En este thriller de alto voltaje en el que se combinan crimen, codicia y traición, James Belushi (El Último Gran Héroe, Un Padre en Apuros) es Bill, un antiguo gángster que se ha atrevido a engañar al más temible criminal de Chicago, El Capitán, escapándose con doce millones de dólares. Aunque ahora vive en un pueblecito de Carolina del Sur, al amparo del programa de protección de testigos, ya ha sido localizado por El Capitán, quien ha enviado a dos matones para obligarle a devolver el dinero. Pero todo va a complicarse con la presencia del Sheriff del lugar (Timothy Dalton, 007-Alta tensión, Flash Gordon) y Bill, en su intento por salvar el pellejo, va a descubrir que la única persona en quien puede confiar, es… él mismo..
While working for the mob, Bill "The Mouth" Mannuci, stole $12 million dollars from them and turned over information to the FBI about the man he stole the money from, the mysterious "Skipper". Now 4 of the "Skipper's" men have tracked down Bill to his new home in a small country town. Bill has been warned of this and sends his wife Debra away. Captured by the "Skipper's" men, Bill is forced at gunpoint to take them to the missing $12 million. But as they make their way to the money, Bill escapes and the "Skipper's" men end up chasing him into a backwoods crystal-meth lab, where a gunbattle ensues after on of the "Skipper's" men opens fire. As Bill makes his escape the lab burns to the ground, incurring the wrath of the labs owner, who is owed money by Bill. Soon Bill finds himself being chased by not only the "Skipper's" men...
Director: Louis Morneau
Intérpretes: James Belushi, Timothy Dalton, Michael Beach, Steve Railsback, Carlton Wilborn, Jamie Harris, David O’Donnell, Tim Kelleher, Skip Carlson, Susan Isaacs, Oscar Rowland, Chad Lillywhite, Cissy Wellman, Don Shanks
Título original: Made Men
Año: 1999
Duración: 89 min
Género: Accion
País: Estados Unidos
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