Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Making better choices

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I joined Medical Weight Loss Clinic. The program officially started on Monday, Feb 16. I've lost 10 pounds so far. I've had a few slip ups (half and half in my coffee, 1/4 piece of pita bread, some hummous, tabbouleh, all of which are no nos.) I haven't had any candy, snacks, cookies, chips or pizza. I went to the grocery store the other day and noticed all of the Easter candy was out, and I literally had to un-focus my eyes and turn off my smell to get past it. But, what a great feeling it's been to be able to do that. It's going to be hard, I'm not going to "sugar" coat it, but at least I'm doing something about it.

Some tricks I'm trying..

  • eating on smaller, prettier plates
  • drinking a lot of water before I eat
  • not skipping any meals
  • looking at the calorie information on packaging (although most of the food is fresh or frozen)
  • avoiding the snack aisle
  • visualizing...better health....better body.....better health....better body!!
  • telling myself I deserve this
  • parking further away so I have to walk
I don't mind exercising. Two years ago I was a walking fool. How I used to love to ride my bike! I rode it to work several times and that was 9 miles one way! However, I now have a bone spur behind my knee that is very painful if I walk too long. But, I've noticed, when I rest it/ice it, I can continue to walk. So, as soon as the weather breaks, I'm going to walk around the block, rest my leg, and walk again. When I lose enough weight, I'll see if the Dr. can remove the spur. Then I can ride my bike again!

I know I can do this. With the help of the clinic, the support of my friends, family and all of you who read my blog, I'll get there. Don't worry. This isn't going to shift from a creativity & clay blog to a weight loss blog, but periodically I'll let you know how it's going.

Contest...ends March 5!

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..the more you do, the better chance you have of winning my little clay angel on a canvas. (Rules and picture are linked in the upper right hand corner.)

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