Showing posts with label USB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USB. Show all posts

Saturday, November 20, 2010

View all installed USB devices on your system

USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used.

For each USB device, extended information is displayed: Device name/description, device type, serial number (for mass storage devices), the date/time that device was added, VendorID, ProductID, and more...

USBDeview also allows you to uninstall USB devices that you previously used, disconnect USB devices that are currently connected to your computer, as well as to disable and enable USB devices.
You can also use USBDeview on a remote computer, as long as you login to that computer with admin user.


This utility is released as freeware.

System Requirement
This utility works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

Under Windows Vista/7/2008 with UAC turned on, you should right click on USBDeview and choose 'Run as Administrator'. In order to disable/enable USB items on x64 systems, you must use the x64 version of USBDeview.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

WinPenPack - free portable software collection

I love portable software. It means computer Windows programs that does not require installation or un-installation, and are executed on host PC without leaving tracks of their execution neither in the system folders of the Operating system, nor in the registry. They can be run from slave HDD, network, CD or DVD, or USB, as the most mobile storage carrier. In this post, I want to introduce one of the leading Italian Web Sites, providing an excellent source for the free portable applications to its users. Programs are subdivided in categories and executable through a practical menu, analogue to Windows Quick Launch, the winPenPack Launcher. WinPenPack suites are available in the following editions: Flash Essential, Flash 1Gb, Flash School, Flash Web and Flash Game.

Besides WinPenPack application, Web Site presents a respectable collection of the X-Softwares, are created and developed by winPenPack Team. Each X-Software is composed by a launcher, X-Launcher, that allow to modify program startup options for originally non portable programs to make them portable, through an .ini configuration file. X-Softwares, X-Launchers and .ini files created for portabilize programs are exclusive work of winPenPack development Team, and constitute integrant part of winPenPack.
Highly recommended for all computer freaks!!!

Access the Web Site software downloading section through the link:

Monday, April 7, 2008

Carry all Office Utilities on tiny USB drive

I am used to carry all the time quite a big USB drive “just in case”, so, for me, a small size of the application is not a decisive factor. But for those, whose USB drive space is tight, the following software will be very handy. Tiny USB Office is a small (2.31 MB), portable productivity software suite which offers a collection of unique standalone free applications. If you find yourself working on different machines and like the idea of having portable software that you can access hassle-free from any computer, then this is the package for you. You will not have to rely on the utilities installed on the computer you need to work with: in the friend’s house, in the Internet Cafe, or on the Cruise Ship.

Whether you need to create rich-text word processing documents, share files across multiple computers, transfer files, create MS Excel compatible spreadsheets, comma-delimited database files, email your contacts, talk to your friends or co-workers on MSN, create PDF files, or securely encrypt or delete files - this is the perfect software package for you!

Tiny USB Office features all of these programs, which are accessible with one click with the included Qsel portable program launcher software:

  • Database Creation - with CSVed
  • Data Encryption - with DScrypt
  • Email Client Software - with NPopUK
  • File Compression - with 100 Zipper
  • File Sharing - with HFS
  • File Transfer - with FTP Wanderer
  • Flowchart Creation - with EVE Vector Editor
  • MSN Messenger Client - with PixaMSN
  • Tree-Style Outliner Software - with Mempad
  • PDF Creation - with PDF Producer
  • Password Recovery - with XPass
  • Secure Deletion - with DSdel
  • Spreadsheet Creation - with Spread32
  • Text Editing - with TedNotepad
  • Word Processing - with Kpad
  • Program Launching - with Qsel
I hope, you understand that so small package does not plan to compete with Microsoft Office in terms of the available features, and cannot be considered as MS Office replacement, however, it is the perfect basic portable office solution for anyone who is on the road a lot, or who finds themselves working on different or older, sluggish computers.

You can get more information and download the software on the author’s Web Site:

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