Showing posts with label honeymoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honeymoon. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mount Kinabalu climbing

Disebabkan sekarang personal blog dah kene block kat ofis, maka blog dah jadi kerja rumah pulak .. kene curik masa di rumah .. mesti lagi jaranggg berblog. mencikkk.

Ok disebabkan tak banyak masa, lets make it short (short lah sangat ..).
Im going to update my recent trip – mount kinabalu climbing.

anyway kinabalu climbing ni adalah impian hafdzuan, sebab masa honeymoon ke kk dulu dia ada mention nanti someday kita naik sama2 which i replied "i tak kisah sebab i dah pernah naik (blagak)..". hihi. so actually kita plan nak pegi on January 2014 dengan kawan2. then tetiba early of the year abah ajak jom kita pegiiiiii. haruslah terus on. so makanya vacation nak naik cruise tahun ni dah ke laut .. tukar naik gunung pulak. anyway nilah first time lepas kawen 5thn we olz pegi bercuti tinggalkan anak2 .. rasa bersalah jugak. but seriously a married couple will need a honeymoon vacation once in a while .. btol dok?

introduction - Rombongan ke KK was on Saturday 31aug, flight at 9am, thru MAS. Ticket was purchased around april, costed me around rm500 each. Tapi abang aku beli on July boleh plak dapat rm300+ .. damn ..
Tak banyak aktiviti on that Saturday. Lunch dgn kawan2 abah, siang tu ke centre point which located next to our apartment (Marina apartment). ahli pendaki nak carik powergel laa, ada yg  baru nak carik glove / headlamp laa. malam tu macam biasa kalau dah kat KK haruslah carboloading seafood! then packing barang, kalau boleh nak bawak seminimum mungkin, maklumlah hafdzuan will carry all the things. i learnt my lesson before, knowing my body, i will not carry anything during climbing. never. 

day 1: Kinabalu park thru Timpohon - Laban rata (9am-3pm, 6hours).

subuh at 5am, breakfast roti & juice kat bilik. a van picked up us at our apartment at 6am. we were actually 12people - adik beradik aku dah 4org, hafdzuan, dad & 6 other friends (kawan fahmi & kawan abah). selain aku adik beradik & abah, mereka semua adalah first timer.

Tiba di kinabalu park around 8.30am. lepas dapat tag semua, amik gamba kat entrance, baca doa sket, maka kami memulakan pendakian melalui timpohon. Oh aku mmg jalan berlenggang kangkung .. nyamannyaaaaa hehe.  

on our way.

sebelum memulakan perjalanan. doa by abah.

cewah... ni pose sebelum malapetaka namanya.

Maka bermulalah malapetaka aku. Aku ni mmg ada penyakit naik gunung kot. Mula2 perut elokkkk jek, once dah start climbing mulalahhhh. Dulu 1st time naik pon mcm ni, sampai dekat 3km barulah perut ok. Asyik memberut jek. Mmg dah tahap cerry berry (tapi takdelah terdesak kene buang tepi jalan, smua kat toiletlah). So sama mcm kali ni, mula2 perut ok jek, tetiba lps 200m dah start dahhhhh, kepala mula rasa nak pitam, perut dah bergelodak. Sampai checkpoint 1 terus terjah toilet dia. 3x kuar masuk toilet kat 1st checkpoint ni. Hafdzuan dah cuak kot2 aku tak bleh nak continue. Org lain semua dah tinggal aku dgn hafdzuan, gile kau dekat 1/2jam aku memberut kat situ. Sape nak tunggukan (laki sendiri haruslah tunggu).. lps setel smua sambung jalan balik. Aikkk perut dah ok .. cool .. makanya ini mmg penyakit naik gunung aku. Toilet 1st tu mmg legend btol laa utk aku ..

alhamdulillah malapetaka sudah berakhir pada km2. sudah boleh senyum!

Masa tgh jalan tu hafdzuan tanya apa target aku, target aku cumalah nak kejar group abang aku jek hahaha (and to arrive peak before sun rise, sbb 1st time dulu aku miss sun rise alih2 sampai dah terang berderang). aku mmg last in the group. Akhirnya jumpa diorang semua kat checkpoint 5. Aku mmg rehat kejap2 jek .. jalan pon slow & steady. Anyway, sepanjang jalan ke laban rata ni aku & hafdzuan guna 4power gel, 4 musli bar, Gatorade, air mineral (takut nak minum untreated water), sandwich (lunch packed by our agent).

reunited dengan group abang aku.

ok aku teringinnnnn sangat nak naik ikut mersilau. insyaAllah next!

abah cramp kaki sikit. but never give up. he finished last in the group, tu pon around 20mins behind us. so proud of him. clap clap.

last checkpoint bebehhhh.

tiba di laban rata. kabus tebal. temp around 16deg.

balun nasik goreng rm15 & bubur rm15. pehhh.

bustaman team at Laban rata.

Cuaca adalah baik pada hari itu, adalah hujan sikit2 jek. Badan pon ok. Semua ok, Alhamdulillah. Tiba di Laban rata pukul 3pm. Sampai di Laban rata, tak bleh saba nak tunggu buffet early dinner pkl 4.30pm, so terus order nasi goreng & bubur (cost rm15 each, mmg mahal sikit, yelah harga atas gunung).. lps tu amik gamba sikit. Check in bilik. Baring2 jap. Pastu mandi (mandi guna air panas yg diambil di café hostel & angkat bawak masuk ke toilet). Lps tu pkl 6pm turun pergi dinner. Oh aku stay kat gunting lagadan, ada laa 200m dari tempat makan, agak jauh sbb kene panjat tangga .. huwaaaaaaaa. So lepak dinner sampai pkl 8.30pm. mlm tu hujan kejap.

day 2: Laban rata to low's peak (2.45am-5.45am, 3hours)

Aku cuba untuk tidur dari pkl 9pm, maklumlah 2am dah kene berjaga. Tapi kejap-kejap tengok jam, 10.30pm, 11.30pm, 12.30pm .. masak .. tak tidolah aku malam ni .. aduhaiiii. Pkl 1am ramai dah kecoh2 prepare untuk naik ke peak. Pkl 2am aku bangun & siap2. Breakfast roti & air masak, powerbar sikit. Telan pain killer, takut betul kalau sakit kepala sebab tak cukup tido. 2.45am bergerak ke peak.

early breakfast & briefing.

otw tu mmg tak banyak amik gamba. sebab gelap. lagipon focus nak sampai peak before sun rise.

last checkpoint & toilet. horray!! must reach this checkpoint before 5am. 

dah sampai kaki gunung. amik gamba jap dengan org lain yg dah sampai (my youngest brother faisya was top 10 yg sampai peak hari tu, he arrived around 5.01am, fahmi (my eldest brother) & his team 5.10am, kawan abah & anaknya around 5.30am, aku & hafdzuan 5.45am, abah 6am & ada lg kawan yg sakit kepala around 7am kot .. kesian dia.

alhamdulillah for this opportunity. first time for hafdzuan & second time for me (after 8 years)!. sejuk gile angin kat atas. memang tak boleh blah, tempt around 3deg (kott).

the most amazing captured. shiloutte by the mountain. subhanaAllah amazing.

nak pose jugakkkk dgn arsenal dia tu.

the bustaman team. L-R: fahmi (4th time), faeez (3rd time), faisya (3rd time), abah (2nd time), me (2nd time) & hafdzuan (1st time).

from my humble smart phone.

Love is in the air :)

kalut amik gamba on the way turun haha. sampai hostel terus pack2 barang. terus turun breakfast di laban rata. bertolak dari laban rata around 10.20am. tiba di gate 2.25pm. alhamdulillah smooth journey. terus ke cafe untuk lunch (included in our package). our last group to arrive was around 4.30pm.

9 hours journey. total of 16hours climbing (aproximate).
8+km distance. 4095m height.

insyaAllah lagi 5thn (or maybe less) akan sampai lagi.

p/s some photos taken from my brother fahmi, tqvm.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

its the honeymoon :)

newly wed --> honeymoon --> spend quality time --> together
1st honeymoon - KK, Sabah - 4D3N

proven - newly wed

day 1 - Fly to KK & KK city tour

fly to KK on 23/07 at 6.50am flight. arrived KK terminal 2 airport around 9.40am. sampai sana travel agent dah tunggu for city tour. dia bagi segala info psl kk city.

KK City tour - went to Sabah foundation building, Sabah state mosque & Poh Toh Tze temple.

then drive up to Signal Hill - affords a panoramic view of the landscape and offshore islands of Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park & the town view itself.

back to hotel for check in. lepas tu pegi jln-jln di Pasar Ikan Masin & Pasar Philipine. beli ikan masin terubok, udang kering, ikan masin keropok, pearl brooch & some souveniors.

view di belakang pasar Philipine.

menghilangkan rasa dahaga di gerai air kelapa muda kat pasar. rm2.50 sebijik. yummy.

berjalan-jalan di pasar mlm (di belakang pasar Philipine). siap jual mcm2 siput laut (mermaid pon ada, sila click pada photo), ikan-sotong-udang-ketam-lobster bakar kaw-kaw. yummy.

beli bungkus je & makan kat bilik hotel. our dinner - sebungkus nasik goreng yg byk gile sampai boleh share 2org, ikan bakar (ikan susu) & 6 pcs of chicken wings.

day 2 - Nature Excursion

had our breakfast in hotel. wear a walking shoes. the guide took us to Kinabalu National Park.

kaki gunung - tempat register utk naik ke gunung kinabalu. xnaik pon, cuma jln2 di kaki gunung.

ni pic masa aku naik gunung kinabalu back in June 2005. at least i've made it, once. have u..? ;)

botanical garden di Kinabalu Park.. bermacam-maca jenis orkid, pokok, tumbuhan dll terdapat di sini .. sangat sejuk ..

some orchids - orkid mickey mouse, laughing orchid, orchid lady shoes (harga dia 4k - the most expensive orchid) & periuk kera. semuanya yg rare.

next - Canopy Walkway & Poring Hot Spring. there were 5 canopy walks, 200 feet above ground and a dip in the outdoor mineral bathtubs.

Poring Hot Spring

had our lunch (provided by the travel agent) at a restaurant around Kinabalu Park.

Nabalu native market. shopping again.

ucapan dari wakil KKS

day 3 - Snorkeling, Islands, Corals & Fishes

sunrise from the hotel room, with view of Mount Kinabalu. breakfast at hotel.

walking thru the town heading to the jetty. took about 45minutes.

the jetty - Jesselton Port. island hopping package: 1pulau - rm17, 2pulau - rm27, 3pulau - rm37, 4pulau - rm47. tiket jeti - rm6. island entrance- rm3 (kire skali jek, bukan every island).

we took the 3 island hopping package. the 1st pulau - pulau manukan. sgt byk ikan2 yg cantik2.

2nd island - pulau mamutik. air agak keruh kat sini.. kurang syok. pulau pon kecik jek.

next - pulau sapi. cantik. byk coral & ikan.

waiting for the boat to pick us.

view of the jetty. sunset.

dah kemarok makan kat pasar mlm kk .. hari ni nak makan kat gerai kat sana pulak (smlm tapaw jek). pilih ikan & udang sendiri, pastu siap re-heatkan lg. kicap & sambal buat sendiri. sgt cool. nak pedas? masam? masin? make ur own flavour. gile best. dan sangat murah.

jln-jln & had our coffee at Warisan Square.

day 4 - shopping complex tour, movie & going back

pack our stuff. checked out at 12pm. leave the bag at the hotel lobby & heading to Centerpoint.
lunch. window shopping. nak buat apa lg? movie laaa. we watched the "why so serius?" movie.
owhh wayang sana teruk sikit. kerusi goyang-goyang. xde iklan, masuk2 wayang terus stat movie. haha.

makan bakso di pasar mlm lg. we are crazy for their pasar mlm. back to hotel & waiting for the driver to pick us & send us to the airport. flight at 9.15pm.

reached home at 1am.

RM 520.00 x 02 Adults = RM 1040.00 (twin Sharing for 3D 2N)
RM 98.00 x 02 Adults = RM 196.00 (extension 1 night)
Total = RM 1,236.00
RM 15.00 x 02 Adults = RM 30.00 (Tipping)

Total to pay = RM 1,266.00

Flight ticket = RM 425 (2persons/2 ways)
Food+souveniors = RM 400

Total expenses ~ around RM2k
Total fun+love+enjoyment ~ infinity