Showing posts with label UFO Ranch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFO Ranch. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finally... an update on the UFO Ranch!

I know I know, it's been a month since the trip out to the ranch and I haven't bothered to post anything. In my defense.... I have to actually work a 40hr per week job to support my paranormal habit, and when you leave work for 4 days to go stay at a UFO Ranch... well things get behind. With that said, here is the gist of the trip....
We arrived Thursday evening after a very long plane ride. All I have to say is that the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. I couldn't stop looking! I definitely want to go back to that part of the country to spend some time sightseeing and hiking the area... Anyway, we pitched the tent so that we had Mt Adams outside our front door and spent the evening staring at the
mountain (we actually spent a lot of our free time staring at the mountain, dozing, and reading on our 'front porch). We managed to help some PRS "fangirls" to set up their tent and eventually we had to hit the hay as the jet lag was finally catching up with us (I think the count at that point was 24hrs we had been awake). We crashed. Sometime around 2:00am I woke up to use the bathroom... it was freezing outside- literally. The walk to the bathhouse was long, dark and cold. As I turned a dark corner I saw the moon above the trees and at the same instant coyotes began howling. I have never been in a place with coyotes so the sounds nearly made it so the walk to the bathroom was unnecessary. On the way back to the tent, I was nearly wide awake as my internal clock thought it was 5am. The coyotes were pretty cool and the stars were amazing. I came upon some people trying to set up a tent, and I ended up putting it up for them in the freezing cold (cause I'm just little miss Danielle Boone- Killed a 'bar' when I was 3). Once back in the tent we heard some people exclaiming but we were too tired and too cold to care (did I mention our wet towels and things were actually frozen???). Of course we discovered in the morning that they had seen some pretty cool things.
Friday brought the PRS crew to the ranch. We had a nice lunch, listened to some lectures and had a campfire chat with Michelle Belanger who is absolutely AWESOME. She is very nice, down to earth and intelligent. She made herself available to as many people as possible and seemed to enjoy the time spent around the fire each night. The event was interesting and we met some great people while we were there. There were several interesting lectures, an advanced screening of the season finale of Paranormal State (AWESOME episode!) and one really great group discussion on the meditation mound that was very intimate that I hope they do more of in the future. Thanks to Ryan Buell who was gracious enough to video tape a personal message to my teenage daughter who was not at the event. I went from being a mean mom for not taking her to the coolest mom in the world.
As for the paranormal- Apparently there were some cool things that were seen on 2 different nights. We slept through them. The first evening we were too jet lagged to move.The second occasion took place about 45 minutes after we retired for the night. I guess we're getting old. What was described to us was a triangular ship (3 lights moving in a triangular formation) that came in low overtop of the field. The other night was a triangular ship that apparently changed into a cylinder shape and changed colors. Kelly commented that a UFO could have landed outside our tent and we wouldn't have noticed... James replied that they've landed before....
In our talks with James we brought up how the wasps that were around seemed to be pretty mellow and how the wasps here on the East Coast would sting first, sting a second time, and a third then mellow out before stinging a 4th time.... James said everything on the ranch was mellow. He said the energy there seemed to have a calming effect on the animals as well as people and that the coyotes never bothered anything when they would venture on the property (James has a huge chicken coop). At first I wasn't so sure about his claim, but then I realized I was more relaxed than on any other trip I had ever gone on. As I mentioned we dozed and read and just sat taking in the view... so perhaps there is something to his calming claims.
As for UFOs- we did see some interesting things. There were points of light that moved in "wobble type patterns" unlike anything I had ever seen before. Some of these lights would grow so dim you couldn't see them anymore only to reappear and get extremely bright (this is referred to as 'powering up'). Others seemed to blink but in so specific pattern, i.e., one blink, then 3 then 2 then maybe 1, etc. I have never seen anything like this is all the times I have spent stargazing, and I have done that numerous times and in areas without much light pollution. I think there is definitely something going on out there at the ranch. I was disappointed that I did not get to see Batsquatch. But there were a lot of people there and many who were there more for the PRS hotties than the paranormal so I am guessing that might have played a part in not seeing as much as we had hoped.
All in all it was a cool experience. We were able to walk the labyrinth there and also had the pleasure of being serenaded by Michelle Belanger as we walked it (Michelle is an awesome singer!) We had some very cool conversations while sitting in the field staring at the sky and learned about some things outside the realm of the paranormal (Like life living in Israel) and had some very deep conversations with strangers (Francine from Banff if you ever read this please get in touch!!!! sorry we missed saying goodbye!) And our one crazy interaction took place after everyone was gone- Santa showed up wearing a UFO shirt, overalls, a flannel shirt over his T Shirt and a straw hat. He had a friend named Thor we thought was a small dog but turned out to be an alien head he kept outside his tent. He even had a blanket bed for Thor and spoke to him constantly. Now you know what Santa is up to in the Summer months. Oh, and his friends showed up in a beat up VW Bus (Holy Stereotype Batman!) (I am NOT making this up- I couldn't make this up... I never pictured Santa as an alien head carrying UFO fanatic)
In conclusion.... I would definitely have to say that if you get a chance go to the UFO Ranch, check it out. James is a gracious host and there is much to see and experience.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Final Countdown

There are only 2 more days until the big UFO Ranch trip in Trout Lake, WA.

Though I am traveling across the country to stay at a UFO hot spot, I am not a UFO nut. I don't go looking for them and I don't know much beyond the basic information about them. However, that doesn't mean that I don't believe that extraterrestrial life exists. In fact, I feel it's highly arrogant to presume that humans are the only intelligent life out there. And constantly searching for a planet that can sustain life as we know it here on earth is a little ridiculous- why does all life have to be just like us? Couldn't another type of life form be developed and learn to adapt to other conditions? Couldn't there be something out there that breathes Nitrogen?

Back to the point, while I am a paranormal investigator, my expertise lies in ghosts and hauntings with a little cryptozoology thrown in. I was clueless on the UFO front. So, as any good investigator would, I began investigating.

UFO's have been in the news quite a bit lately. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the Vatican came out officially to state that it is OK to believe in ET's and UFOs. At the same time, governments around the world have started releasing their UFO files. A former American astronaut claimed to have seen UFOs while in space and urged the US to release its UFO files before other countries beat it to the punch. There have also been more UFO sightings reported. Just this morning I read an article about several people witnessing a jelly fish like UFO in England, and last week I saw a video of a UFO in Moscow. I've viewed video of a press conference where high ranking officials have stated they are willing to testify under oath to the things they have witnessed. Some had proof such as radar scans and dialogue transcripts.

I also began looking into information about 12/21/2012- the purported end of the world based on the Mayan calendar. What is interesting about this (and I am going to briefly paraphrase) is that it was not just the Mayans who prophesied this time but also the Incas and the Hopi Indians.

So what's going to happen in 2012? Some think the end of the world will happen yet others feel it marks a dramatic change for earth, both physically and spiritually for those on earth. Scientists have indicated a couple of things that could be happening. First is an increase in solar activity. Every 11 years, the Sun moves through a period of fewer, smaller sunspots, prominences, and flares called a solar minimum and a period of more, larger sunspots, prominences and flares called a solar maximum. The last solar maximum occurred in 2001 which means (for those not quick on the math uptake) the next maximum occurs in 2012. So what does this mean? It means that as we near the solar maximum, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's- explosions in the sun's corona that spew out solar particles) become more and more frequent. CME's can cause problems with radio transmission, orbiting satellites and power grids. Some scientists believe that because the current solar minimum has been so quiet that we're in for a very bad maximum- one that could destroy satellites and cause widespread blackouts.

At the same time, there are those who believe that Planet X (the tenth planet in our solar system of which little is known) will be coming close to earth again- in 2012. It's thought that the close proximity to this planet is what will cause earth's magnetic poles to shift. Many believe the environmental changes occurring now (melting ice caps, increased severe weather) are a result of the shifting magnetic poles and NOT global warming. Needless to say, 2012 could be a very interesting year.

So basically, my point is this- could this heightened UFO activity be part of the greater picture? Are we experiencing the beginnings of the big 12/21/2012 mystery?

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Countdown Continues

25 days left to go until the trip to Washington State and the UFO Ranch.....

I realized while perusing my blog that I have not yet touched upon the main phenomena taking place at James Gilliland's Ranch: UFO sightings. And we aren't talking about a handful of sightings, we're talking about 3,000 sightings.

I'm sure everyone pictures the stereotypical UFO witness- some trailer park house wife in worn slippers and a flowered house coat sporting pink plastic curlers in her hair and a lit Marlboro dangling from her lips with her husband (who is also a cousin and uncle) next to her with a tobacco juice stained wife beater, cut off shorts and a belly that makes him look like the next octomom. This isn't the case at the UFO Ranch.

Mr. Gilliland has welcomed NASA scientists, military personnel, physicists, members of the CIA, Special Forces Operatives, Boeing engineers.... the list goes on and on but my point is that the people witnessing this phenomena are those with the knowledge to know that what they're seeing aren't ours.

What are they seeing? Some see lights at night moving in the sky. Most would attribute the lights to meteors or satellites passing by. But do meteors or satellites suddenly get brighter (powering up as James calls it) or suddenly change direction and speed? The answer is- no they don't. So what could it be? And why is the ranch often visited by military helicopters when the nearest military base is 3 1/2 hours away? Do they know something we don't?

I am anxious to check it all out for myself. While I have witnessed what can only be called UFO's (as they were certainly unidentified) I was young and who knows what might have been behind my brief sighting. The experiences at the UFO Ranch have been described as spiritual and enlightening. I am looking forward to having such contact with the paranormal world.

Check out James Gilliland's website: ECETI

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


First let me say that in 30 days, I will be on a plane to Washington State to look for UFO's. Awesome!

In preparing for the big trip, I decided to see if there was anything to be found on the creature known as Batsquatch since it is supposed to live nearby and I am hoping to catch a glimpse of it. I wasn't expecting to find much of anything as I had not heard about this creature before... and believe me when I say I've heard about some crazy creatures! But there are tons of sites dedicated to Batsquatch information.

From what I've read, Batsquatch is reported to have purple colored skin, glowing red eyes, wings like a pterodactyl and a head similar to a primate and/or bat. Though its name is based on Sasquatch, there is no real link between the two creatures. Some believe that it could be a yet unknown type of North American Fruit Bat.... only problem is that Batsquatch seems to like small animals (dogs, goats, hogs...) and last I checked fruit bats ate, well, fruit. Others think that it is another branch of the evolutionary tree and is some type of winged primate. That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen, a Flying Monkey! I will be sure to bring my bicycle and broom.

Seriously though, I am a believer in the existence of cryptids, or creatures that have yet to be officially discovered. We are finding new species all the time and have rediscovered species that were long thought to be extinct though sightings were still reported (the Okapi is one example of that). And I want to bring up another thought- Mothman. I have no doubt that Mothman was real and was sighted by people in Point Pleasant, WV. What I am unsure about is what Mothman actually was.... during his brief life in Point Pleasant, there were increased UFO sightings and sightings of MIB (Men in Black) and if memory serves me, there were also livestock mutilations going on at the same time.

Both Batsquatch and Mothman have glowing red eyes and wings. Both have been sighted in areas of increased UFO activity. I will also go so far as to say both are seen in areas where tragedies occured (mothman- Silver Bridge Collapse, Batsquatch- Mt St Helens eruption). Are these cryptids unknown species? or are they something more? Something that fortells traumatic or historic events? Is there something big coming? Isn't it interesting that the Pope and the Vatican recently announced that it's OK to believe in aliens and UFOs?

"I scream from the top of my lungs What's going On?" - 4 Non Blondes "What's Goin On"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trip to the UFO Ranch

Those of you who follow the A&E show Paranormal State are familiar with James Gilliland's "UFO Ranch" in Trout Lake, WA. The Paranormal State episode entitle First Contact was filmed at the ranch and was full of UFO footage. Between the beauty of the area and the paranormal goings-on, this episode became one of my favorites (First Contact) and I hoped I would one day be able to visit Mr. Gilliland's ranch. As luck (or fate) would have it, Kelly and I came upon the opportunity to go- and we're heading out May 14th.

PRS is hosting a 'field trip' at the ranch for 3 days of paranormal activities. We will be camping. Do you have any idea the amount of creativeness it takes to pack camping gear for a flight across the country? And of course there is the paranormal equipment which must be taken on as carry-on. What do we take??! While we have searched for spirits and the occasional cryptid, I've never been on a UFO expedition (side note- there is a mysterious creature in the woods that we will also be looking for called Batsquatch- I know- love the name). At the moment I believe we have decided on the following: cameras (obviously), recorders, video equipment, tripods, flashlights and the stealth game camera (to catch pics of the Batsquatch).

For those wondering, Batsquatch (sounds like something I wouldn't want to step in) is a large bipedal creature with wings. I assume, based on the name, that it must be similar to Satsquatch with large wings. While this may sound slightly silly, please remember Mothman. For those of you familiar with Mothman, you'll remember that this creature was seen in Point Pleasant, WV during a time of heightened UFO sightings. Coincidence? Maybe. Psychedelic drugs? Can't rule them out, but the whole thing is intriguing.

So... as we countdown the days until our departure (36), let's hope that this trip goes off without a hitch. By that I only mean that Kelly and I always seem to have strange adventures... camping in Gettysburg one year we woke up to it raining inside the tent (3 people in a one man A frame + cold outside temps= rain), traveling to Point Pleasant, WV we drove through 4 tornadoes, torrential rain, extreme fog, detoured by flooded rivers, missed a flash flood by mere minutes, got lost in the hills oh and got shot at, and the last camping trip to Gettysburg involved an odd campground full of what looked like carnies.... and that's all I've got to say about that trip.

Stay tuned....