Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Monday, August 25, 2014

Yahoo! A finish!

I am so excited I got this old UFO finished!

She is so cute!

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Update

Was busy this weekend stitching.... I am so close to a finish!

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

More Deepest Love updates.

She is so close to being done that I wish I could wiggle my nose and have her totally done. LOL

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Here is the latest on my Deepest Love piece

She is coming along beautifully.
Unfortunately, I have been sick so have not wanted to do anything but sleep when not at work.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Just realized

I just realized that I had not posted on here in quite a while.

Been busy with work and working on Deepest Love by Mirabila.
Here are my progress pics for you to see my progress.

Progress is shown from left to right all the way down. (pictures are clickable)


Monday, July 15, 2013

I am on a roll!!!!

I am on a roll. This is a start from last year that needed to be finished. This is finish #4 for 2013
I am in a stitching mood like you would not believe and I am determined to finish a bunch of these projects so that I can feel good about them being finished.
This is one that I was making for my husband for our anniversary. Better late than never. LOL

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I was asked to post an update on my Jesus wept piece ... it has been a while since the last one after my restart due to pattern error. So here is the update with the pic of the painting to show what it will look like when done hopefully.

Remember this is only the very tip of the top left of that painting.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

For 2013

I have been challenged to admit what UFO/WIP I have and also determined to finish my WIP/UFOs.
I want to be able to finish a bunch of them.
Some I am very ashamed as they maybe had 20 stitches on.
I would love to get 5 done this year at least.

Should I get 2 done I am permitting one new start.

Feel free to join me in this challenge.

To see my first step accomplished - admitting to UFO/WIP starts see my WIP/UFOs page.
Yea!!!! That is a hard step.

The next hard step is finding stitching time and getting something done.
Stay tuned.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A disappointing update

For those that have been following me when it comes to my stitching of Jesus Wept....
I had to frog a big spot and thought that I had overcame a big problem.... only to find that when I made the pattern I had not realized that a couple of the symbols were too similar to tell the difference. Also two of the symbols were missing. Then found that my saved copy on the computer was gone.

Satan really does not want this piece to be stitched or to inspire others and be stitched by others.

I therefore, got back on the drawing board and remade the pattern and made sure every symbol was accounted for and also that all the symbols were easy to distinguish from each other.

So after doing that I got back into stitching it and decided to this time do it on 32 count Belfast linen.

Here is my progress so far.... I have almost put in 750 stitches in the past 24 hours....
I am determined to get this done and draw hope and faith more and more through this inspirational piece.

I hope you all will stand behind me and cheer me on as it progresses.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Finish #3 for 2012

This is the piece that I was working on for hubby per his request.
I got the original pattern from and modified and personalized for him.

Now back to trying to get something done on TTAS (Touching the Autumn sky by Mirabilia) and Jesus Wept.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Update on my Mirabilia

After almost 2 months of not having any time to stitch TTAS.
I finally can post an update.

Close up!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ok safe to say....

That I definitely have had a smoking needle to have two updates in less than a week.

Hope you like how it is going.... I now can see just how tall this piece will be.

Time to head for bed as I have some long hours the next 3 days at work.
Hopefully I can find stitching time as this drive I have to stitch this piece feels like a major addiction. LOL

Sunday, July 24, 2011


My oldest daughter is back from camp and with her came my camera. Yippee!!

So here is your long awaited update of Jesus Wept!

I am really having fun stitching this one... right now it is like a major stitching addiction... I stitch until my eyes can no longer stay awake...
Work keeps getting in the way though so time to stitch is not often enough.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

A new finish

I have finished the other towel that I wanted to make. This means I now have a matching pair. Yippee!

This makes finish #7 for 2011.

I am using the photo from the other post only because my daughter has taken my camera to camp. So I will be without a camera for 7 weeks. :(

I will see if my mom or sister will allow me to use their cameras for taking pics.... until then I will continue to stitch and will hopefully be able to update posts with pics at a later date.

I have done a little stitching on my RMC piece(UFO) and Jesus Wept(WIP). (not really enough for a pic yet but hopefully I can do some more on them so that a pic will be warranted when a camera is available.)

I am off work this week so I hope to do lots of stitching but I know I will have to share that time with cleaning house. I have only one of four children home right now. One was given the boot to go live with family, one is gone for 7 weeks at camp and one is gone for a week to camp. So we will see how things go!

Monday, May 09, 2011

A new update on Jesus Wept....

Well I finally forced myself to do some stitching this last Saturday.
It is what I did for my quiet time for Mother's Day since I had to work on Sunday.

Anyway, here is my updated pic of Jesus Wept.
REMEMBER you can look on the Jesus Wept page to see all progression together.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As Promised

Several have wondered how Mr Bone Jangles is coming along.

Here he is.... just need to do his legs and shoes now.

I cannot wait to see him finished so I can give him to the lucky recipient.

Friday, January 07, 2011

An update and an award

Well I think I have made some good progress getting myself past my disappointment in the frog's visit. I got myself motivated and got back to work on Mr. Bone Jangles.

Here is my progress pic of him.

I need to get moving and start a small for hubby for our anniversary.... I got exactly a month to stitch it and get it done.... it is a Sanman Original piece.

I was also given another award....

I was nominated by Lana for the stylish blogger award! Wow! Thank you so much, Lana!!

So, now I have to pick 5 things that people don't know about me and then nominate 5 more people.

1. My oldest daughter was named after another little girl I knew. (huge, long story)
2. Do not like being told I cannot do something... I will prove you wrong.
3. I take more S..... from others then I should. lol
4. I collect porcelain dolls.
5. I love yellow roses.

And now I have to nominate 5 people...

1. Linda K. (You always encourage me to keep on stitching.)
2. Bette (Your support is never ending)
3. Tammy (Your designs are adorable..... I need to get to work and stitch some... hmmm maybe an idea for my smalls. LOL)
4. CJ (I enjoy looking at your beautiful stitching)
5. Annie (I absolutely am in love with some of the beautiful pieces you come up with..... always looking forward to seeing more and more.)

If I nominated you and you have already done this, don't worry about doing it again! But I do enjoy your blogs, I enjoy MANY blogs, but just wanted to throw a shout out to these ladies!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

My pieces for 2011

I would like to show you where my pieces stand at this moment that I will be working on this year to start out with.

I chose to work on 5 UFO's and 2 New starts for my New Year's Goal.
When a UFO is finished it will be replaced with a new UFO.
When a New start is finished it will be replaced with another new start.
Oh so you know.... my new starts will be smalls.

I figure by doing this plan I will be able to finish what has been hanging around unfinished, get the joy of new starts and also the joy of finishes.

Anyway, my UFO's that I will be working on are....

1. Jesus Wept.... ** See pic above to see current pic**
OOPS.... this is a WIP that will be taking one UFO's place....

2. Rocky Mountain Christmas by Marty Bell.... will be doing a SAL for this one... hope it helps.

3. Girl with cosmos
4. Mr Bone Jangles by Glendon Place (upset as this is the piece I was stitching in the new year on and found out yesterday that 1/3 of his chest was stitched wrong due to the working copy of this pattern being put together wrong.)

5. French Mime (This one is the piece I taught myself to do Counted Cross Stitch... yeah I know... I did not do the easy thing and start with something small....)

I am still trying to decide what smalls I will work on.
Oh wait.... I decided to make the OakHaven SAL be my smalls since there will be 12 smalls all put together into one piece.
SO until I pick out the other small please cheer me on with these 5 UFO's and the small SAL.

Thank you!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Long awaited update to Jesus Wept

I had not realized how many people are watching my progress on Jesus Wept.
I thank you all for following this and keeping me on my toes.
I so cannot wait to see this one finished as it means so much to me.
You all help with the motivation that is needed to keep going and I appreciate it.

So without making you all wait any longer here is the new updated picture.... (pictures at top of blog have also been updated.)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Answering WIP Jesus Wept questions by Chris B….

The questions she asked are:

What is the meaning behind the piece???
The meaning for me behind this piece is Jesus looking down on the world and seeing all the evil, selfishness, murder, hatred, lost souls, and etc.

You could just see the heart break in his eyes. There is just so much going on that it would and does make me cry as well.

Why is Jesus weeping????
Jesus is weeping because: “Jesus sadly gazes at the lost souls in this troubled world.” (taken from Christcenteredmall)

Is this a HAED pattern????
This is not an HAED pattern.

I contacted the artist Erik Hollander back in 2004 and requested his permission to create a pattern of this wonderful painting.

I wanted so badly to stitch it.
He gave me permission to make the pattern and stitch it for myself.
I have chosen to stitch the black on this piece to give me the break from the confetti stitches.
Those that will hopefully be able to stitch it in the future can do it on black if they chose to.

I have been hoping that when I finish it… he will place it on the market for others to stitch.

I have been taking emails from anyone that is interested in stitching it in the future. (

I will be sending those emails as well as the pattern and finished photo to Erik.

I also was made aware that someone online was selling this pattern online illegally and made it known to Mr. Hollander.

He responded to me saying, “Thanks for the heads up. ...and no I did not know about the selling of the pattern and will look into it. I appreciate your concern and integrity. Your cross stitch looks like it’s coming together nicely and I look forward to seeing the final outcome.”

I need to get working on it so I can get it done.
I appreciate all the comments and support from all of you.
It does help me find the motivation to keep going on this piece.

Again thank you for your questions regarding my WIP Jesus Wept.
Also thank you everyone for your comments and support!!