we both enjoy spending time with!
19. I've been able to reconnect with some old friends!
20. We've been getting to meet and make new friends
21. Alexia turned 8, got baptized, and had a fun sleepover party!
22. Got a new My Touch 4G phone in February for FREE!!!
23. Able to spend lots of time with our family. So grateful to have most of them living close by!
24. My brother and his family didn't move away!
Bottom Things of 2011
1. Moved out of a really great ward....just when I was starting to come out of my shell....
2. I really miss my old friends/neighbors/ward members....sometimes it is lonely moving to a new place....
3. Foster Girl #2 moved IN
4. Crystal moved out :( I still really miss her and think about her everyday...
5. My Dad passed away :( I miss him soooo much and still cry about it almost everyday.
6. We got stuck in nursery....the one place I really didn't want to be...but it's not all bad cause the kids are cute and I do love them so I'm trying to be happy about being in there....
7. Power/Gas bill went up from moving into a bigger house but I am grateful we have a bigger home!
8. My smart phone is not so
9. Gas for an SUV is alot!
10. I'm sad and I miss my dad and Crystal so much....
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