I got a message on Instagram earlier in the year from a guy named Andrew, who does some 50/50s with me during the minor league season. I can't remember where he was going (I think he went to Spring Training) and got me a few cards signed. This was really nice, it turns out, because I wasn't able to do hardly any 50/50s due to the pandemic. So, Andrew got me a few cards signed by Alex McKenna. I had pulled McKenna's cards, since I thought he might have ended up at Fayetteville this year, so his stuff was easy to find.
Finally, Andrew got me a few Korry Howell cards done. Again, these were all in one place, because I had them pulled for the upcoming Mudcats season.
I'll have to do some major reorganizing of my boxes before next season (if there is one), because a lot of things will be changing on the minor league landscape. Hopefully, graphing won't change all that much, but that remains to be seen.