Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day and Laundry

For Memorial Day, we spent the day on the boat. It was a beautiful day filled with fun and laughter. It was the day that I got back on a wake board after a 3 1/2 year absence. I got right up but it took a while to used to it again. It was so much fun and I have been paying for it for 3 days. I am so so SO sore.

Laila didn't have as much fun as the rest of us, she didn't love having to wear her life jacket.

Aria spent the day in her daddy's arms. Sometimes being the favorite parent doesn't leave him with many opportunities to do anything other then what Aria wants him to do.

Zach loves Laila so much. He is always wanting to hold and snuggle her. I sure hope his mom has a little girl.

It was a wonderful holiday weekend but I am not so sure about the cleanup. I spent Tuesday doing 13 loads of laundry. As I finished folding all the laundry I wished that I had taken a picture. I decided that laundry is the WORST household chore. If anyone likes to do laundry please share your secrets!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Camping fun.

Last week Geoff and I decided that we wanted to take the girls camping. This would be both Aria and Laila's first time camping, it was worth it! It was so much fun. We started the trip off with a torrential down pour 30 seconds after we got our tent up, and a 35 degree drop so it was very cool. Laila enjoyed eating rocks and dirt and being held the ENTIRE time because she kept eating the rocks and dirt.

Aria was in her element, lots of dirt to roll around in, lots of junk food and her favorite people surrounding her 24/7.

Geoff was so happy to have a few days off of work to spend time with us. In reality he only really spent time with Aria, she made sure that he did absolutely everything with her and for her. She misses her dad.
I was so happy that ALL of my sisters and my sister-in-law Sarah could be there with us. It definitely was a party. We ate the BEST food and had wonderful conversation and created lots of memories.

We had SO much fun I can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

While in Utah...

This last week we packed up the car and headed to Utah. It was a great trip because we rode with Sarah and the twins in their van. We did so many fun seeing friends, and playing with cousins.

Aria helped Grandpa make Swedish Pancakes, a Hill tradition.

After 2 years of getting her hair cut with kitchen scissors, Aria got her first "professional" haircut.

We always love visiting Grandma Joeen because we get the cutest pictures taken.

We also got to help auntie Kelsey get ready for her Junior Prom. She looked absolutely stunning.

I couldn't resist putting up this picture. It is my favorite picture of my favorite twins. They look so grown up and I just want to squeeze them!

As you can see we had so much fun. I am so glad that we were able to be there for both our mothers on Mother's Day. Being away from our mom's has made it that much more apparent how much we love them and need them. Love you!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Speaking of Vampires...

My daughter is a vampire and I only have myself to blame. When I was pregnant with Laila, I read all the books in the Twilight series. I thought the book was so good and I had a crush on Edward and I thought that vampires were so interesting, blah blah. Now Laila is one of them and I am not sure how I feel about that.

I keep wondering, if I just hadn't read those book would she be normal? But alas my fascination with vampires has resulted in Laila's teeth.

Then there is Jacob Black the werewolf. I thought that he was kind of cute and I felt bad for the way that Bella treated him. So again, while I was pregnant with Laila I thought a lot about how poor Jacob grew so tall and big while he was still very young. But alas my fascination with werewolves has resulted in Laila growing so tall and big while she is still very young.

This picture doesn't show it very good but Laila's feet hang off her car seat to her ankles and her head hits the sun visor.

Next time I am pregnant I will only read books about nice, smart, athletic, funny, contributors to society instead of vampires and werewolves.