I had my gestational diabetes doctor appointment and testing done yesterday. I HATE needles and despise giving blood. This is my least favorite part of pregnancy, the fact that I have to be poked with needles. I almost pass out every time! It's even worse now that I'm pregnant. How I'll do an epi
Baby Francom seems to be growing and developing perfectly. We pray for this to continue. The doctor loves that there's lots of activity being felt every day.
We've finished the nursery. Chris did an amazing job on the paneling. The color scheme is orange, brown, and white. I've been given lots of hand-me-downs from my sisters and have had my work cut out for me as far as sorting, cleaning, and organizing all of the baby clothes they've given me. It might have been easier if I knew the gender of the baby, but the surprise is worth it!
You're coming right along. You'll be able to do the epidural. You'll be in so much pain that a needle doesn't seem so bad anymore. Just remind yourself of how wonderful you will feel once the epidural takes effect. It is well worth it!
I hear ya! How fun that we both just turned 28 weeks. I'm already missing that sweet second trimester a lot. Oh, and as far as the epidural needle, while it is enormous and you'd think it would be really scary, the good this is that it goes in your back, so you can't see it. So I just always make Joseph distract me while they're doing it (since he hates needles way more than I do) and other than the prick, I hardly even notice that it's being done. Hopefully it won't be too hard for you! Good luck on the homestretch!
Hi Aimee - I'm a friend of Chris' from work.
I wanted to comment and tell you that I think your nursery is ADORABLE. I would have never thought of orange for a gender neutral nursery and it's PERFECT. You are creative. Congrats on your baby and best of luck to you and Chris!
BTW- Its a BOY...thats what Chris makes...sorry he cant help it he oozes testosterone!! He probably get that from me!
I love the bedding you decided on!! The nursery looks amazing!! And I have to agree with Dave. It's probably a boy, but Chris didn't get all that testosterone from Dave. ;)
Love the room! Good luck with the rest of the time and all the discomfort.
So, so cute Aimee!! can not wait to see the adorable little baby in there soon! congrats and let me know if there is anything you guys need, always happy to help :)
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