I have obviously spent too much time recently looking at Chinese ink art.
Following my return from China yesterday, it occurred to me that the currawong's blueberry ash stained droppings were art. See what you think - I think this is beautiful.
Following my return from China yesterday, it occurred to me that the currawong's blueberry ash stained droppings were art. See what you think - I think this is beautiful.
Of course it is possible that I am overly fond of my currawong friends. Admiring their droppings is probably some sort of evidence of over fondness, perhaps some sort of pathology?
Blueberry ash, which makes the blue stains, is an Australian native plant - we have one in our yard. They are lovely trees - Eleocarpus reticularis, producing pretty pink fringed flowers and blue berries amongst dark green classic leaves. The cuurawongs love the berries tossing them back with a flick of their heads.
Blueberry ash, which makes the blue stains, is an Australian native plant - we have one in our yard. They are lovely trees - Eleocarpus reticularis, producing pretty pink fringed flowers and blue berries amongst dark green classic leaves. The cuurawongs love the berries tossing them back with a flick of their heads.