Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another Blog Giveaway

As I promised, I'm going to have another fun giveaway. This one runs till March 5.

How does it work? All you have to do is post comments on all of my entries that I run from now till March 5. You can comment to as many of my posts starting now but only one comment per post. If I do 2 or 3 posts in a day, you can comment each time. After March 5 I will tally all the comments and randomly pick a winner. So the more you comment, the better your chances.

Comments can be a quick Hello, a long message, a question, a suggestion, a critique, or whatever suits your mood. (just keep it clean).

What will the winner receive?

This little painted canvas with a clay angel on it. This is one of my little creations I made today.
It's 3 by 3 and very lightweight. It would look cute in a child's room, office, hallway or bedroom.

This retails for $12 to $15 (still trying to figure out what I'm going to charge for these).

If you win, it's yours for free.

As before, United states and Canadian residents only.

Have fun!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

When mistakes happen

Here's a picture of the burned clay baby that I was going to fix. As I said before, I didn't test the oven and a whole batch of angels got a little toasted. Those wings on the angel are supposed to be a translucent color, a little off white. Instead, they look like wheat. I wasn't happy with it.

So, I used Polyform Products Brown Antiquing paint to antique the angels. It's really simple. I brush on the paint, covering the baked clay and then, with a soft rag, wipe it off. Here's a picture of the final outcome. It's kind of prim looking.
Plus, the letters on
the scroll really stand out. Luckily, I got to
save this batch of clay
babies and learned a valuable lesson
(once again)..Check your oven's temperature!

Polymer Clay Cards

I have been making cards with clay images on them. I just started putting the cards together, only have made a few, but
I think there is potential there. I've had
this idea for twenty years.
Sometimes I get so mad at myself
for not following through on my
ideas. It's a lot easier now, with programs and websites, to work on more of my ideas than ever before. Not all of them are good, but at least I can say I'm trying.

This card can be used as a thank you to a nurse or congratulations to a graduating nurse. As soon as I get more cards finished, I'll put a link on my blog where they can be
found. Right now, I only have about 7 cards on the site. My goal is to get 24 cards on there, then start promoting it. I get a whopping 42 cents per card. Have to start somewhere!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Turning a new leaf

After months of contemplation and discussion, I finally made a decision that I know was the right one to make. I quit my job. I haven't been happy there for awhile and could feel the passion evaporating from my soul each passing month. Working with children used to be fun, but the last year proved to be stressful on me and I felt unappreciated. The parents in my program just didn't seem to really care about what my staff and I were trying to accomplish, and although a little 5 year old telling me they loved me gave me a warm feeling inside, it wasn't enough to keep me there.

My plan? To increase production of my clay and work my business. I also am trying to improve my graphic skills (I'm working on a Bachelor Degree in Graphic Arts)..I keep looking for small graphic jobs that I would feel comfortable doing, but so far, I feel intimidated. In September, I'll be taking three classes that will steadily increase my degree of skill and my self confidence. In a year, if all goes well, I'll have that degree.

Today I really enjoyed being home all day. I worked on cleaning my "studio", designed some Christmas ornaments, worked on my website (, networked a little and had a slight disaster in the kitchen. I burned some angels I was working on. I of all people should have known better. I got a new stove and should have done a clay test. I tell everyone to put a piece of scrap clay in the oven to test it. I didn't bother to do that and I also failed to put the temperature gage (something I got from Polyform Products) into the oven.

These angel wings are supposed to be white!.
.Now I'm going to have to

antique them. I think it should be ok. I'll upload
pictures later of the finished antiqued angels.

In the late afternoon, I took a break and sat out behind my home and listened to the birds. This is the simple pleasure that I love. It's something I do everyday, weather permitting.

I put out some apples and peanut butter
and old crackers to
attract the birds. Tomorrow I'm going
to get some bird seed. I'll probably end up feeding all the squirrels in the woods. Hopefully, the birds will get a chance.

Each night I hear a screech Owl back in the woods. The other day I saw a bird with a great wing span approach a tree behind the house. I only saw it for a second. When I went outside to investigate, I found nothing. I would LOVE to see an owl out back. It would be an honor as my sister says.

I ended my little break by taking a picture of the sky. It's to remind me of what a beautiful day today was!

When I sit and look out at the woods, it clears my head of anything negative, it inspires me and pleases me. I feel close to nature, to God and it gives me peace. After a brief period, I'm ready to come back to my studio and create. If you have a quiet activity you can do each day, try it. Maybe you like to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee before the family awakens. Perhaps an evening walk is your time to reflect. Embrace those gentle moments, inhale the scent and take a mental picture. It doesn't cost a dime and it's rewards are priceless!

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