Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Still learning

Being a mom to 3 adult children is still a challenge each and everyday!
I want to catch them before they fall,
I want to keep them safe ,
prevent tears and a broken heart,
I want to guide them in the right direction and help them to make the right decisions.
But I have been struggling so much lately!
I have come to accept that I am NOT GOD and I have to put our children in his hands....only he can do the things I am trying to do!
I have to accept things as they are, and just be there after wards.
and know they they will heal and be stronger, and learn from their mistakes!

God ..... grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference!

~ Strength ~ Acceptance ~ Courage ~ Wisdom ~
Bless you dear friend


1. Anonymous said...

You aren't kidding!! I call it trying to spare them pain & they may call it interfering...oops!!
Have a Wonderful Day!!

2. Diva Kreszl said...

as the mother of adult children myself I so understand the desire to jumo in and save the day, then I remind myself that they are indeed God's children and their lives are in His hands, I have been blessed that He chose me to be their Mother and watch over them when they were young.

3. Lori said...

that sounds like a hard lesson to learn Dolly...mine are both teenagers...but i know in the blink of an eye they will be grown men...

4. Mrs.Kwitty said...

Amen. Dolly, it's not easy, but you are doing ok :o) Putting it in God's hands is the best you can do, and just love them. You had to learn your lessons and they will have to learn theirs.
Hugs!!!! Karen

5. Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Thank you for the encouraging words girls.... Its been so hard!
I know all I can do is keep praying for them!

Hugz to each and everyone of you!

6. Jenny said...

Hi Dolly, this is such a precarious road. I think we need to let them fall sometimes...so they can remember they already know how to get up! It sounds like you have some worries on your shoulders. Sending a hug and a prayer your way.

7. Kathleen Grace said...

I hear you sweet Dolly! I have two young adults and they no longer want me to tell them the best way to do things they are intent on making theor own mistakes and so far they have been fairly successful at it! lol, nothing major, but letting go is harder than anything else I have done as a parent, anything. else. I have shed a few tears along the way but I have to give them room to make ther mistakes same as I did. We should have a prayer chain for mothers of young adults!

8. Susan said...

Dolly, you hit home with this post. Does a mom every stop worrying about their kids?

9. Catherine Holman said...

I struggle with this too. They are always our children no matter how old they are. I'm working on it though.
Do you love your red and white polka dot mugs as much as I love my bowls? I'm sure if I go back they will be gone.

10. Suzie Button said...

God must have led me to your post this morning. I was JUST struggling with this very issue! I know what you say is true, and I'm working on acceptance. Suzie

11. Jeanette said...

That is so very true! Our kids are our babies no matter if they are 7 or 37! Oh and if you don't live too far from Livonia, Greenmead is having their annual flea marked on Sunday June 6th from 10-4. It's pretty good if you love vintage stuff!

12. Lori said...

hi sweets:) yes, the cookies are very good...i think a key part is letting the dough sit after you put in on the cookie sheet...for the recipe i linked to anyway...i didn't let mine sit as long, because we were running out of day...i think that's why mine are sooooo tall...i will be making them again...they really were a hit!!!

13. Birds of a Feather said...

Yes, that is all we can do, so hard sometimes, I know!

So glad you're joining the coop tour - shall I link this blog? I see you have 2 9ambitious lady!)

So fun -
xo Heidi

14. Jeanette said...

Dolly: Greenmead is at Newburgh and 8 Mile Road. Here's the address
20501 N. Newburgh Road
Livonia, MI 48152
Greenmead is a huge park that has a bunch of old houses from various areas of Livonia that they have moved there over the years. It's a neat place to walk around and they have a gift shop too.

I haven't been to the flea market in a few years but last time I went it was pretty big and lots of stuff! There is a $2 per person admission fee! Hope you can make it down!

15. Unknown said...

HI Dolly
You know what I have been through with my daughter. All I can say it is sooooooooo much easier to let God do the work!
My daughter has had her life straigt for over a year now.....
I know that is only because so many people prayed for her.

16. Cherished Treasures said...

I am so with you...4 adult children and watching them grow, make mistakes and turn down the wrong road is painful. Thankful they all belong to the Lord!

17. {Bellamere Cottage} said...

Loved this post, Dolly....I tried to save my daughter from every kind of pain and heartache....I couldn't though.....Thank goodness the Lord was there to help her through her trials...

Warm blessings,

18. {Bellamere Cottage} said...

Mmmmmm.....would LOVE to win this giveaway...Please throw me into the hat too.

Warm blessings,

19. {Bellamere Cottage} said...

Following too!

20. Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

I would love to enter the give away. I haven't ever won anything before so this should be fun!
I am now a follower too

21. Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

I would love to enter the give away. I haven't ever won anything before so this should be fun!
I am now a follower.

22. Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

3rd times a charm...I would love to enter the give away for glasses. I haven't ever won anything before so this should be fun!
I am now a follower and I have your giveaway and button posted on my blog.
I'm now inviting you to become a follower on La Bella Vie in return.
Tag you're it:)

23. kanishk said...

that sounds like a hard lesson to learn Dolly
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24. Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

Wonderful post!