Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Time Travel Thursday

Time travel is so fun, isn't it?  We don't need no stinking special machine or Michael J. Fox!  We only need a few old photos and some memories!

Where shall we go today?
What vintage picture should I pull from the archives of our family's albums?

Since we are honoring my father's EIGHTY FOURTH birthday, let's stroll down memory lane with him. 
Remember to visit this  link to enter into a giveaway!

Here he is circa late 1950s or early 1960s.  He was a mess Sargent--which meant, he managed the food hall.  

looks like a good cup o'joe and a ham sandwich

dad is on the right
Quite handsome fella, wasn't he? No wonder my mom chased him across Germany to keep him.
Here's a picture of him in his paratrooper gear:

Can you imagine carrying around all that stuff 

I love the smile on his face!  He was in his element!

my mom took some really cool pictures.

My father is very proud of his Airbourne wings and here is an example of him coming out of a plane.  He's in this gaggle of parachutes somewhere.  I remember as a little child going to the parade grounds to watch the planes fly over and my dad was one of them jumping out.  It was cool!

WoW! Isn't that amazing!?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's a GIVEAWAY again! whoopeee

You may remember that for my mother's 79th birthday we celebrated the entire month of January to celebrate and then we had some lucky winners that got some GRAND prizes. 

It's my dad's birthday and we are celebrating!  This week he is
 I'm so lucky to have him around!  He tells some of the best old army stories.
Here he is leaving for Vietnam in 1969 surrounded by all his girls!

I'm the cute one..figure that one out. hahahahahaa
 His most favorite activity on the planet is golfing(after making 6 babies--sorry, got a little R rated there)
But additionally, when he's sitting, he's reading

Now he's 84 and the same father I had growing up, maybe just a little mellowed out. 

One funny thing about him and pictures is that he hates getting his picture taken.  
can you say LOVE?  57 years.....
Dad gets soooo tired of having his picture made.  When this picture was being taken he said, "God Damn, When are you going to run out of film?"  Sorry for the language peeps, but that's my dad's favorite word.  We all laughed at him because to his irritation we NEVER run out of "digital" film.  Poor dad! the giveaway. 
In honor of my pop's 84 birthday I'm giving away 84 (or a little more) crafting items.  OH BOY!  You can't even see it all in this picture:

brads and ribbons and embellishments

stickles and crackle paint and paper and stickers

paper, paper and more paper.

How can you win this package of goodies. you go:
1. Become a follower-leave a comment
2. If you're already a follower-leave a comment
3. Post a blog posting on your blog--leave a comment
4. Post another blog posting a week or more after your first posting--leave me comment
5. Share me on Facebook--leave a comment
This giveaway will end on April 30th at 5pm Nashville TN.  Share with your friends...or not(to keep your chances of winning high).
Come on let's party like we are 84 years old! 
PS. When I called to wish my dad a happy birthday, first I had to sing the worst rendition of "Happy Birthday" ever (family tradition). To his credit he did holler for an encore. 
Then I asked if he was going to paint the town red?
(in case you're not familiar with that term it means, go out and party) 
The cute little German lady said, "We already did that...30 years ago."
And there you go.
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