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For the easily distracted...

Monday, 23 July 2012

This past weekend...

Was relaxing, hurray! 

I finally got my hair cut short, bought some more wool and consequently finished my first ever set of crochet granny squares (I'm hooked, ha), I even started connecting them together too, its awesome.

I also finally found clothing with birds on (it's a cute skirt and it was in a charity shop!) and I took my new double dip plastic camera by James Butler out for a spin and met a new cat friend in the process.

Hurray for relaxing weekends! 

p.s. If you're interested in learning crochet (I only started a couple of weeks ago) this post by Alycia is a great starting point, it gave me the kick up the butt I needed to actually make something rather than talk about it, thanks Alycia!!

p.p.s. Nanna, I might take you up on those knitting lessons now :)

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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

You can call me...

An author!


There I am, I added the arrows so you didn't miss it.
(it's on Amazon so its official!)

{An excerpt from the book in the latest Gadchick Magazine, the book has reviews of all new apps.}

So what did I write?

I wrote a guide book for one of my favourite online magazines, Gadchick,
for Android phone photographers.

Even though I predominantly use my film cameras, I ALWAYS have my phone with me and I love using it for spur of the moment photos along side my film cameras or in situations where film isn't really practical. As well as tips for better android photography, I tested 30 different camera apps and included my thoughts on each which was actually a great process for me as I learnt to appreciate my little phone for so much more than its calling/texting abilities and to embrace digital photography as a different way to express myself.

You can now buy your own copy from Amazon for your Android or Kindle so if you have an Android phone please check it out, and if you do get it, let me know what you think!

Rhianne - Author :)

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Monday, 9 July 2012

Lately* on Instagram

*As in within the last two months, haha! I'll be organised with it one day I'm sure...

... I've organised all my negatives and photos. That box is three years of film photos, all labeled, though I do keep finding more around the house still.

... we went to see the Olympic Torch just 5 minutes away from our house.

... I've spotted lots of pretty flowers.

...I've become obsessed with finding green doors...

... developed a love of feet and tile photos.

...made new horse friends...

...enjoyed looking up around Leeds (and taken part in the #lookupleeds tag)...

...been amused by misspelt names, we got mine right eventually but Thomas's is missing the H ...

... hung pretty things up in our house...

I've averaged 90 photos a month since I got Instagram, crazy.
You can see more of my Instagram photos here.

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Monday, 18 June 2012

Harry's little photoshoot

As part of my sister's wedding, little Harry got to have his photo taken wearing a celebratory bow tie, which he seemed more than happy to do for a treat.

The photographer - Daniel from Lightening Photography was amazing, both with Harry and throughout the wedding. I can't wait to frame these somewhere in our house.

Credit for all photos: Daniel from Lightening Photography
These photos were used with his permission.

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Monday, 28 May 2012

Norfolk Instagrams

{The first photo is my favourite tree and the black and white photos are of Norfolk in the Fifties, how fun!}

My favourite thing about Instagram is that in sharing places that you've been hundreds of times with people, you start to see it with fresh eyes, seeing things again in a new way and appreciating the things that you love about somewhere even more.

One day I'm going to go home and make the time to go to Norwich and photograph it properly I think, rather than just fleeting visits, it really is a fine city.

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Friday, 25 May 2012

A little after work walk...

The week before I went home for the wedding, the weather was horrendous! (I sulked here lol) but luckily one evening on the way home there was a short break of sunshine and I took full opportunity of it by getting off the bus a few stops early and going for a little photo walk around Kirkstall Abbey with a camera for a film swap and my phone.

It started to rain again after a while (you can see splodges of rain on the last two photos) but I was so thrilled with the sunshine that I had managed to capture that I didn't care...

Luckily this week is glorious (I mean, Summer glorius too, woo), I have a replacement LC-A and I now have two rolls of film to develop. I am enjoying combining both my film and instagram photos on here though - it gives me the opportunity to share more and thats never a bad thing right.

This weekend I'm hoping to take even more film photos (I think my mojo is back, huzzah!), experiment with my polaroid land camera and soak up some sunshine!

Have a great weekend!!

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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The littlest member of our family...

One of my favourite parts of going home is always seeing Harry 
(and stalking him with cameras, much to his annoyance, haha)

He had no idea what was really happening with the wedding, but he did look cute in his little bow tie for his photos the day before the wedding (we think the photographer may have taken more photos of him than anyone else!) and he enjoyed napping whilst we were all running around him trying not to forget anything. Dad even managed to mention him in his Father of the Bride speech too.

p.s. Thank you to everyone who commented on yesterdays post, I quickly showed it to the newlyweds before they jetted off on Honeymoon :)

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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

My lickle sister got married!!

and I cried... a lot.
Isn't she beautiful? Gah I love them both so much and their wedding was definitely one of the best days of my life as well as theirs.

Hurray for love :)

{photos by various family members shamelessy stolen by me and put through instagram}

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Thursday, 10 May 2012

Leeds Architecture

I'm still having far too much fun on Instagram
(and sulking over the rain...)

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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Phone photos from the weekend...

After planning this weekend away to Felixstowe with Thomas's parents for a while now, I was excited abut the beach and finally taking some photos... but weather wise, the weekend was mostly a wash out and even though I took 3 cameras with me (perhaps too optimistically?) I didn't even use one. 

I'll admit I had a little tantrum/cry about that - not taking photos is beginning to send me a bit... 
in the words of lovely Angie... bat-$h1t crazy.

However to our surprise and delight, the sun finally showed itself on Sunday and although I had no cameras with me, I did have my phone and it was just as fun to take photos with that and then put them all through instagram (I am slightly addicted...).
So I finally got some photos in the end, hurray.

p.s. Can you see little Ada there? We had a lot of fun together, I'm looking forward to taking more photos of her when the sun comes out (hopefully soon)

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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Enjoying Instagram...

I wasn't planning on sharing my Instagram photos on here but a mixture of having only black and white diana mini photos to share (which gets a bit dull so many posts in a row...), an undeveloped film and dull rain has put a halt to my film photography adventures at the moment. I really hope the weather picks up soon though my hearts starting to ache for it a little bit.... 

I am enjoying Instagram whilst I'm waiting for the weather to improve though and I'm really enjoying looking at other peoples photos too, I can see what all the fuss was about.

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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Easter through Instagram...

I hope the people who have already seen these don't mind seeing these photos again - I would have posted film photos but I didn't really take any - in fact I hardly took any digital photos this weekend either and it was... relaxing, hurray!!

Our long weekend was a mixture of relaxing at home during the day (hurray for my ereader, I read through 3 books, oops) and then evenings out with our friends and it was great. Saturday was also Thomas's birthday so we went to play pool and then to a bourbon bar where I even found a couple that I liked... 

Now back to work...

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Instagram is on Android!!

You would think that as a film photographer I wouldn't be as excited about this as I am...
but I am excited!!
I can't always carry a film camera around with me, whilst I always have my phone and a lot of the time English weather is pants, so the conditions aren't always right for film photography.
And I do like to share my photos...

Take this morning... it's snowed. In April!!! APRIL!!
Once again I have two pairs of thick socks on, lots of layers and my wellies are my best friend.
Not cool weather. Though, the photos are pretty, I will admit that and playing with new filters is fun too.

So if you're on Instagram, leave a comment with your username - lets be friends!
Mine is:  Forthedistractd

p.s. there will be #harrygram!

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Friday, 30 March 2012

Spring = colour!

Although I haven't been taking many photos lately... I have tried to capture as much of Spring as I can on my phone. I just love the yellow trees that are dotted around at the moment. 

 This weekend I intend to take some photos and finish the two rolls in my cameras since February. Yup.

Have a great weekend!!

p.s. Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment yesterday, it meant a lot to me, I'll reply when I can read them all without tearing up and feeling incredibly grateful that you all didn't think I was crazy/attention seeking/crazy...

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Monday, 26 March 2012

Some photos from the Hen Party weekend...

I think I can deem my lickle sister's hen party weekend a sucess! We rented a house at the coast for the weekend, had an afternoon tea party followed by hen party games, food and drinks. I had so much fun and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too.

Can you believe that I took hardly any photos though - I took 4 cameras down with me and they all stayed in my bag - in fact half of these photos were borrowed from another hen (thanks Ellen!). I particularly love the photo of me, my sister and our Nanna at the bottom in our tissue dresses, so much fun! 

p.s. The mug is a thank you gift from my bride sister :) she knows me well!

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Monday, 20 February 2012

The weekend in phone photos...


This weekend was the first of two with my family and I loved every minute of it... and of course I took lots of photos of Harry too :)  I'm counting down the days until this weekend now!

 p.s. This weekend was my little blogs 3rd birthday - time flies when you're having fun.
Thank you so much to everyone who's supported me in the last three years, you have no idea how much it means to me :) x

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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Thomas's Scarborough Photos...

We were incredibly lucky whilst we were in Scarborough that although there was snow everywhere and it was freezing, especially in the sea breeze, it was still very sunny and both Thomas and I had the opportunity to take lots of photos. I still haven't developed my photos but I loved Thomas's so much that I wanted to share some of his photos here too. 

I always love the details that Thomas notices that I don't - the texture of the snow against the sand, the huge icicles hanging from the beach huts, the snow on the cliffs in the distance... I guess last weekend counted as an extended photography date :) hurray.

Photographer: Thomas
Camera: Sony H7
Location: Scarborough.

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Monday, 13 February 2012

Sun, sand, sea and.... snow!

This weekend was our first long weekend of February and it was amazing!! 

I adore the beach, even in the snow and though it was below freezing, Thomas and I enjoyed some lovely walks, lots of tea and coffee, some amazing food (including homemade chocolate pictured above!) and great company in Scarborough. Hurray!!

I can't wait for next weekend with all of our family now... it's going to be great.

p.s. I've finally found a panoramic app that I like for my phone too. It's all good!

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Monday, 16 January 2012

#janphotoaday 1-15

Although I don't have instagram on my phone (darn you android) I have been taking part in Fat Mum Slim's January Photo-a-Day challenge anyway and it's been so fun. Here are my numbers 1-15.

p.s. we don't normally have burgers for breakfast, we overslept that weekend, haha. 
also I realise there is a lot of chocolate and cameras on here...

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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...

I'm overexcited already :) are you?
Gingerbread hot drinks and biscuits. I loveeee gingerbread!
The same desktop (and now phone)background I use every year and our first (perfect!) christmas card!
Putting up the tree listening to our one christmas record - Fairytale of New York!! Also perfect!
(we are working on getting more...)

The tree and my favourite christmas decoration, stacking Santas!
Ornaments! A grumpy pug, an angel from NYC, a yellow camera (I still love it Micaela!) and a lovely tree from a even lovelier best friend.

Christmas food!
Warm hats, on cold, glorious winter mornings. 
Counting down the days...
(and messing around with my phone haha) 

p.s. how fun are tilt shift affects on these apps... they are my new favourite thing!

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