For Memorial Day, we spent the day on the boat. It was a beautiful day filled with fun and laughter. It was the day that I got back on a wake board after a 3 1/2 year absence. I got right up but it took a while to used to it again. It was so much fun and I have been paying for it for 3 days. I am so so SO sore.
Laila didn't have as much fun as the rest of us, she didn't love having to wear her life jacket.
Aria spent the day in her daddy's arms. Sometimes being the favorite parent doesn't leave him with many opportunities to do anything other then what Aria wants him to do.
Zach loves Laila so much. He is always wanting to hold and snuggle her. I sure hope his mom has a little girl.
It was a wonderful holiday weekend but I am not so sure about the cleanup. I spent Tuesday doing 13 loads of laundry. As I finished folding all the laundry I wished that I had taken a picture. I decided that laundry is the WORST household chore. If anyone likes to do laundry please share your secrets!