Sunday, April 10, 2011

Berke's sayings

Berkeley has been cracking me up all weekend with the things he says. His vocabulary is expanding so quickly and I love watching him learn and grow. Some of his funny sayings this week:

***We were at the Park on Saturday and and the only kids at the park were Berkeley and a 5 year old little boy. Berkeley walked up to the little boy and pointed to him and said, "What's that Mommy, a boy?"

***I was taking Berkeley's picture and he said, "Cheese.... Oh, that's cute!" He didn't even look at what I had taken, he just knows he is that cute.

***Berkeley has a new book with 100 different machines. There is a whole page full of trains. He opens it up to that page and walks around saying, "I love trains."

***Berke is getting more and more independent. His new routine in the morning when either Christian or I comes in, is to shake his head at us and say, "No, no. Leave. Leave." Then we get him up and change his diaper and he pushes us out of his room, closes the door and says, "Leave, Leave!" I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until like 12 or 13 years?

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