Sunday, May 4, 2008

Speaking of Vampires...

My daughter is a vampire and I only have myself to blame. When I was pregnant with Laila, I read all the books in the Twilight series. I thought the book was so good and I had a crush on Edward and I thought that vampires were so interesting, blah blah. Now Laila is one of them and I am not sure how I feel about that.

I keep wondering, if I just hadn't read those book would she be normal? But alas my fascination with vampires has resulted in Laila's teeth.

Then there is Jacob Black the werewolf. I thought that he was kind of cute and I felt bad for the way that Bella treated him. So again, while I was pregnant with Laila I thought a lot about how poor Jacob grew so tall and big while he was still very young. But alas my fascination with werewolves has resulted in Laila growing so tall and big while she is still very young.

This picture doesn't show it very good but Laila's feet hang off her car seat to her ankles and her head hits the sun visor.

Next time I am pregnant I will only read books about nice, smart, athletic, funny, contributors to society instead of vampires and werewolves.


McGiven Family.... said...

That is so funny! You crack me up! She is a cute vampire/werewolf though!

Renee said...

I am laughing so hard! You are too funny. Laila is a tall one but she is so darn cute! I cannot wait to see those vampire teeth in person! I hope she has been a happy teether!

Heidi said...

That is a really funny post. You are hilarious. I love the post of poor little one that is constipated. I haven't looked at your blog for a while.... loved the updates. YOur family is SO cute! I hate target for that reason too.... I ONLY buy gift cards for wedding gifts these days. i loved having $700 to Target when we got married. You're right though, it's absolutely absurd.

Natalie said...

OH NO! I read Twilight when I was pregnant with Jake. I didn't name him after Jacob, if you were wondering. No, Laila is so cute and what's not to love about Jacob and Edward. You should be proud of Laila taking after two very nice, smart, athletic, funny, ccontributors to society. She can do much more as a werewolf and vampire then a mere human. Jake is already outgrowing his nine month clothes and he is only 4 months. I hope he is following after Laila! HA HA!

brittany said...

i'm pretty sure she might be the prettiest baby i've ever seen, seriously. vampire teeth and all. both my girls teeth came in like that, it must be a hill thing.

Ann Marie said...

Too funny! Note taken. I will read books of beautiful faeries and elves when I am pregnant.

Angela and Mike said...

haha, she's the cutest vampire I'VE ever seen.

Sharon said...

Mike's teeth came in like that, too. It must run in the genes. I thought he was so cute with his teeth like that and I think she is adorable with her teeth like that. I hope I'll get to see you guys this weekend.

the Eggett's said...

Aleena, you are so funny! By the way, I LOVE all the recipe's you posted on the food blog! I was laughing my head off when you posted the chocolate cake recipe, and at the bottom mentioned that it was fat-free. You are hilarious!