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Showing posts with the label Family

Something so simple as Spanish

It's amazing having moments of spiritual impact. I've found myself so busy with work lately, I rarely make quality time to spend with my friends or family. And when I have time, I find I spend more time with my friends rather than family. I guess it's easy to get, wrapped up with your friends when you're a single college student. But families are really quite special. Since my father's stroke in March 2011, I've moved in at the end of July with my Mom and Dad, in a house in Pleasant Grove, UT. I also went to go pick my younger sister, Tiffany, up from BYU Idaho after completing her fist year of school in July. Then in the first week of August, my brother, Mauricio, returned home from his mission in McAllen, Texas. My older sister Ligia, who is married to Alex, with 3 kids of their own, Orion (4), Chrysa (3), and Hinckley (1), all live down the street from us. Literally 5 blocks from where we live. So here we are again, pretty much one big happy Velez/ H...

A Happy Easter

Easter with the kids was awesome this year. I helped Chrysa and Orion find the phenominal silver and gold eggs. This was a cute little easter egg hunt at Ligia's place. Unfortunately Alex was gone doing sales during this time. But we had a blast anyways. Here's Grandpa-Pito-Pepe (my Dad) with the kids. This is shortly after having his stroke, while my Mom was in California in the process of moving to Utah. He was still having difficulty understanding what we were saying. So when I told him we were going Easter egg hunting, he thought I meant we were going out to eat eggs. Which in his mind was a treat, because since his stroke he was eating a very strict vegan diet at the time. I'm pretty sure he was confused why I was so desperate for eggs that morning. He later realized it was Easter weekend. :) Here I am with the my niece and nephew. After running around and scrambling to get all the cool easter eggs. I loved easter egg hunting so much. I can't wait for...

Could we be related?!?!?

In honor of a little blog post titled "Gio's Niece," posted by my sister Ligia, I dedicate this portion of my blog to the impeccable resemblance of two very good looking babies. My niece, Chrysalis Rae, with her beautiful mother... My mother, Eloisa, myself as the little child sitting on her lap, and to the right is Ligia... With matching shoes, to the matching expression...I know! We must be related. And of course, MINT GREEN is the bomb-digity!