I've had people ask me what I do to protect myself from the entities I come across. My response is to stare blankly while a chorus of crickets chirps in the background. That's right, I rarely remember to do anything.
My late mother-in-law, who was a psychic and an ordained minister with the Spiritualist Church in Freeville, NY, gave me a prayer to recite prior to a trip to the West Virginia State Penn and stressed the need for such things. I admit I felt quite silly standing there saying it, but did feel a little less spooked after doing so. Obviously I don't want the ghost of a former murderer following me home. I don't want any ghost following me home- I have enough issues with the ones that stop by to chat with my son.
And I admit that at one time, there was a coffee can full of Holy Water that my devoutly Catholic aunt insisted I needed to have. The can rusted. My aunt now provides me with the small plastic bottles of Holy Water- they don't rust.
While I enjoy being silly and sarcastic about the whole thing, I do believe that saying some type of prayer is a positive thing, and one I need to start remembering to do. The experiences I've had with my son lately have shown me that perhaps I need to be more careful and take a few seconds to protect myself and those investigating with me from something no one really completely understands. I don't want to bring something harmful into my home or around my children. In fact, during my latest trip to Old House Woods there was a "creepy girl" who had attached herself to my daughter- according to my son. The walk in the woods in broad daylight was so nerve wracking that I did ask my aunt to bless the cross I wear and also the one my daughter wears. Just in case.
So here are a couple of simple prayers you can use:
Prayer for Protection
The light of God surrounds you,
The love of God enfolds you,
The power of God protects you,
And the presence of God watches over you;
Wherever you are, God is.
This is the prayer that my mother-in-law gave me to use. It's short and sweet and to the point, and easy enough to memorize. I've also seen members of Paranormal State use this same prayer. Many also use the following:
St. Michael's Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle,
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
may God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil
spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
And for those who prefer something slightly more pagan:
Great Spirit, Creator of all that is...
Please send to me the most positive energy and light possible in this time and space
to watch over me and those I share this experience with.
Send to us the highest force or forces possible to keep us safe,
focused and positive in our intent.
In return we give thanks and gratitude,
love and positive light for the universal good of all. Amen
It's important to remember that your belief in something is what makes it more powerful for you. Pick the prayer that you are most comfortable with. If you have a special "good luck charm" or talisman, it doesn't hurt to have that with you as well. Again, your belief that it protects you is what makes it so powerful. I wear my blessed celtic cross during all investigations now.
Look for future posts dealing more with talismans.