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FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Fish For Consumption


  • 9 December 2015
  • Author: Vrountas
  • Number of views: 5691
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FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Fish For Consumption

The U.S. Is currently under a lot of heat for recently approving a generically engineered animal for human consumption. The Food and Drug Administration gave AquaBounty Technologies the OK on their AquAdvantage Salmon.

Regulations -  The FDA states that the AquAdvantage Salmon has met all regulatory requirements to qualify for approval. This also means that the fish is safe for human consumption.

Adaption – With the already vast amount of genetically modified food FDA wanted to adapt to those changes. They have recently released guidelines on how to label their foods as genetically altered or containing no genetically engineered ingredients.

Guidelines – FDA has almost released new guidelines on labeling of “food derived from genetically engineered plants,” over “genetically modified.” or a “genetically modified organism.” However, they will not take action against companies for use “GMO.” However they will not require that the salmon be label as genetically altered.


Concerns And Questions 

            Undoubtedly there are many concerns about a genetically altered animal. Regardless of the circumstances this raises fear and anger for many people. Genetically modified plants have been in production for a while now but never before has there been approval for animal products. Many wonder where will the line be drawn? There are concerns about safety as well. How well can they guarantee that there will not be side affects later.

Diseases – There are many that worry about the possibility of the genetically altered foods leading to disease later down the line.

Labels- Many people and companies are upset that the FDA will not require labels on genetically altered fish. They feel that consumers should be able to choose the fish they want and avoid genetically altered ones if they want.

Selling – There are already stores that have refused to stock the genetically altered fish for their own reasons. Kroger and Safeway are two of the stores that have already claimed they refuse to stock the salmon. They feel that since other food safety and fishing groups are against it they they are better off not shelving it.

            Regardless of the over all view point the FDA stands by their determination that this genetically altered salmon is safe and nutritious as other fish. They claim that the engineering is safe for the salmon and that the salmon must be raised on land only in a contained hatchery. So far the FDA has declared that they can not be bred or raised in the U.S., and ensure that they are sterile to prevent cross breeding if there is an escape. 

