Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who needs a house?

This is what our house has looked like for the last 4 days. Our townhome complex has some problems with the plumbing needing repairs. We had about 50 holes all around our house. So we had the plumbers, then the drywall repair men, then the painters. It was very interesting. We are so glad to have a home that is fixed but mostly we are so thankful to have a home. We are so thankful to friends and family for letting crash for all this time.


Ann Marie said...

it would probably be a good idea to leave all that pretty plastic know, keep things in tip-tip shape?
glad you have such a nice place to live!

Nedra said...

Do you feel like you have to move all over again? I remember just a few months ago you arranging all the beautiful dishes on top of the kitchen cupboards, etc. What a mess!

Renee said...

I bet you were going crazy! Glad to have it over for sure...I love the smell of new paint!

Sarah Goodsell said...

Oh Aleena I'm so sorry that does not look fun. I'm glad it's over!

KolbyJanine said...

o my goodness i didnt even know. if you need a place to hang out your welcome to come here!

The Morrisons... said...

Oh dear...looks like a fun week for you! You should have called. Don't you love how the guys miss out on the FUN things we have to go through. They have no idea!

Joy For Your Journey said...

Iam soo sorry! It looks like your girls were having fun though. And Congrats on being such a good sport about it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know your life has been turned around by this crazieness.. You seem normal and laid back when I talk to you on the phone. Can't wait to see you in 2 dayers! hip hip hooray!

Natalie said...

Wow, that sounds like quite the repair job. Way to be positive about it. You are so good!

Live Well With Judi said...

Leen, what a terrible mess! I had a little 'prank' call' from Aria today. She said you were in the shower and she wanted to talk to someone, so we had a little chat. I was out walking around the golf course as it's currently sunny here and it was fun to talk to her on my walk. I know you're at your mom's house in a day or two. Have a great trip. Hugs