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For the easily distracted...: July 2011

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For the easily distracted...: July 2011

Friday, 29 July 2011

It's nearly August already?!

Seriously... where has this year gone?
However, August is great because it means...

~ August Break!~
I loved taking part in Susannah's August Break last year and this year I'm using it as an excuse to share photos from the last two years that I haven't shared on here yet .. there were more than I expected, though I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, my Flickr does have over 1,000 photos on there now and I'd say most of them are film.

~ Paris! ~
Thats right, the last week of August, Thomas and I are going to Paris, for a week and I'm taking at least 7 cameras and lots of film. I can not wait already!!

I'll try and sneak in a what I'm packing post, like I did for Krakow... the outfits will be slightly different I feel and I have some amazing guest posters to keep my little blog company whilst we're away, woo!

See you in August, it's going to amazing, I can tell.
Have a great weekend!

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Thursday, 28 July 2011

Oh my...

A while ago, Alyssa sent me an email with a link to this amazing print by African Grey Designs

And then I looked at the rest of the shop...

{How freaking cute is this one?!}

Oh my! I want everything!

All images from African Grey Designs
Click on each image to see each item individually.

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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Here's to happiness (with photos)

I've slowly been going through my old blog posts and resizing/tagging them all and I realised it's been well over a year since I put together a 'Here's to Happiness' post (inspired by the lovely Naomi, way back in April 2009! Did you ever write one?)

So here is my latest list... with photos (of course...)

1. Happy post - my new perfect custom ordered brooches from Much Love Illy and a lovely unexpected package from Elizabeth at Rosalilium.

2. New cameras to add to my collection.
I will update my collection image soon promise.

3. Visitors in our little garden
(Note. Thomas took the picture of the squirrel with the posh digital camera,
I just edited it with Vignette to suit...)

4. Yellow yellow yellow!! :)

5. The cutest cat... on a trampoline... enough said.

6. Wearing skirts and dresses
(see also tea...)

7. Taking pictures of pretty horses.

8. Nails that match flowers.

9. Amazing window shopping finds
(I really wish my sunglasses had fit in the pug case)

10. More fun (slightly pixely, oops) jumping photos.
(Also my best friends and that rather amazing vintage skirt I'm wearing... I love it)

What's making you happy right now? Aren't these just the best lists!

p.s. You'd think from these posts that I wear skirts/dresses a lot - I really don't, I love my jeans and it takes a lot of encouragement from Thomas/friends to stop me covering my legs, which is why these photos make me happy.

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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Guest post at Down and Out Chic...


I honestly still can't believe that Christina asked me to guest post for her - I've followed her blog for as long as I've blogged (so over two years) and her attitude towards blogging and her amazing blog has definitely made her a blog hero of mine...

Check out my post about my favourite film and diana mini combination here. Yeay!

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Monday, 25 July 2011

Weekend with friends are my favourite...

Make a GIF at
Make a GIF at
Make a GIF at
{Me (in a dress!), C and the pretty birthday girl)

P.S. G - as I didn't write you a dedicated post I just wanted to tell you that I adore you, thank you so much for being one of my best friends, I'd be lost without you x

p.p.s. I also like Mr Bee... you may keep him :)

p.p.p.s All GIF's made on Picasion

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Friday, 22 July 2011

Hurray It's Friday!

{More Harry Love Lomowall made on Lomography}

I'm so happy it's Friday because

~ tomorrow I get to wear a dress ~
(I actually have 3 to choose from,
I think blogging may have influenced me with dresses
it's only taken 2 years...)

~ I get to spend time with two of my bestest friends and their other halfs ~
~ I get to eat bbq and cake ~
~ and watch other people on a trampoline ~

Eep, I can't wait.

Happy weekend everyone!

p.s. Photos of Harry because I miss his little face and I love his little sticking out leg... is it weird to have a favourite leg on a pet? Probably...

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Thursday, 21 July 2011

Little walks...

We've had a rough time in the last few weeks, so we've been trying to have little walks in the evening, just to get out for a bit, relax and get some fresh air...
(we've also been playing lots of Portal 2, hehe, I love it)

Here are some random photos from the walks we've been on around our house... I even took my little fuji instax mini out yesterday now that I've got some film for it, I've missed using that camera.

Kirkstall Abbey July

I'd have loved to have taken more photos but honestly, the weather here has been awful... and its cold, in July. Not impressed. Let's hope the weather remembers it's Summer again some time soon...

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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Saltaire in Redscale

It's official, I am completely in love with this film...


Aren't they lovely...

Location: Saltaire, England
Camera: Superheadz Wide and Slim Yellow Peace
Film: Lomography Redscale XR

p.s. Alexander Skarsgard is in Leeds graduating today... I'm tempted to go find him... yum!

p.s.s. Just realised most of these are looking up... again. The perils of being short...

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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

My photos are in a book...

I'm so excited!

When I joined Etsy, I also joined the Female Photographers of Etsy Team and Flickr Group and now the amazing fPOE design team have compiled the second fPOE team book as a celebration of 500 members titled Still: The Art of Living including two of my favourite photos I've taken - Across the Dunes, Rhosneigr and Winter Moon - both still available in my shop.

If you're interested you can preview and buy the book here...

I'll be saving up for my copy.

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Monday, 18 July 2011

The first photoswap photos are in...

...and they are beautiful :)

All photos taken my Margrethe with her LC-A and redscale film in Norway
and sent to one of my dearest friends Gee in England.

This is my favourite part of the swap - getting to see the photos.

See the entire film in the Photoswap 2011 Flickr group.

p.s. The winner of last weeks Much Love Illy giveaway is Mama Bear :)
Yeay! Email me with your address lovey.

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Friday, 15 July 2011

Saltaire Village...

During our amazing weekend with our parents we also visited Saltaire Village - a lovely little village just outside Bradford that just also happens to be a World Heritage Site.

Saltaire is a wonderful example of a Victorian model village - a self contained community built by Sir Titus Salt surrounding Saltaire Mill. As well as gorgeous Victorian architecture including the mill and a lovely church, the weather was glorious and the atmosphere was wonderful.

Photo03_00APhoto04_0APhoto06_2APhoto07_3APhoto15_11A{Sir Titus Salt himself}
And to my huge amusement we finished the afternoon off with a pint of cold beer at Fanny's Ale House and of course I had to take a picture...hehe.

Happy weekend!!

p.s. don't forget about the amazing Much Love Illy giveaway, her work is amazing!

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Thursday, 14 July 2011

More unexpected surprises...

from my superheadz wide and slim yellow peace camera...

I still have no idea how these happen and why only with this camera but I loooove them, how gorgeous are the colours!

Perhaps it attracts ghosts??

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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Top Bloggers Who Use Analogue Cameras... Part 1

This list was originally put together as a Lomography article (which you may have already seen here) but I love all of these blogs so I think it's only fair I share them here too!!

So here you are, in no particular order, is the first part of my favourite bloggers that use analogue cameras list...

A Polaroid magician, DJ and retronaut, Cesar’s blog is all about beautiful and inspiring photography, great music playlists, and a gnome with the ability to make you smile whenever he appears on your screen. That’s pretty much everything that you want from a blog.

Susannah has an amazing blog which expresses her passion for photography, writing and her unravelling e-courses. A self confessed Polaroid addict and very proud aunt, Susannah’s blog is the perfect balance of creativity, wisdom and instant photography.

Although Katrina’s blog is predominately a resource for web graphics, blog bling and tutorials, Pugly Pixel is also home to Katrina’s personal snapshots, which include her amazing Diana Mini photos.

Written by the lovely Anna, Much Love is a blog that celebrates everyday things through photography and the sharing of amazing finds. As well as using a number of cameras, Anna uses a variety of films that let her share her view of Australia.

Jen is a dedicated Holga fan, sharing amazing resources, fantastic interviews with other Holga users, and of course, her own gorgeous photos on her blog. A must see if you have the camera!

Everything Reminds Me of You is the personal photography blog of Elle, also of Diana Mini Love fame. As well as taking photos with her Diana Mini fame, Elle experiments with her other analogue cameras, trying out new films and capturing the details of her life around London.

Fieldguided is a collection of thoughts, inspirations, DIY projects, love letters and stunning photos that you wish you had taken. With beautiful tones and attention to detail, Anabela shares her life through her blog wonderfully.

This blog is a delight and although not well known (yet), Michelle’s severe case of wanderlust, her addiction to film photography and romance with books are a wonderful read. Sharing her amazing photos of Singapore and other places she has visited, Michelle experiments with different cameras and films and documents it perfectly.

Here Comes the Sun is the online scrapbook of inspiration of Amanda Thomas, which focuses on film photography, everything vintage, handmade products and fashion. She also documents her adventures with her Husband, who also shares her love for analogue photography.

A fun, great blog by Ana, a 20-something super geek and engineer who loves taking photographs and has a silly Boston terrier and wiggly French bulldog. Whether posting her digital or analogue photos, Ana’s shots are fun and delightful with a passion and spark for life that shine through her entire blog.

Aren't they great, I feel so inspired reading them!
I'll be sharing part two soon too...

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