Showing posts with label House Portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Portrait. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Commision House Portrait

House Portrait ©2017
Nita Leger Casey
I am still here if you have wondered ? My life has sure changed this past year after loosing my husband and it is taking me longer to get myself in the groove of doing paintings everyday, but I do still have some commissions to do, here is one I have been working on .
I have a lot of project in my head, so please be patient,  if you want to see more of my work soon, thank you!

Monday, December 28, 2015

House portrait

Watercolor of a commissioned House portrait in New England
©2015 by Nita Leger Casey
Now that Christmas is over, I am posting a few homes I had to do in December. This one was a beautiful home with a late fall landscape and nice late sun light, I had fun doing it, the owner has  been in the house for thirty years, so if she ever decides to move she always will have her memories of her beautiful home, The owner was happy when she picked it up !  It was time for me to relax! 

Thursday, May 06, 2010

On the easel! commission of a house portrait in Pastel
Nita Leger Casey
I had to brake from my mode of the watercolor series I have been painting , and take the pastels out , I don't usually do the house portrait in this medium I actually prefer doing it in Watercolors but this was a special request, I still have a few hours of work on it for some details of windows door and the rocks .
Well this is a good example if anyone would be interested in a House Portrait , email me for the details . ,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hartstone Inn , Camden Maine . (c) watercolor by Nita Leger Casey
I think today many backs are broken from all the shoveling done in the North East, we got lucky and only had about three inches .
I am posting this house portrait I have painted before for the Inn Keepers , a beautiful place the Harstone Inn downtown Camden village . We will be going there in the next couple days to get a taste of Maine, go to the museum in Rockland the Farnsworth ,and some last minute shopping .
and visit a few galleries , should be fun !
This painting is sold , it is a good example of my work for a commission , email me for details .

Sunday, December 13, 2009

View from my studio window, mini watercolor 2,5x3,5 copyrighted 2009
Nita Leger Casey
The day started beautiful with a beautiful sun went out for Sunday breakfast with Tim, even taught to take a ride to Maine, then about noon , this is what it looked like from my studio window big flakes were coming down ,I was talking to a friend at that time and drawing my scene in the same time .This is another collectible miniature , if you are a collector of trading cards , email me

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This old beauty , 6x8 Watercolor by Nita Leger Casey ,
copyrighted 2009 sold

Staying with my old classic New England farm houses , I actually painted this one in January , it's an old house in Pepperell , this town is full of them and I just love them ! talk about old houses, I am on a cleaning rampage with mine two weeks before it's the Open House tour , why do I keep so much junk ? always thinking I might use an object for a painting , I think it's an artist disease. My schedule is pretty full these days also finishing some commissions before Thanksgiving . Email me if you are interested in this painting

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Victorian house in Kittery, Watercolor 5x7 copyrighted 2009
Nita Leger Casey
I just love an old house , that is why I live in one , I love the architecture , the charm , the quaintness ,the history, I am always so drown by them , you can ask my friends , I will stop in a dime just to take a picture of one . With this one actually I was a restaurant in Kittery, Maine and it was just across the way, the sun was going down ,the light was perfect,I knew I would paint it soon or later, being on the winter mode here it is . If you are a watercolor collector of small works , please Email me , now it is the time at this low price it's only on my blog . the price changes later when it goes to different shows $ 100.00

Sunday, July 19, 2009

House by the sea , copyrighted by Nita Leger Casey
Watercolor , 20x26 , $450.00
If you love your house and would like a great keepsake , have me paint a house portrait of it , a wonderful way to keep memories passed on to the next generation .
email me for more details
visit my website and blog
Studio , Pepperell, Massachusetts

Monday, March 16, 2009

This old maple tree, copyrighted by Nita Leger Casey
Large watercolor on board 19x24
matted to 25x30
New England has very old trees , lots of them are maples , this one was probably planted when the house was build in the late 1800 , or early 1900 , this one also has a maple syrup bucket and a swing on it . I found this house in NH a few towns over from where I live . This painting was part of my collection , but I decided to put it for sale , so let me know if you are interested in this large watercolor that depict the season right now , March!
make me reasonable offer , but don't forget it's a larger one .

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Example of a House Portrait Commission , watercolor copyrighted
A busy week end , between snow storms ,cleaning the house and a birthday party , not much time to paint!
Just posting a House portrait ,and wanted to remind collectors , I gladly accept commissions of someones home , always an excellent gift for a parent a neighbor who is moving , a church for a wedding present , a vacation home me

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"This old house in Pepperell "
Watercolor 6x8 , copyrighted 2009
This is what a cold winter day looks like in Massachusetts ,This old house is down the street from me , I think I look at it every time I go by, it actually looks nice in the summer also ,it has an old fashion red roof ,but right now it's covered with snow . In this quint town where I live , we have lots of houses like this one , it's probably circa 1885 , it's amazing how they still stand with grace and look beautiful, some more than others , some need a face lift, and some you wonder about if the walls could talk! that is the beauty of New England .
When I first came to this country my biggest shock was the houses were made out of wood , coming from France where everything is made with stone or bricks , little did I know ,how beautiful they were . Email me if you are interested
I always accept commissions , just ask!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

"The Red house in winter" framed
oil on 6x6 canvas
copyrighted 2007

A typical colonial house you find in a small New England village .
I am busy with a large house portrait commission, so this is a scene from last year , and it needs a home for the holidays . It's framed with a nice dark wide wood frame $ 100.00
email me if you are interested

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"House on winter hill "
6x8 oil on Wallis paper
copyrighted 2008

Winter is coming upon us fast, so I decided to start painting some winter scenes , I love old houses so when I have a chance to see one with some character, I always take pictures , this one is in deep Maryland Washington county , I have a son who lives in the area and I get to explore the back roads of Maryland at times.
Small paintings like this are a great way to start collecting scenes with different seasons,or different styles ,I never get tired to look at my own collection of art from other artists. email me if you are interested ,

Monday, November 17, 2008

"The house from Lubec"
copyrighted 2007
pastel on special board 11x14
Your house is your castle , let me paint it !
Today, I was busy all day , started with taking Clancy for his shots, he was not too happy about this, also the Vet informed me that deer ticks don't dye after the frost , and to watch for them all year , after getting Lyme disease this summer , I am a bit nervous!
Around noon I went to hang a show with a few friends , it's a holiday show at a small gallery in Hollis ,NH . the opening is Thursday night , if you are in the area stop by.
This is a painting I posted before , but I wanted to remind people ,I take commission work , it always makes a great present, just email me

Friday, September 05, 2008

Historic house secret garden,copyrighted 2007

I am working on a large commission right now, this is a painting I did last year at the Fells Garden in NH, a pastel done on location , I would love to find a home for this lovely painting .
Email me if you are interested , also would like to remind all viewer of my blog, I do take commissions of house and gardens
pastel , 12x16 $450.00 email

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

#500 post , The Gingerbread art studio , copyrighted 2008

Last night I was going to post and looked at the Post # and it was 500, so I decided to wait a day and paint something special for the day . I woke up to a beautiful clear and sunny day when it came to me to paint my house and my studio , so after breakfast I set up the easel on the front lawn and got going with the morning light . I can't believe that I have posted 500 paintings!
Where did the time go? it has been a wonderful journey into my life and hope to continue ,
this is an oil on canvas , 14x18 , email me if you are interested ,
tomorrow it will be # 500 for $500.00 only for that day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

University of Maine ,Farmington,copyrighted 2008
For today just an example of a commission building for an Alumni of the University, If you have a school, church, building, house, camp that means a lot to you, and would like a painting of it ,I welcome commissions ,
30 years experience doing this kind of work ,Email

Sunday, July 06, 2008

House Portrait Commission,copyrighted 2008
We had a wonderful fourth of July week end with the family , parade fire works and all.
I have been quite busy also with two new chickens "Rhode Island reds "I adopted them a few days ago , the only thing is my old ones are not happy about it and they are making their life miserable , I feel bad , my husband says they have to go through it the pecking order , yesterday one had enough of the abuse and flew out of the coop and ran away with the rooster next door, it was actually funny!I think I am going to have to start another blog with just chicken stories , you know like ," War Stories ".
Just have been working on a commission due tomorrow. 16x20 watercolor
if you are interested in something similar for a present for someone , Email me

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nantucket Victorian

I am painting , but mostly walls right now, a bit frustrated to be away from my easel , but I have waited years to remodel this kitchen .
A few years back I went to Nantucket , a lovely island off the coast of Massachusetts. I was attracted by this beautiful old Victorian house , I knew I wanted to do a painting of it , but before painting a full sheet in watercolor , I sketch a small one to see how could I move this house closer to the ocean . I was pleased with it so I went on and painted a larger version .
this is a miniature 3x5 original watercolor , Email me

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Lonely house #4
My schedule is slowly getting back to normal, today was our breakfast club meeting at Borders in Nashua NH. We are a bunch of artists who meet every week , we have been doing this for about 18 years . It's great to have a support group like this ,we share a lot of information on shows art supply , art societies , museum ,critiques and anything connected to art.
I am still working on a few commissions that came after the Holidays.
Here is another one of my lonely houses .
8x8 oil on canvas $ 100.00 email me if interested