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Showing posts with the label Dilly Beans Stamps

Poor Scabbers

Ok, day three of Simply Betty Stamps' Funky Potters Sneak Peek is RON!!!!  I LOVE this image, and today's sneak peek is part of our bi-weekly challenge.  So... hopefully you can tell by my project for The Burtonesque Dolls that the challenge this time is Potter in Wonderland featuring Ron Weasley in Wonderland where The Cheshire cat has just eaten his rat, Scabbers. I had so much fun with this challenge!  As usual, the story in my head is always so funny as The Cheshire cat takes on a voice like the Cheetos cheetah (which we all know was stolen from American McGee's Cheshire Cat in Alice anyway). And to break out my Graphic 45 Halloween in Wonderland paper and embellishments is ALWAYS added fun as well. So let's see what you can do!  The challenge this time is to create your own Potterish character and place that character in any Burton movie... basically the Potters using the Flue Network and end up in Burtonland!  It doesn'...