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Ohhh, you're my best friend...

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For the easily distracted...: Ohhh, you're my best friend...

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Ohhh, you're my best friend...

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For the easily distracted...: Ohhh, you're my best friend...

Friday, 17 September 2010

Ohhh, you're my best friend...

{Post title sung in Queen fashion is required...}

**Warning there will be a number of these posts because... well my friends are amazing!! Both my life friends and my blog friends - and I couldn't be more grateful. **

First up - a much waited for post dedicated to my lovely K...

Over the August bank holiday, K gave me a box for my birthday present and inside was lots of cameras!! 6 cameras to be precise - 2 polaroids, a box brownie(!!!), 2 35mm cameras... and the final camera was K and her sisters old Action Tracker (now named action sampler on Lomography) from when they were little... how amazing is that?!

Note: there are photos of me opening the box but they are still being edited...
its on here now G - you have to send them to me, haha!

How did K know that I've been looking at multi lens cameras for a while now?!
Of course I immediately put a film in it and here are some of my favourite photos from the bbq that my Mum has pretty much every year... I may have used most of the film within the space of a couple of hours, oops!

Action Harry!

Peek a boo!



Turn and... smile!
(sneaky Thomas...)

Lens flare!

Thanks K!!
(and hi to P!)

I love my friends :)
(and cameras...)

Happy weekend!!

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Blogger Alyssa said...

WOW! what an amazing birthday present!!!!!

im about to ask the dumbest question ever..... but so all these cool cameras you have.. they are not digital... so how do you get them all onto the computer and edit them?

anyone else reading this comment and laughing .STOP. PLEASE. thankouy x

17 September 2010 at 13:51  
Blogger Rhianne said...

lol, its not a dumb question. I tend to get them developed straight onto a CD at the photo place - its cheaper and it saves me from scanning them all.

I hardly ever edit the photos though, I never feel they need it. I have photoshop but I rarely use it for editing photos anymore...

17 September 2010 at 13:59  
Blogger Celeste said...

Ohhh I love the last one so much! It's so dreamy :)

17 September 2010 at 17:37  
Blogger Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

these turned out great :)

17 September 2010 at 18:40  
Blogger adam.and.e said...

lens flare!!!!! i love!

soounds like you had a stellar bday. :)

ps- thanks for the amazing blog giveaway!!! so pumped!

17 September 2010 at 19:01  
Anonymous GeeGee said...

Guess I better get the photos to you soon, I am spurred! That lens flare is so mindbending to work out. which remind me - look at, it takes 360 degree photographs, and works with video cameras! Ours is on its way over from Holland, eee!

17 September 2010 at 20:52  
Blogger Gracie said...

Ahhh wow!! That is the most amazing present to receive. It's thoughtful and so YOU! I'm sure you had plenty of fun with the cameras!

18 September 2010 at 03:59  
Blogger michelle said...

show off your new cameras, actually why not your entire collection at the same time! :)

18 September 2010 at 07:04  
Blogger Red Boots said...

Wow, that's so exciting! Six cameras, including a box brownie as well?! I've been wanting one of those for ages!

Those pictures are great - especially the ones of Harry!

ps: I know I'm a bit late, but hope you had a super fantastic birthday! I've been a bit lame with commenting lately - trying to catch up!


18 September 2010 at 20:02  
Blogger Gabriella Rose said...

Hey! I started my own blog recently. I'd appreciate it if you could check it out and maybe give me some feedback? Any comments are welcomed! Thank you so much, and don't stop blogging - we all have a voice to be heard! xx

19 September 2010 at 04:04  
Blogger Lavender Playground said...

Your friend is really nice to give you such a great present, I like the way these turned out, they are so unique.

19 September 2010 at 15:04  
Blogger AmyK said...

That is SUCH a cool present. And thoughtful! Aaamazing.

I'm still kicking myself, btw, for not buying the box brownie that I saw at the flea market last month. Kick kick kick.

19 September 2010 at 22:56  
Blogger Erika said...

that's a really sweet present. my faves are 3 and 6.

20 September 2010 at 07:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a fab birthday present! Great pics too :D

20 September 2010 at 14:28  

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