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The Digital Impact: Bitcoin's Carbon Footprint

  • 3 January 2018
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 1954
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The Digital Impact: Bitcoin's Carbon Footprint
Bitcoin is becoming one of the most quickly growing cryptocurrencies today. But this new form of payment is more costly for the environment than you may...

Quick Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint


  • 9 June 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 6448
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Quick Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
Saving our planet isn't just in the hands of big name corporations and politicians. In fact, you can help give the effort a push just by following these...

Trump Planning to Expand Offshore Oil Drilling


  • 21 April 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 1316
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Trump Planning to Expand Offshore Oil Drilling
In another move that goes against both Obama-era regulations and environmental protections, Trump plans to sign an executive order to begin drilling in the...

Trump’s New EPA Sacrifices Science for Industry


  • 17 April 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 1086
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Trump’s New EPA Sacrifices Science for Industry
The new Trump-era EPA is moving further away from its original goal of environmental protection and moving more towards furthering the interests of...

Thai Veterinarians Remove 915 Coins from a Sea Turtle’s Stomach


  • 17 March 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 1151
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Thai Veterinarians Remove 915 Coins from a Sea Turtle’s Stomach
A sea turtle that lived in an area where local residents would toss coins into the water has recently been found to have consumed at least 915 coins. The...

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